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Reviews for Very Nearly Veela

By : Ms_Figg
  • From ANON - joanna on January 11, 2008
    I thought chapter 4 was well written but there were two things I didn't like about it in the context of what Ms_Figg wrote in the first chapter and that was that at one time Veelas were bloodthirsty and shot arrows at men and carried off children. I looked on the web and saw Ms_Figg must have researched this. So their having such a wonderful society doesn't mesh with their dark history and now they are like all perfect MarySues who people just think have bad points. I am hoping that someone will insert something not quite right about this utopia otherwise it is going to get dull fast. The other thing I didn't like was that Hermione had sexual relations with the Veelas without protest or any resistance. I think it is because when I usually see Ms_Figg's name on a story I know usually it will be strictly SS/HG sexually unless she states otherwise in the summary or author notes but I guess that's something left to the other contributors but I hope in the future the authors of chapters will warn if there are scenes between Severus or Hermione and other characters since I prefer just HG/SS. I like the idea of other authors contributing though. I just wanted to add my two knuts.
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  • From ANON - reviewer on January 11, 2008
    all good except chpt 4 sucked.
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  • From ANON - mariteri on January 11, 2008
    Ms_Fig has struck a gold mine with this idea! So far it's been awesome! Everyone keep up the excellent work!
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  • From Malfoysgirl on January 11, 2008
    Awesome story. Please add more
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  • From Ms_Figg on January 11, 2008
    and ccino, in response to your Author Note in chapter 4 . . . baby this IS your story. You contributed, you share both the glory and the shame. lolol. Hell, you could write the entire thing and I'd be fine with it. This is a nice little experiment. I hope others will join in. :) Maybe I'll open up a couple of my one-shots and try this again if this works out. It sure would ease my load. Believe it or not, I'm horribly lazy and sometimes the thought of all the one-shots people would like to see expanded gives me the willies. lol. Anyway thanks for helping this story along. ****
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  • From Ms_Figg on January 11, 2008
    ccino: Heck girl, I do that all the time and I'm writing the whole story. That's why you see them at the top again with (No Update ~ Edit) next to the title so often. Don't worry about it, it fixed itself when two sentences were removed. Now, that next little chappie with the male Veelas . . . yum. lol. Interesting take on the Veelas being affected by the human world and that being the cause of their transformation into Harpies. I cracked up when Snape suggested she'd be joining the Veela cheerleaders at Quidditch games. Good work. :)
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  • From ccino49 on January 11, 2008
    Could one of the aurors have caught a glimpse through the glass panel in the door before they ran off? I hope so, sorry about the slip.
    Ms_Figg, change what you like, I'm okay with that. lol
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  • From Ms_Figg on January 11, 2008
    I will probably fix formatting and little mistakes. Ccino's little error in continuity can be fixed by just removing a sentence or two. I don't really know how the authors feel about me tampering with their writing, but Julia's pretty cool. I don't think she'll mind if I fix it. I won't be adding anything to it. But since you noticed it, then others will too. It will be fixed just for the sake of the story. Thanks for pointing it out.
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  • From ANON - continuity on January 11, 2008
    there's a problem with chapter 3 posted by ccino. In miss figg's chapter 1 the aurors left the office and no one saw what happened to her. So how could the aurors tell the doctors? I think that is going to be a problem for this story, authors not being able to keep it in flow. but I still think it will be interesting. Miss Figg are you going to fix mistakes like that or just let them stay because other authors wrote the chapters?
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  • From Ms_Figg on January 11, 2008
    Very nice chapter ccino. :)) I like the detached Snape and you've certainly added a nice conflict. Loved the snarkiness of Snape as well as his detachment. Got a few chuckles out of me. Hermione has to learn how to be a Veela? lololol. :::shakes head::: Oh, I hope someone picks this up soon. Thanks. ***
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  • From ANON - Mel on January 11, 2008
    Why not just cast another "Remove" spell on her once she becomes Veela? Seems the simplest solution... but then I'm sure someone will figure out a way to make it more complicated and thereby more interesting...

    I doubt Snape would bond with her just to see if it would take with someone he dislikes, it might further his research, but it would be at a possible discomfort to himself, and he is a careful man who would likely manipulate two others to do it.

    I like this though, I'll keep checking back.
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  • From Ms_Figg on January 11, 2008
    Chapter 2: Nice background work for Snape! So's he's out of Hogwarts, doing his own thing and apparently doing it well, and now he has to go and see what's up with this mysterious patient. Oh yeah . . . nice moving along. ***
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  • From Ms_Figg on January 10, 2008
    Just a note. I don't plan on doing any editing of anyone's chapters. I might, but don't plan on it. ;) If a chapter is too bad, it might get deleted though. So if you add a chapter please make sure it is readable for others. That said, I hope somebody adds to this. :)
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