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Reviews for "Woman" Series, HG/AW

By : Remarkable
  • From ANON - sera21 on February 24, 2016
    Also, now I think about it, since when does Arther run the magical creatures at the ministry, I thought he had a tiny office running the misuse of magical artifacts. Or did I miss something? and since when does Hermione even like animals?
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  • From ANON - Sear21 on February 24, 2016
    I hardly ever wander over to the het side but your fic caught my eye. What a strange pairing...the first time I have read this pairing and thats something. Its well written but I do wander if you are gonna keep it HG/AW at the end. She does seem to enjoy Sanpe and Malfoy...
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  • From ANON - Mc111 on May 01, 2015
    Love this! Can't wait to see how it turns out!
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  • From ANON - notlori925 on November 11, 2014
    So happy that you are continuing this story!!!! I have re-read it many times and was so excited to see a new chapter. I hope this means that she is carrying Arthur's baby. That would be such a dig against Malfoy. Can't wait for more!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - pickles87 on October 08, 2014
    It is interesting no one is using birth control --- what else would make it interesting if she ended up pregnant with fraternal triplets.. onto the next chapter
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  • From Wistfu1Stargazer on May 02, 2013
    RE: chapter 12 and 13

    Madam Rosmerta does NOT run the Leaky Cauldron, which is in Diagon Alley, London, England. Tom runs the Leaky Cauldron.
    Madam Rosmerta runs the Three Broomsticks, which is in Hosgmeade, Scotland, just outside of the area containing Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy.

    'Rosmerta knew she wouldn
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  • From ANON - txdville on March 08, 2012
    AWESOME! The plot is HOTHOTHOT! I really hope to see a new part to this.
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  • From newtothis on February 25, 2012
    aurther cheating, by what he doing he may lose all of his kids, and hermoine
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  • From ANON - notlori925 on November 15, 2011
    I love this story. Wasn't sure I would enjoy it because of the pairing involved but WOW! More please, soon!!!!!!
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  • From wavedancer70 on November 09, 2011
    How dare you leave me here stuck in the middle I need more woman MMMMMMMMMMMMMmmore please......oh I know Severus can be a butt and all but give the man some love please I know he is being dirty and all but come on.......Lordy lordy poor arthur pooor baby he needs Mione too I love how you made Mione soo very interesting and sexy why in the world didn't Ron see what he had. Then Lucius he is sooo bad but sooo hot with it..... I just want everyone to be happy naive of me but true for the romantic in me..........Keep up the great writing your readers and myself wait for your update.
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  • From Koolgirl18 on November 09, 2011
    Gods Finally! It took him long enough to decide to divorce Molly!

    Goodness I'm a whiny little reviewer aren't I? hahahaha

    I loved this chapter. Lucius is just a rotten bastard but good ol Sevvy never fails to let the little piece of Gryffindor he has within him shine (gods if Snape saw that nickname he would kill me. Even worse, he would leave my body in pieces around the world if he heard that I thought he had a little bit of Gryffindor within him hahaha).

    And believe it or not, I really enjoy your chapters that talk about everything through Arthur's point of view. You have developed his character so well. Hell, I would marry Arthur too--he's such a sweet man but boy does he have a temper! I hope Hermione is on board with him. I might have to strangle her if she isn't!

    As always, can't wait for your next chapter! Your stories are like crack to me hahahaha I'm so addicted!

    Much Love

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  • From Samibear on November 06, 2011
    I really liked this story until Snape like raped her. Then Malfoy trying to get her to get her to. I was hoping it would get better but its only getting worse.
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  • From Koolgirl18 on November 05, 2011
    Bahhhhh you did it again!

    I might have to hold you hostage and force you to write!

    Who's child is it? It had better be Arthurs or I might have to kill you (and by that point it wouldn't matter if you didn't finish the story because then I would take over your fic and change it to my liking hahahahaha JK). LOLZ you already know I can't live without this series so I'm willing to wait.

    Can't wait to see what happens next!

    Much Love
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  • From kylanSB on November 05, 2011
    woot chap 12, was hoping for hermione to be more vocal during sex, but i guess the silencio made sense. can't wait for chap 13. cheers for future updates!
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  • From Koolgirl18 on November 05, 2011

    Really? Your going to leave me with that? After all of the reviews I've ever left you, you're going to make Hermione have Lucius Bloody Malfoy's baby? I protest! I'm going to stand outside on your lawn and picket and not review until you make the story not angsty!

    hahahhaha just kidding. It was an appropriate twists but I really was looking forward both Arthur and Hermione kicking ass!

    You know what you should do though--you should make it so that Molly was actually having an affair on Arthur as well. Will make the angst a little more interesting. Yes, Molly Weasley having an affair with Kingsley or something like that would really get the fic moving!

    Oh what do I know? I'm just a poor college student that's a little too obsessed with Harry Potter fanfiction.

    Still, you have me hooked and I can't wait to read more!

    Until Then!

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