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Reviews for No Obvious Truths

By : Danyealle
  • From ANON - Crystal on November 06, 2012
    OMG amazing, I am loving this story so far, please hurry to write more

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  • From ANON - LordGeovanni on November 03, 2012
    Great story. I cannot wait to see where you take this. What will the pairing be? I actually like Harry with Draco, Theodore, and/ Blaise but not many other Slytherins... Also, is there any chance of Harry being the Dominate? I do not tend to like Submissive!Harry stories and I would really like to see Harry pull through his illness and become a strong Dominate anyway.
    ~LordGeovanni *Kupo*
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  • From ANON - CrimsonFire on October 22, 2012
    I am really enjoying the start of this story and I really hope you continue on! It has a great story line that would be wonderful to read until the end :-)
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  • From ANON - Julie on October 16, 2012
    Excellent story. I can't wait for more to be posted. please post more soon!
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  • From JuliaOS13 on October 04, 2012
    I'm looking forward to more!
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  • From nekluvshp on October 04, 2012
    Well, the pairing is obviously not what I originally thought it was going to be. Excellent!!! I love it when a story keeps me guessing. As long as I get the answers in the end I'm happy!!! I hope you update again very, very soon! I can't wait to see what happens next!
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on October 04, 2012
    Now that's a different view of the Dark Lord. Draco & Harry growing up together? Lucius a sorta good guy? Boy more questions than answers so far...
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  • From Tinkerbabe7 on October 04, 2012
    Wow that was a huge twist I did not see coming.
    I really hope that they aren'y bad guys, although from readin this so far it seems like Dumbledore is the kinda 'bad guy.'
    Hopefully they get Harry out ASAP and get him cared for.
    Draco is too cute in this chapter and it'll be fun to see the two boys interact.
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  • From ChristinaMcMillan on October 03, 2012
    love cant wait to read more
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  • From pittwitch on October 03, 2012
    I love the sense of urgency, and impending doom for Dumbledore!
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  • From ANON - LttleSparrow on October 03, 2012
    I really enjoy this story. I was very delighted to find that you updated recently. Looking forward to the next chapter, keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Emma on October 03, 2012
    I love your story!!! I can't wait for the next update!
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  • From ANON - Jorge on October 03, 2012
    Fantastic story please update soon
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  • From ANON - Phoenix5 on October 03, 2012
    Good chapter, even if we don't have Harry in there, but it has to be done if we want to understand what's going on.
    So, Tom isn't as bad as we thought ! Dumbledore isn't as good as we thought (manipulative yes)!
    Harry will get help and that is for now the more urgent. And he will be taken from the Dursleys who are more abusives than in cannon(a bit at least)!
    I'm looking foreward to read your next chapter, Arabella's reaction to Tom, Harry's reaction to the magical world, the staff of the hospital beacause somrthing good will come to Harry, Draco's as well ti his new " brother " and last but not least, Dumbledore when he'll see that his plans won't go as planed.

    See you soon and please continue the good work.
    Phoenix 5
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  • From djaddict on October 03, 2012
    And the plot thickens!

    So many unanswered questions here.

    I am going to have a stroke waiting for the next chapter I am sure.

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