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Reviews for Smell of Submission

By : dweek
  • From Eclectic_Pet on September 22, 2013
    I like that Harry is noticing all those around him. I absolutely love the idea that he might set Ginny up with Neville. Neville needs to be a Dominate too (he grows up so much in the stories), he deserves to have his own little pet. I like how Harry is also considering the other girls that smell good. I like the way that Harry is pushing and then stepping back from Hermione...always keeping her off balance! MORE, PLEASE!!!!!
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  • From Kain on September 22, 2013
    This kind of just popped into my head but if you ever get the time and have no other projects would you be up to writing a femslash Dominant Pansy/sub Hermione or Dom fleur/ Sub Hermione pairing? You give your characters such a unique feel and write very sensual and amazing Dom/sub relationships.(yes I have read your other dom/sub stories as well and as you know I also read Face of cruel cruel cliffhanger ending writer lol)
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  • From Kain on September 22, 2013
    Very nice and awesome fast update. I adore the characterizations you have given to both Hermione and Harry and the nice steady pace that the plot is going, I love the submissiveness she shows while still remaining herself and how direct and commanding Harry is while not being too dark about it. Is Harry planning on making a harem perhaps?
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  • From ANON - chm01 on September 22, 2013
    this is great
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  • From ANON - red demon on September 22, 2013
    Oh this was awesome. I really want to see more. There are not enough Dom Harry fics at least het fics. I can't wait for more.
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  • From Kain on September 22, 2013
    Oh yes, I do believe I will like this quite a bit
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  • From Eclectic_Pet on September 22, 2013
    *Happy Dance, including lots of hip swaying*. Happy, happy, joy, joy; you took my suggestion and I am over the moon!!! I absolutely Love this story so far. I like that Harry can now tell who is submissive. And I absolutely LOVE that he did not even consider Ginny (never really liked that 'ship' anyway). I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
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