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Reviews for Other People's Choices

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Kain on September 12, 2017

    Oooh Snape. Is. PISSED lol.

    I am SO happy at how off the mark i was on how the Sirius/Harry meeting might have gone. Harry was so much calmer and composed than i thought he would be, given how his emotions have been building up. Guess that little tower excursion really helped relieve some of the pressure. Harry took a gamble that Sirius wasnt going to hurt him and it payed off and now he knows the truth.

    I really do hope that Draco gets to the point where he can call Harry 'friend'. He's working his way there by being polite and not stirring the pot with Harry's friends. But i like this slow progression he is making and getting better and trying to earn the other boys friendship, very believable. Luiked Harry gently letting him down about taking up Quidditch again and even encouraging him.

    I don’t understand. We’re not friends. What kind of person compliments someone they’re not friends with and even refuses to take favors from them? Okay this line actually made me kind of sad. Kid cant comprehend people just being nice for the sake of it.

    Wow Theo and Blaise are gonna be in some shit for letting Harry give them the slip twice now. Nice seeing Harry manage to talk Sirius down and even bring up how the other man could take him in and they could live togethor. Broke my heart when Harry was a little hurt that Sirius broke out for a chance at revenge, not too see Harry, but then it broke even further when Sirius spun him around and got a laugh out of Harry. Heres hoping that everything could go to plan and Harry would get to live with Sirius. Doubtful things will work in there favor though  since the universe likes jerking Harry around though.

    Sirius is a deeply flawed man with a outdated and narrow minded black and white view of things but he cares about Harry so maybe Harry actually being a Slytherin will force him to reevaluate his outlook and not judge all Slytherins due to his hangups with his admittedly screwed up family and his experiences during the war.

    "He doesn’t need to say anything else. Harry knows what deep shit he’s in." Hopefully he can get Sanpe to calm down enough to explain what he found out in regards to Peter. Things could turn out differently than from canon with some more helpful, if reluctant allies.

    Honestly i have always felt that Sirius's whole imprisonment was riddled with plot holes. I mean he never tried to get the truth to the Order? Albus or Remus never went to the prison to here why he did what he did? I swear the biggest flaw in the HP world is that people dont communicate when they damn sure ought to. Would prevent so much grief.

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  • From SickPuppy on September 05, 2017

    Ch26 - Nice to see Harry relax, and still work to bring down House barriers in his own way. It's about time someone did! SP

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  • From Kain on September 05, 2017

    Props to Hermione for at least honestly trying to get Harry to open up about his many, MANY issues even if it didnt work and Ron swooping in to give Harry some much needed light hearted Gryfindorr fun in the tower. And props too Harry for calling attention to that as he himself is now a Slytherin and is getting allowed into the tower then their other Slytherin friends should be allowed as well.

    Harry has finally had his first encounter with Sirius but even though he chose to play it off and not alert anyone to the mans prescence, as far as he currently knows it Sirius is still a wanted fugitive and on school grounds so even if he didn not attack Harry it woulodnt be outside the realm of probability that he might attack someone else.

    “He’s here because this is his home,” ......I love the twins and am happy that most of Gryffindor still holds Harry in high regard even if they hold a far colder view of Theo and Blaise which to a point, given the history between the houses and possible rumors about the Zabini's and Notts, is understandable. Cormac is such an ass, all bark and no bite.

    Nice little inter house unity with even people who didnt want Blaise and Theo in the room sitting in ti watch the game. They all needed this, not just Harry it seems. Loved Daphne's entrance and her line of “No one didn’t invite me, either". I am so gonna use that when i show up to a party uninvited lol. Enjoyed her one on one with Hermione, best way to up end Voldemorts next rise is to effect potential followers while they are students and sway them to your side.

    loving this more and more and loving how the two houses are slowly growing closer o at the very least deswtroying the stereotypes each has of the other.


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  • From Kain on September 02, 2017

    Snape is gonna have to try a different tact if he wants Harry to open up to him about whats effecting him. Sad to see Harry missing the warmth and humor that came with being able to go to gryffindor tower, given all that has been recently revealed to him and what has already happened he could really use some of that levity right about now. At least Blaise and Thoe are trying, in their own way to get Harry to spill on whats getting him down and are ecen willing to channel the Weasley twins to get a smile out of Harry lol.

    Wonder what Blaise's secret talent is and how it will be of help to Harry and what plans he's cooking up.

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  • From SickPuppy on August 29, 2017

    Ch25 - I could just feel Harry's exhaustion coming off him in waves in this chapter - good writing! And I loved Blaise and Theo trying to emulate the twins. Some lovely turns of phrase in this, especially the section about looking in a dictionary and not coming up with the definition. Lovely. SP

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  • From Kain on August 22, 2017

    Wow, almost nothing going right for Harry. Constantly controlled, constantly watched and the one silver lining he had of his parents being wholly good people, which they ultimately were to a point, is now sullied by the revelation that his father was a total asshat as a teenager. Keeps racking up favors with people he ought not to and now he has to deal with his own Godfather hunting him, or as so far as he believes. He also still isnt dealing with his trauma and keeping that pain bottled up and only adding on to it with more pain. Isn't that how obscurials run the risk of being created?

    Remus while a good but ultimately very flawed man let James get away with too much crap because he desperately wanted friends and has a very biased view of the man do to his loyalty and cant understand why Harry would be repulsed. Granted while Harry wont see the distinction do to how he himself was bullied, James wasnt quite at dursley level of cruelty, they would have left Harry for dead had he faced some life or death encounter, James chose to save Severus, admittedly probably because of what would happen to Remus, and eventually grew out of being an bully.

    Severus himself is not a saint and is still keeping quite a bit ofthe parts in his stories from Harry that would probably paint him in a less than sympathetic light though. Theres also how he himself grew into a bully as shown by his treatment of Neville. When a kid who has had what happened in his life happen and his greatest fear as shown by a boggart is of you, not say, Bellatrix or Voldemort? Then you know you became how you were treated.

    Wonder what kind of favor Daphne will try and cash in in the future. While the reasons behind it were sad, seeing Harry dance around Blaise and theo's questions and manipulate Hermione into even forgetting what she asked was quite funny. Harry already showing quite a nack for teaching people.

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  • From SickPuppy on August 22, 2017

    CH24 - LOVED 'Swishing shouldn't be a dramatic gesture, but Harry managed it' (I know I haven't quoted that accurately, but you knwo the bit I meant). Hilarious! And when you went through all the things in Harry's head I felt my blood pressure rise. No wonder Harry is a bit confused! SP

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  • From Kain on August 15, 2017

    lol More wishful thinking from Severus that Harry will heed his word and stay away from Remus. On the fence on him immedietly outing Remus as a werewolf although its understandable to a point given there history and Severus himself getting a up close and personal view of a transformed Remus. Harry is long past being controlled and if he wants to hang with an old friend of his parents then thats what he is gonna do.

    At least people are telling Harry things that they kept from him in the books so now he is better prepared to deal with things as they come and wont be caught off guard and make stupid descisions. So much could have been avoided if people were honest with him from the get go. Loved how Harry instantly grew to like Remus and doesant take his afflicting as a bad thing.  And having Remus here will be a good thing since he is someone who wont try and manipulate Harry and has no bias to cloud his judgment and perception of people like Albus or Severus do. A nice middle ground, which Harry could really use and for someone to tell him that its okay to be a Slytherin.

    Well snape certainly rooted out the culprit quickly enough and i wonder just how severe the punishment will be. I honestly laughed at the end where Albus was conveniently absent when Snape found out that he would be breweing for Lupin. First smart move Albus has made in a while.

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  • From SickPuppy on August 15, 2017

    Ch23 - Glad Severus has worked out who made the potion. And it's nice that Harry is actually in the loop on some things, instead of being left to blunder about and cock things up because no-one ever tells him things that would make him more likely to behave. I can see, however, Severus being, shall we say, unimpressed, when he finds out Harry has been seeing Remus. SP

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  • From Kain on August 09, 2017

    It's been a while since i have read the 3rd book so i just might not be remembering correctly, but was Sirius being Harry's godfather a known and widespread thing? I could have sworn only a handful of people knew that part of his relation to Harry while here they seem to know evrything, or at least what they think is the truth down to the letter but i could be wrong.

    Hah funny how Snape seems to think Gryffindor types will be the ones to get Harry into danger when more often or not its Hermione and Ron being the ones who have to try and talk him out of doing some reckless shit lol. Wishful thinking on everyones parts that Harry will be able to stay out of trouble. The kid has a dark cloud of mistfortune following him wherever he goes. Also i love it whenever Harry thinks something disrespectful about snape, not so much for the disrespect but that Severus can read his thoughts.

    Blaise still not getting that Harry has no ulterior motive for the way he acts and the friendship and protection he offers comes without price or hidden ambitions. he defies all expectations and preconcieved notions. Flint just digging himself into a deeper hole by not only jepordizing his place at the school with his immaturity but also risks losing even more face in slytherin by attacking the guy more and more of his housemates are seeing the benefit of an alliance/friendship with.

    ""We already have a reputation as Death Eaters in the making."

    Okay now to be fair, there are more than a few slytherins in the house at that very moment who's families have Death Eater aspirations for them and since Sanpe himself was a Death Eater for a time, its not exactly an unfounded reputation.

    Snape being quite lenient with Flint since this is the second time he has attacked Harry with intent to harm.Honestly surprised Albus hasnt gotten involved, if only to work the situation to his atvantage and get Harry back on his side.

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  • From SickPuppy on August 09, 2017

    CH22 "A heroic, self-sacrificing Slytherin," I did smile at that line. Er, Severus, you do know you're describing you, right? Enjoyed Severus refusing to let Harry ust be 'guarded' by Gryffindors who would encourage reckless behaviour. Smart, and very true! SP

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  • From Kain on August 08, 2017

    Geez an overenthusiastic fanboy, a confusing(to him) slytherin girl, trying to keep the peace between his circle of friends and now he might have to worry about Rita in the future. At least what was written in it was nothing seemingly bad, or if it is, and people who are against inter house unity might start to come after Harry.

    Trust Snape to sour the mood with his need to insult Minerva when she was only congratualting Harry and not get why Harry might be displeased with him. I laughed at everyone being shocked silent at Draco's admittance that Harry should have the spot on the team. He's learning, slowly but surely to show a little humility, now he needs to work on that temper cause that comment was a bit below the belt even if Daphne provoked him a little. Girls sees an oppurtunity and tries to fit herself into Harry's growing circle. Not her best approach but it might be a good idea for Harry to have some Slytherin 'allies' who's parents have no affiliations with the Dark Lord or have murder rumors floating about them. Harry still not noticing just how much influence he already has.

    Given that Mr Nott is not exactly anywhere near a decent person, helping Harry aside which had less altruistic motivations behind it, a part of me kind of hopes that Harry;s tendency to disrupt the plans of others takes effect and throws a wrench in whatever higher goal Tarquinius is planning, if at least to prevent him from gaining more favors from Harry. Wonder who he is contacting that doesnt have to fear reprisal from the Ministry Dumbldore or the Wizangamot and can take Harry in.


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  • From SickPuppy on August 02, 2017

    CH21: My heart dropped when I read Colin had been in contact with Skeeter, but so far things are okay. I'm still expecting her to revert to being her old vile self. Lucius' confusion is great. And poor Draco - admitting Harry is better and having it basically ignored. So much politicking; it's great! SP

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  • From Kain on July 30, 2017

    Well thats certainly a dramatic yet effective way for Harry to get the message across to his housemates to not start shit with him lol. Perhaps not exactly the way Snape would have wanted him to handle it, but it got results.I swear these children talking about building up power bases and politics.

    Well at least they didnt try and hex eachother so its a start. Might be good for them all to interact, could help to clear up any misconceptions they have of each other and maybe working with Hermione and Ron will get Theo and Blaise to rethink some of the more unsavory things they have heard from there parents about muggleborns and 'blood traitors'.and Hermione and Ron could see that not all Slytherins are as bad as they might think when given a chance.

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  • From SickPuppy on July 25, 2017

    Yay, update! Liking Harry gently bringing the houses together (and scaring Flint shitless too!). Dumbles needs to jump off the Astronomy Tower and let Harry be. SP

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