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Reviews for At the Headmaster’s Discretion *Complete*

By : Desert_Sea
  • From Cheichei87 on September 03, 2017

    So, I was waiting to review, as I felt like the previous chapter just wasn't complete. And wow was I right! I'm in between 'what the fuck just happened' and 'holy shit' kind of emotion. But what I know for sure, is that I'm addicted to this story. I love the complexity of your characters, and how you've made them you're own.

    Ugh, I'm now going to be eagerly awaiting your next update!! I want to see what girl boss Hermione is going to do next! And even girl boss' are allowed to have an emotion outburst sometimes, so I hope she lets herself have one after that effort!

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  • From Snapeswhore on September 03, 2017

    😢😭 oh no...that actually made me cry a little for Snape 

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  • From annie on September 02, 2017

    I was really loving this story. You're a very good writer, congratulations ^_^ I was just a little uncomfortable about chapters 13 and 14. I don't  know... He opened up with her about his most secret desire and she just disregarded it completely, I mean... I was just uncomfortable because it reminded me too much of "50 shades...", the guy likes what he likes just because he is "troubled", with and history of abuses in his past, and needs to be "cured" by a loving innocent girl... I don't think Bdsm fetishes are something bad that needs to be fixed with love. We just like it because our life made us enjoy it, whatever the reasons... It's not "fixable" with lots of hugs and caresses... The desire (to be a submissive or a master) is just there, and it never goes away... We can ignore it, we can live our lives and have vanilla relationships, of course we can, but the desire is there, inside us, even if we chose to ignore it... You wrote that  "she was trying to convey a message", well, for me, she just ignored what he asked of her to "make a point", maybe the point is that poor Severus never gets his way. He is always being manipulated by someone who thinks they know what's best for him... I think that if Hermione is not comfortable enough to do what Severus wants, and it's her right to chose if she wants to do it or not, to participate in his fetishes, she must be honest with him and tell him that she can't do it. My advice for Hemione would go like this: "Please, Hermione, don't fool yourself thinking that you can change him. Talk to him, he will tell you if he can be/wants to be in a vanilla relationship or not. And if he can't, you both can go your separate ways". Sorry, as a submissive myself, I needed to make a review. Hope you don't think it's a bad review. I just wanted to explain why I don't think the last chapters are very realistic. All the best. I will keep reading the story :) 

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  • From OracleObscured on September 02, 2017

    Oh, thank Merlin! I needed this today. I love the healing and breakthroughs going on in this chapter. So satisfying.

    Was he afraid of forgetting the past? Is that what the scars were about? A constant reminder of what had happened? Of what he had done?--It is human tendency to block out our most painful memories. Scars would keep it fresh. But that could be both a blessing and a curse.

    (Which is why she was now even more keen to follow through with next part.--Missing a "the" between with and next at the end.)

    as evidenced by the bold prow of his cock which reared up--Prow and reared up were both sublime :) 

    perspiration-gilt muscles--Unh! Love this.

    And the glisten of his cock, the sparkling gem crowning his head suggested that she might just be right.--Cock gems are a girl's best friend :P Tasty.

    her core erupting into a chaotic flurry of contractions--Chaotic flurry is great.

    there was a fiery determination burning within her chest . . . a trait that had eluded her for some time but that she was relieved to be able to draw from once more.--Ah! She's reclaiming her power. Excellent. (I'm currently all out of power to draw from, so I appreciate this revelation.)

    It was one of the most daunting sights she had ever encountered—and not just sexually.--I love the stark realization she goes through at this moment, experiencing both his humanity and her own. There's so much vulnerability from both sides. Also I like the word daunting.

    More of a desire that transcended any sense of relationship. One that disregarded all propriety, one that was dangerously primal, not beholden to convention or correctness. An addiction that one feeds—that feels too right, too integral to one’s being for it to be wrong.--Yeeees. This is so excellent.

    He had given her forgiveness. She had given him acceptance.--Another huge revelation. This is the crux of their entire interaction summed up in two simple sentences. Brilliant.

    The whole ending was fabulous. Snape's tear, the kiss, the reclamation of her book . . . and the celebratory skip. I'm still dying to know what that book is about, and of course now I'm equally eager to find out how Snape will react and how they will interact the next time they meet.

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  • From SickPuppy on September 02, 2017

    Ch14 - Well, that was intense. Glad to see Hermione taking control. SP

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  • From Talented_Mrs_Lupin on August 26, 2017

    Just read all the chapters in one day. I love this story! Please update soon.

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  • From OracleObscured on August 26, 2017

    Mmmmm. So much character revelation/development. *drooling* Magnificent chapter.

    He nodded. Short. Singular. No hesitation. The need must be high.--Love this visual and what it implies.

    (Had the trees had been another attempt to tap into it--take out second had)

    saccades--word notebook fodder :)

    hacked statue of David—desecrated . . . by jealous rivals perhaps, which brought with it an intense sadness for the beauty that had been defiled, but also an odd yearning to protect him from further harm—not a particularly helpful mindset considering what she was about to do.--Love this so much. The description was great, and the emotions/thoughts that followed it were wonderfully revealing.

    glinting like polished onyx behind a loose lock of hair.--Gah! Excellent.

    (Who knew if it was what he wanted it.-- Take out second it.)

    He hissed, his muscles tensing, appearing sharply defined as though engraved into his skin.--Brilliant description.

    His voice drizzled over her, coating her, filling her crevices like dark treacle.--Again this description is perfect. Poetry.

    It struck her then that he always seemed to be dressed for a funeral, as though perpetually in mourning.--Lovely observation and so true.

    Laying down further layers, scars upon scars, wasn’t the answer. She knew that. She knew that now—he had shown her. Now she would have to show him. If she was the pain, then she could also be the pleasure—the pleasure she wanted to be.--Unnnh! Such a great chapter ending. And the insights into her own situation are both poignant and satisfying.

    You know I need more, but I can wait until you're less busy :) Hope you're holding up.


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  • From SickPuppy on August 26, 2017

    Ch13 - Interesting. We're getting quite the insight into Severus here. One line struck me, when Hermione wondered if Snape set out to be hated. It got me thinking - did he do that at Hogwarts to force students into some kind of active (perputator) role or to make them accept forever the label of victim if they passively accepted his unfair treatment of them? I feel I'm not explaining that very well, but maybe he was forcing students to stop being victims and start being in control of their lives by actively hating him and plotting against him. That makes more sense. SP

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  • From Kvarta on August 26, 2017

    but you are a definite Slytherin sympathiser ;)  - of course, I am! My hun is a 100% Slytherin!

    ooh, so you think she’s fallen for him?  - fallen? Don't know about that, but she is getting obsessed with him, so it is a moot point, he may be just the embodiment of what she receives. Then again, not all loves are romantic ;)

    but there are aspects of him that are certainly challenging - and that is the reason we love him ;) You are doing a bang up job of portraying him, and I am almost envious of your wording skils.

    And I’ve already read your review over in AO3 – and I loved it. - tnx :* I'm not so sure how much you appreciated chit-chat that came after :D I am a creature of the habit, so I usually wait for you to post the story here to read it, and I love to leave you comment here. Kill me if I know why.  So next one will be posted here  ;) :*

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  • From ANON - Anon on August 25, 2017

    I ADORE this story and am super excited to see where you go next! More please!

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  • From JadedFate on August 23, 2017

    Long time waiting for the next chapter to come up, just hope everything is alright with you!!! *sits patiently and smiles* 

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  • From Farfalle on August 21, 2017

    You lead us in and torment us then leave us as if suspended over our lover unable to touch.



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  • From Clem_ on August 13, 2017


    Just want to tell you that this story is the best fanfiction i've ever read ! i'm really looking forward to read what will happened next. You are definitely my favourite fanfiction's writer ever !

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  • From BlackMaiden on August 08, 2017

    Oh, how the tables have turned! 

    I love this story!

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  • From RynStar15 on August 05, 2017

    Uuuuuuuuugh, you've drawn me in only to end it THERE?! Straight up sadistic!!

    I am LOVING this story, the best Snamione I've read! I'm not a huge fan of this pairing, not because I don't like the characters together (I actually think they're hot and totally awesome together) but because so many writers make Snape so OOC it's painful to read. He's a dark, difficult charater and that's what makes him so endearing, but most stories have him as instantly falling for Hermione and changing his ways or just sickly sweet from the beginning which is frustrating. That's not Snape! You write him just as I would imagine him, so deliciously demented and struggling with demons. I am super excited to have given this a try, it's insanely hot and a perfect Snamione experience. I thank you for this and can't wait to read the next chapter.

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