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Reviews for Maybe Tomorrow

By : execratusinsomniac
  • From ANON - emmy on June 19, 2004
    WOW!!This is so great!!
    One of the best i have read on here...hopefully you will post more??
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  • From ANON - Mel on December 26, 2003
    *jaw drops steadily*

    Oh......... my........ Damn Hermione is lucky. :D
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  • From ANON - deedee on September 22, 2003
    It's very interesting. I didn't think Draco would want her to stay, but the explaination in the third chapter makes it okay. It sounds like Draco's going to have a hard time convincing her to stay with him for more than a night if she totally loves Justin. Should she still love Justin if he's sharing her for the night? I don't think she should, but when you love someone, you can't just stop. You can hate them (Isn't hate just another form of love?), but you can't just stop.
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  • From ANON - Draco_Fan on September 21, 2003
    Omg... Omg... UPDATE!
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  • From ANON - Critic on September 10, 2003
    You need an editor.

    You have both grammar/punctuation and spelling errors that could have been avoided if you reread your work more often.

    You need someone to help you out with whatever writing style your trying to develop for yourself but whatever your doing its not including details. You need details bet better setting and plot devices and more than a paragraph posted then call it a chapter.

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  • From ANON - Fiery Slut on September 08, 2003
    Where is chapter 6? I thought it's here? I need the 'Unedited' version NOW! hehe...
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  • From ANON - Ashley on September 07, 2003
    This story is good. I can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Ashley on September 05, 2003
    I want more. This is quite interesting. I always like betting fanfics. Put more up soon!
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