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Reviews for I Love to See You Cry

By : execratusinsomniac
  • From ANON - slytherinswn on August 19, 2004
    Well come on then post the next chapter.I hate when I come across a story with promise , but the author doesn't continue it ! Love it so far
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  • From ANON - Mel on November 15, 2003

    Your story is incredible, you must continue!
    This is going to end up D/Hr right?
    I cant wait to see where you go with this.
    Please continue asap

    Love ya
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  • From ANON - Draco_Fan on September 07, 2003
    OMg... you HAVE you update! I love this story!
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  • From ANON - Draco_Fan on September 03, 2003
    Omg... YOU HAVE TO UPDATE!!!! I have read parts of this story somewhere... i think you had it on IDK... but ayunways... i love it!
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