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Reviews for Insufficient Denial

By : execratusinsomniac
  • From ANON - cat on January 03, 2004
    ok none of this makes any sense i am so confused and while reading some of your other storys i see the same hing you are trying to be to drastic stop it and just write like a normil person you are makeing no sense!

    I am not trying to be mean!

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  • From DominatrixOfDarkness on September 03, 2003
    Draco's a bastard! What happens to Mione?! I want to know man! I want to know!!! I'm freakin'.
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  • From ANON - jenn on September 03, 2003
    Yeaah!! I love when Draco is mean and nasty. There are way too many fluffy Draco fic's. I can't wait to see what you do with this. This chapter is a good start.
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