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Reviews for Some Kind of Feeling

By : MaximumPoofy
  • From ANON - jen on January 22, 2004
    um, i meant was better, can't wait for the next chapter. If this is meant to be set in England their are a few diffrences you missed like no lockers, freshmen or home rooms ect. But genrally verry good and descriptive.
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  • From ANON - jen on January 22, 2004
    Good, is rubbish anyway all the best storys are on
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  • From ANON - Krissie on December 30, 2003
    Like it! Harry is so cute!!!!!!!!
    I hope you'll update soon. Can't wait ^_^
    Anyway, keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Waywren Truesong on November 23, 2003
    This is -so- sweet... It's no wonder Jake is so protective; this Harry has -all- of Harry's sweetness on -overdrive-. He's adorable, you just wanna take him home and feed him cookies. And then ravish him. Once suitably over the age of consent, of course.

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  • From ANON - Meg on November 04, 2003
    Yeah, so me being the blonde that I am failed to read the message at the top of the second chapter, where it says you'll be posting at FF.N!! Aah I'm so stupid!! hahaha LOL!! Well anyways, thank you so much for writing and I'll try to get to writing feedback for your stories because they ROCK!!!
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  • From ANON - Emma F on September 29, 2003
    This is extremely well written, plus totally smut-a-licious!! I want you to write MMMMMMOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE!!!!! I love it!! You're the best yo!
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  • From ANON - The Shadow Bandit on September 15, 2003
    That is awful what did to your story. After I read your explanation there, I was interested and really wanted to read this story. I found it on another site, but I'm glad that you are posting it here. Did you get a reason for why it was pullled? I didn't see a reason for it when I read the story over the weekend.

    I e hoe how you characterize Draco as the protective type. It's just too cute. Keep your spirits uphis his is aderfderful, well written story and even if you don't get all your reviews back, you should be very proud of this piece of work. I love it.

    Thank you for sharing your talent and story with me.

    The Shadow Bandit
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  • From ANON - Pinky on September 13, 2003
    Hey Love the story. I usualy don't read AU's but this on was great. I hope you update soon. Also I will be posting stuff on this site soon hopfully so take a look if you have a chance. Great Story!!
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  • From ANON - Fogar on September 13, 2003
    aww this chapter was so sweet! Ron is such a jerk thou. tee oh well pleazy-please don't take too long to update! ^.^
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  • From ANON - ~~Minnie on September 12, 2003
    Of course I'm reading it again, it's a good fic. I"m pissed that FFnet banned thattardtards!!! Oh well you'll have it posted here soon enough. I love this fic, it's well writeen it really is!!!! Just make sure you start writing the sequel aa well as Wrath of Heaven. That's a good fic too!!! Keep up the awesome writing!!
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  • From ANON - Fogar on September 11, 2003
    ooooo! i've never read anything like this before, pleasy-please update soon! ^.^
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  • From ANON - luz on September 11, 2003
    i really really like this story... hope u update soon!!!
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  • From ANON - ~~Minnie on September 11, 2003
    YAYNESS!!!! I read it over at FFnet, now I get to read it here!!! That's awesome. Running out of good fics to read that are fnished, I know this ones finished so I can read without fear of you dropping it!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE This fic.!!! Keep posting!!!
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  • From ANON - C on September 11, 2003
    I can't believe took your story down! That's such crap. I read your story already on I loved it. You are a truly amazing writer. I'm damn sure you'll get your 800+ reviews soon enough. (Does this mean we'll have to wait longer for the sequel?)

    Also, if you'd like, I can archive your story at my website. Just email me for details and I'll send them to you.

    Keep up the great work.

    All the Best.
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