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Reviews for Harry Potter the Sexaholic

By : Vertex
  • From ANON - Oreo on October 28, 2003
    Oh, I'm ready to ignore them allright! I'm tired of their bullshit and I just want to read my story. Unfortunately, I don't think Vertex will be able to update before next weekend.

    Just a side note to B: never identify or show yourself in front of me in real life, or I swear that in the name of Aku Soku Zan, I will gatotsu your ass.
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  • From ANON - Jeenus721 on October 28, 2003
    I don't think this is a rape. I find this story pretty interesting. Please update soon Vortex.
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  • From ANON - Lemon Lover on October 28, 2003
    This IS getting out of hand people. *sigh*

    Flamers and members of the Livejournal who criticize without reading: please leave.

    Supporters of Vertex, especially those spitting poison at the flamers: if they don't leave, ignore them kay? Eventually they will tire and leave us alone. For the sake and well-being of your keyboards, ignore them.

    I am generally non-violent, however, I won't apologise to anon. I HATE snitches.
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  • From ANON - Dana on October 28, 2003
    Hello, B! (you fucking unimaginative asshole) :)

    No, I am not Vertex (who I believe is male,while I am obviously female, as you can see by my name), nor do I take criticism to him personally. I do, however take what I see as an injustice to the author personal. Someone complained about this fic in a livejournal. O.k., fine, if flaming was not enough and someone felt the need to post criticism somewhere else,then by all means, do it. You said criticism helps to make better writters. I haven't seen one constructive critic out of you and your kind. By saying this story contains rape you are lying, of course, and by insul the the author and the reviewers who thought he did a good job you are just being rude. How does that help anyone?

    I have seen people complain about the immorality of this fic. Stop reading adult fiction, simple as that, just don't bother those who do and enjoy it.
    This entire situation didn't evolve becauerteertex and his supporters can't take a flame or a negative criticism: it has evolved because people like you have insulted us AND Vertex for no reason. I'm not Christ, I don't turn the other cheek, and I am entitled to defend myself from people insulting me just because I like a story.

    As for the livejournal or lifejournal or whatever the fuck you call it: it's all fine and dandy you insulting people there, I don't give a fuck. I would, however, like to know who gave you the right to judge others. You lot are a group that cares enough about fandom that you have the right to flame fics, insult people, authors and reviewers alike, and judge them?!? What next, mein fuhrer? Censorship? Based on what YOU belive is worth reading?!?

    Who the fuck do you think you are?

    As I said before, shoot yourself. It would do me a lot of good, it really would.
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  • From ANON - magikfin on October 28, 2003
    That didn't turn me on, was it supposed to?
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  • From ANON - Black Pearl on October 28, 2003
    I actually read the story and I didn't see any rape. Hermione was upset because she had made what was obviously a bad decision, but other than that I didn't see any evidence of rape. In any event, this is cheap smut. There's no plot, no purpse, just sticky keyboards....great.

    While I'm probably going to say more about tin tin the review I'm going to write, I'll simply sum it up for the board rats and reviewers:

    1.) No smut fic is worth making a fool of yourself. Some of you reviewers should remember that.

    2.) To the person who thought that Draco's mother was a good candidate for Harry's basic instincts...what the fuck is wrong with you? Would you like Harry to get it on with *your* mother? (Please don't answer that question, I shudder to know the answer)

    JustJust because someone writes slash does not put them in the same category as someone who writes smut. I've seen slash stories that range from PG to NC-17. The last time I checked, smut had a far smaller rating range. Why? Because it was aimed at a much smaller (and older) audience. The same can't always be said for slash.

    Most slash stories have storylines and plots while smut fics have "arousing" and "graphic" language for the sole purpose of allowing the author/reader to get off.

    4.) If the flaming of people who didn't enjoy this story upsets you to the point where you need to justify your appreciation of smut...something is seriously wrong. This isn't your story. You liked it, but someone else didn't; deal with it.

    I personally could careless what smartass remarks anyone has to say in response to this review. I probably won't respond. Considering this story isn't an out and out rape fic (yet), I'm not going to go into my "this is a cry for help" mode. I'm just going to let it go.

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  • From ANON - ginmar on October 28, 2003
    Badtingting, awful characterization, and awful sex. Even the formatting is bad. Learn how to write before you try sex scenes. This writer certainly isnprofproficient enough to handle basic transitions, much less emotions and sex.

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  • From ANON - B on October 28, 2003
    Hello SmutMan,

    >When you refer to deluded, self-important
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  • From ANON - scarlet_wytch on October 28, 2003
    You must understand that when a normal person reads a bad fan fiction they just leave and not give a page of disapproval and write an article on livejournal just to put the author down. That is uncalled for. I am not one of Vortex
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  • From ANON - CarTMaN on October 28, 2003
    There is a lot of
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  • From ANON - Harriet on October 28, 2003
    Make Harry do Draco's mother...
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  • From ANON - SmutMan on October 27, 2003
    B and to flamers;

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  • From ANON - B on October 27, 2003

    >Dear B ( that's a very imaginative name, btw )

    Why, thank you.

    >Are you a fucking moron?

    No, actually, I'm not.

    >After we almost made those two pricks Arianrhod and Hyperbole ( who flamed this story without reading it - he just thought he had to agree with Arianrhod )shut up
    >you had to bring this shit up again?

    "Made them shut up"? This is how you deal with literary criticism? Flame them to "make them shut up"? What are you, twelve? Do you write? I certainly hope not, because heaven forbid someone call YOU on your unimaginative prose. If you can't deal with criticism, you *should not post in a public forum*. It's as simple as that. The review forms are for exactly that - reviewing. They're not there so that your ego may be stroked. If your fic is shit, people are going to say so. And if you can't deal with that, well, too bad.

    I find it amusing that all of Vertex's little friends have rallied together to overly praise what is (even discounting the blatant oblivious amorality) a truly average fic. You all remind me of high schoolers. The dialogue is cliche'd and trite, there's no real plot, and the use of a thesaurus would work wonders. Even ignoring the fact that it's horrifically misandrist, it simply doesn't deserve all this fervent praise and defence. Have we hit a nerve?

    I've "brought this shit up again" because I found this fic and felt disgusted enough to say so. Deal with it.

    >Kindly do the world a favor and go shoot yourself in the head.

    Very mature. Why are you so upset? Are you Vertex? Are you taking this personally? Have you also written something as painful as this, and now feel insecure?

    Pertaining to the Livejournal group: I happen to think it's an excellent idea. To know that there are people out there who actually care enough about the fandom to defend it from deluded, self-important "writers" is a motivational tool. I was under the impression that feedback created a better writer - if you know where you've gone wrong, you know not to do it next time. I guess some people are far too precious about their own egos to actually care about becoming better at their craft.

    I was flamed, once. I laughed, because I was given no comments as to WHY the reviewer disliked my work. I just a ona one-line comment about how "nasty" it was. So you know what I did? I ignored it, because it was unconstructive. What I DIDN'T do is gather together a group of my illiterate friends and flame that person's well-written and carefully planned work, as I see you children have done to Arianrhod. I hope you're all proud of yourselves. Grow UP.

    Arianrhod explained WHY she found this fic offensive, and so did I. It's called feedback, and if you post publically, you're asking for it.

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  • From ANON - Joyce on October 27, 2003

    You must understand that when a normal person reads a bad fan fiction they just leave and not give a page of disapproval and write an article on livejournal just to put the author down. That is uncalled for. I am not one of Vortex
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  • From ANON - scarlet_wytch on October 27, 2003 have got to be kidding me. A friend of mine from school told me about this fic, and i came here to read it,nkinnking i'd skim the reviews first to see what others were saying. i have to say, if your that thin skinned that a few negative reviews make you and your friends insult people and tell them to fuck off, or to blow their heads off, or call them names, then u have no business putting fics online for others to read. OMG...I cant beleive your so petty and immature. so what if someone doesn't like your story and says why? i didnt see anything wrong with what there ere saying. seemed like no big deal to me. u got a bad review. big fricking deal! not everyone will kiss your ass on the net. who cares what they think? thats no reason to go putting them down and calling them names and telling them to kill themselves or whatever. grow up and grow a backbone. dont bother uploading your stories to a site thats public like this one if your so insecure that u and your friends cant take a negative respoand and you react the way you have. how fucking childish. i know kids in my high school that are more mature than you.
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