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Reviews for Harry Potter the Sexaholic

By : Vertex
  • From ANON - TimGold on October 24, 2003
    WoW that was abolutely great, loved every moment of it!!! ^_^
    I am happy that you are makeing it a HArry/Hermione in the end but i am asking i am begging you that you wont have Hermione haveing sex with anybody else then Harry!!! PLEASE!!!
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  • From ANON - Lyria on October 24, 2003
    This has to be the worst smut fic I've ever had the misfortune of reading.

    You've made Harry an uncaring, selfish bastard all the way through this.

    In the first chapter, Harry rapes Hermione. In the second, Pansy damn near rapes Harry, and in the third, he rapes Cho.

    With Hermione, she keeps trying to say no, and he still goes on. That's rape, my dear. Is it any wonder she's not friends with him anymore, and Ron punches him?

    When he's with Cho, she's in obvious pain and bleg, ag, and he doesn't even care enough t het her suffering to try and relax her. And he doesn't stop either. That's rape again. Then she asks an innocent question and he just leaves her there, like an utter cad.

    No wonder your story was removed from It's nothing but a series of rapes. It's not smut in the least, or sexy.

    Either you have no idea what a real sexual relationship involves, or you think that sex is inherently dirty and has to be forced on someone. But you seriously need to look at the way you write sex and the way you write your characters and consider what you're doing.

    This is just terrible.
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  • From ANON - IOD on October 23, 2003
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  • From ANON - Tonks on October 23, 2003
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  • From on October 23, 2003
    Erg. Damned They let so much more 'adult' shit slip right through. Well, here's my 2 reviews from reposted for future generations. :)

    2nd review (chapter 3)
    Poor, poor Cho. Harry really was a jerk, wasn't he? I can just imagine Cho's dad finding out and chasing Harry around Hots wts with a butcher knife. heh...

    Can't wait to read about Luna next. I never thought of her as mentally retarded or anything; where do ppl come up with this stuff? She's just slightly eccentric. As for Hermione being 'raped'... coon aon and force are worlds apart.

    1st review (chapter 1&2)
    I'm not crazy about Ron punching Harry, but everything else has been great so far. OOC for sure with the trio so far IMO, but entertaining regardless. Pansy was portrayed perfectly I think.

    Chicks I'd like to see with their own smutty chapter:

    Rosmerta (from The Three Broomsticks; I guess that's out of your age range, but I'd still like to see it)
    Susan Bones
    Angelina (I know she graduated, but still...)

    Just a few suggestions, feel free to ignore. Can't wait to read about Harry and Cho, keep up the good work!

    Ignore: italics [i]italics[/i] bold [b]bold[/b]
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  • From ANON - Donnavan on October 23, 2003
    Harry's such a slut! :D
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  • From ANON - Coolone007 on October 23, 2003
    i am sorry you needed to move the story. I anjoy reading the enite lot of your stories. You have great imagination. I don't always agree with your theories but who am i to complain They are your stories not mine. i hope this does not sound condesending. Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - hee hee on October 23, 2003
    good chapteer.its hard to get good hetero harry fics . Why is harry always saddled with the guys? keep up the good workl
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  • From ANON - Lemon Lover on October 23, 2003
    Didn't know they could just remove stories like that.

    And that guy who reviewed, anon or some godamn fuck, someone should skin him alive and then pour a little vinegar on his body. That would make him stop being a fucking weasel and a sneak.

    Don't let it get you down and keep up this freat story!
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  • From ANON - Dana on October 23, 2003
    Fucking lowlifes. Pitiful shmucks. For once, a fun story is on their disgusting site and they remove it.
    Forget about the fucking good for nothings and keep up the good work.

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