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Reviews for Travels With Severus:Severus Does New Orleans

By : Titania
  • From ANON - Sirius Star Holder on February 22, 2004
    Oh please cont wit with this story, it is very interesting. I love it! updated ASAP!!

    ~*Sirius Star Holder*~
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  • From ANON - Serenityblack2000 on November 19, 2003
    Marie must be turning over in her grave!! She's been waiting for so long for some action at her grave!! He He He

    Very good!! Keep up the good work! Iam trying to wait *gasp gasp* patiently * groan * for more!!

    To Hell with waiting SEND MORE NOW!!


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  • From ANON - jkrazed on November 16, 2003
    Aer ger good chapter. A couple of questions though. Was sheractracted to her stalker because of his looks or was it the power of the vamp to drain her will? And when will you update again? Keep it up!!
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  • From ANON - shemhamforash on November 08, 2003
    Ahh. Inteing ing insight into the mind of the man we love so much. Interesting, amusing and strangely (or not) erotic. Am impressed with your interpretation of his psych. Am also impressed with the emergeance of his dark wit and ego-centric views on the pros and cons of bedding this witch and being her knight in shining armour. Am such a happy little bunny have completely lost the ability to spell. No.t'st's not right. Never had the ability to spell, hence can't lose it. Am rambling I know.

    Will go now and slink back into attentive student/study THAT is greatest cosmic joke around that I am not in on...

    rambling again...sorry..

    much respect, waiting for the next...

    Shem xxx
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  • From ANON - jkrazed on November 08, 2003
    New Orleans is such a great place for a magical story, any one who's ever been there would say the same (I lived there for 4 years), but I was wondering if we are going to visit any of the ancient cemeteries with their marble mausoleums and spooky shadows... Great job on the story by the way...
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  • From ANON - shemhamforash on November 07, 2003
    WOW...beautifully scripited one more...strangely erotic despite the content. Strong woman who knows where she is and what she good to see. Believe that Sev would want nothing less...

    Thank you for the email to tell me of the posting of this chapter..have been most busy with study, otheother more enjoyable pastimes which I can't mention yet...'tis a secret...shhhhh!!!! *wink*

    Am looking forward to the next, as always,

    Much love and respect

    Shem xxx
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  • From ANON - shemhamforash on November 03, 2003
    *smirk* I can just see Sev's readtion now to someone who was that brazen...and a female at that...I sell smut approaching... and I look forward to it...oh yes very much..

    Once again, beutifully scrpited...I enjoyed it emensly..I see the muse kicked back in with a vengeance... I hope she was punished well...

    Shem (who is reviewing with Pepper hanging over her shoulder, because I should be studying, but alas...draw of Snape once more has over ridden muggle sense of duty)

    PS..Eagerly awaiting the next...
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  • From Daya on October 29, 2003
    Shem told me to read this (I am occasionally her humble servant and I obey, plus, give credit where its due!) and I'm so glad I did, this is a highly evocative piece, and the humanity of Snape is clear.

    Love the use of jazz, nothing like a fine appreciation for music to stir the senses.

    Haven't got a lot to offer (with exception of flu if you're interested? No? Didn't think so, damn.) but please continue, am looking forward to an update.

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  • From ANON - shemhamforash on October 29, 2003 most impressed.ed ted the additions that I had not read. I love the serenity of your descriptions. You have succeeded in creating Sev into a man more than magic...

    Maybe there is still hope for all us muggles hey?

    Am waiting eagarly for your next addition...

    Much respect...

    Shem xxx
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  • From ANON - shemhamforash on October 24, 2003
    Well, this promises to be most interesting...I do agree witrh your analysis as to "who" Sev really is, and that is...we don't really know.o mao many times I have been reading the works of other authors and their reviewers who have slammed the author for having Sev OOC...Really we have nothing to base this oth other than what is in the books, and lets face it...there isn't a whole great deal...just inferences up for interpretation...

    This is what I will find most intriguing about your story...An analysis of our Sweet Potions Master by someone who has the knowledge to reasonably accurately examine who he really is...

    You have the opportunity to change the way we see Sev, and outline how he is portrayed from here on in...(not that I am trying to put undue pressure on you or anything)...Actually, I am probably more intrigued than most because my latest fic is an examination of what may have occured to hm during his life to make him the bastard we all love....You could very well discredit my whole fic...I am most intrigued indeed...

    Very much looking forward to the remainder of your fic...Nice start BTW

    Shem xxx
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