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Reviews for The Garden

By : missM
  • From LadyFreak on March 05, 2012
    Dark and beautiful. Wish you would finish up the sequel, but it can even be left as is.
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  • From FlorenceFlask on February 24, 2012
    I love your style... I think I'll read this story more than once. It's a special one.
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  • From ANON - Megan Consoer on June 20, 2006
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters? Or can you write a sequel to this story please?
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  • From ANON - Darque Hart on September 16, 2005
    WOW -- I've read hundreds of fanfiction stories and this is by the most powerful. This is amazing. Since it is an SS/HG story you should post it at "Ashwinder" where it can truly be appreciated;-)
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  • From ANON - snailexpress on September 18, 2004
    Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I'm afraid that words seem to fail me whenever I want to leave a glowing review of such a touching story... It was disturbing and beautiful and I'm running off to devour the sequel right now.
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  • From ANON - Jess McRae on April 26, 2004
    This was very different from anything I have read before in the HP fanfic world- and I liked the way you managed to convey the insanity of hermione and the idea that she and snape had a garden, a special place they could escape to.

    As I said it was different from the majority of fics out there, and for that reasons,and the fact it was well written I'm going to add it to my favourite list and head offf and see what else youve written.

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  • From ANON - Jean Lamb on January 01, 2004
    Yes. Do the sequel. We'll follow you into the darkness, and back again into whatever light you can lead Hermione and Severus. This is _good_. I want more.
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  • From EVegvary on December 03, 2003
    Such a dark and tortured tale and so exquisitely told! You should be proud of this work - you've done an incredible job with the tone and your intriguing pov's. I know that I am in the minority - not a romantic - but I completely resonate with the ending and find Severus's disintegration into the darkest recesses of the mind/soul tothe the perfect counterbalance to your opening with Hermione's similar struggle.

    I particularly enjoyed seeing the struggle between Light and Dark fought on an internal landscape rather than a physical action scene. You hit it hard, it is relentless and brutal, but it needs to be.


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  • From ANON - pixi on November 08, 2003
    Yes please, write a sequel. I need to know what happens. The dark appeals so much to me.
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  • From ANON - Lady Aidil on November 06, 2003
    You wrote an equisite dark fic,I read it recently,after you`d finished and was absolutely both engrossed and impressed,very interesting style and whole idea of the story,tormenting and exhausting for the reader,yet ovehelming the mind and making me touchy and compassionate as well,it was sometimes hard to read,involving my own imagination,inventing all of facou`vou`ve only sketched.Honestly,I enjoyed the story very much and,obviously-want to see the continuation as soon as possible if only you were able and willing to create the next installments.So,now the only thing I should do is to add your name to my top list of the most desirably checked fics` authors at all.
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  • From ANON - Silvana on November 06, 2003
    Hell, yes, I want a sequel! I liked the way your writing style blended with the story. Bravo!
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  • From ANON - sakhara291 on November 04, 2003
    The tone of this story is deliciously dark and sadistic. I wonder at the ending- write the sequel! I have no clue what I'm asking for, believe me that I'm informed! Your writing is better than crack cocaine.
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  • From ANON - celticwitch on November 04, 2003
    Right back at ya, Michelle. It was aficuficult read, but a worthwhile one.
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  • From ANON - kate on November 04, 2003
    do i want a sl? l? i am aware of the danger of wishing without careful consideration. rather like bringing the gods' attention to oneself back in ancient greece -- you may be blessed, but usually at an unacceptably high price.

    i don't know if i want to find out what life for severus and hermione you have outlined, given all they've been through already. i do know, however, that i want to read more from you. perhaps you can tranquilize that plot bunny from hell that's been tormenting you and try your hand at another story. having been possessed by demanding plot rodents (mine are never cute enough to be bunnies), i doubt that's easily done.

    i will trust you to writat nat needs writing, whether it's a journey out of (or deeper into) the garden or "hermione's and severus' potions for dummies". and i will read it, whatever story you bring.

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  • From ANON - shiv5468 on November 04, 2003
    I know what you mean about reviews - I love them as well.

    I think you should do a sequel. I can understand that you may be nervous of attempting one, particularly if this fiction just burst out of you. I know thats how mine happen - I turn it over and over in my mind, and then whoomph write it al out in an hour or so.

    But if you can feel the plot bunny moving, that might happen. You won't know until you try. It may not turn out as well as the Garden, it may turn out better you never know until you try. But you have to keep trying as an author. Even if the sequel 'fails' you will learn something from that as well.

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