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Reviews for Gold Tinted Spectacles H/D - re-edit (11FEB2004)

By : Beren
  • From ANON - Pete on December 27, 2003
    When reading this story, I usually skim first, then digest the plot, then over time I go back and read every word, inflection and paragraph to make sure I understand the entire story. Often times I read sections I like more than once. I find I am reading more and more of this story several times, and usually end up with a smile. That's a good indication that I am really enjoying the story.

    I hope you will find a way in the final chapters to leave an ending so that you can write a sequel. This is a story that I can tell you've enjoyed writing, and I can see so many have enjoyed reading. Pes ths there is a way for you to add any event...Thank you from me for such a dynamic story. Now of course you realize you have caused me to bite all my fingernails down to nothing waiting in suspense for the ending! ;-) It is entirely your fault!! ;-) Thanks again for the story...well done! Pete
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  • From ANON - Allie on December 25, 2003
    Back again to tell you: you're amazing! This story just gets better and better, and you wrap your reader in emotions masterfully. If you have a need for another beta reader, I am affectionately known as "The Walking Dictionary," so I'm at your service. Other than that, this story is wonderful, please post the rest quickly and keep my Draco as wonderfully clever as always.

    Happy Holidays!
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  • From ANON - Pete on December 22, 2003 heart is left us in the lurch!! Now I have to wait a whole wto fto find out what is going to happen! I knew that lousy Lucius would be back!! How awful! Anyway...another magnificant 5 episodes...I cannot wait for the last 5, am I going to regret this? Thank you so much for the rich story! Pete
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  • From ANON - Magdelena on December 22, 2003
    Forgive me for not reviewing sooner. I have been a fan of this story since you published the first five chapters. As soon as I see that several more have been posted I immediately must read them. You have woven a beautiful story. Too often stories which involve Harry (or another character) developing beyoormaormal magical abilities are ridiculously simplistic. You however have taken the time to organize a fantastically believable tale. I love the relationship between Harry and Draco, the protectiveness of Snape towards Draco (which is likely the basis of his continued surliness towards Harry), the acceptance of the other Gryffindors, and the subtlety of having even one of the "good guys" (that crazed Moody) being a prat. You truly understand the nuances of characters. There are no black and white characters in your work, all have shades of gray. That, in itself, is a truly wonderful accomplishment. I am saddened that Draco's attempts with the Slytherins led to his capture. However, there are five more chapters to go, so I can only hope that perhaps I am wrong, and at least one of his housemates see the error of their ways.

    I sincerely hope this delightful, engaging, and riveting story is not the last we will hear from you. Hopefully you have another epic awaiting publication. Thanks again for sharing your work. It has been a pleasure reading it.

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  • From ANON - Trix on December 08, 2003
    Loved A very Weasly Christmas - especially Draco's reaction to the Axe Murdering boyfriend book - and his talk with Moody earlier - brilliant. This is one of my favourite fics and I look forward to more.

    Also, maybe I'm just an ignorant muggle, or it could be a cultural clash but what is a prit-stick?
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  • From ANON - Allie on December 08, 2003
    I absolutely adore this story. I've always had Draco as a guilty pleasure, and now he's sweet and loving and still sly enough to be a guilty pleasure. Please put up the rest of the chapters, I'm dying to know what happens! Huge kudos to you on writing this very intricate and thought-provoking story.

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  • From ANON - Pete on December 06, 2003
    Well, I've just read and reread chapters 16-20 and I must say your writing and plot have kept pace. I know, it is already written, but it is a magnificent piece of are truly gifted with a story writing ability. I think in the entire work so far my favorite episode is where Draco leaps over the table to save his soulmate...that touches me in an unusual way as him giving up everything for Harry...and is a wonderful event in their transition. You really are very talented! Thanks, Pete
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  • From ANON - Pete on November 29, 2003
    I have rarely read a story that is (a) written this well, (b) appears so well thought out, and (c) almost yearns to be set free. The author has a talent for plot and expressive writings that can only be termed as a gift of the highest order. A Tremendous Work! Congratulations! You deserve ten stars, but I can only give you 5 or 6. Pete
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  • From ANON - Waywren Truesong on November 27, 2003
    Was rereading - I like to do that with fics I'm fond of, for some reason - and it occured to me that whilst you mention that the Golden Trio are all Animagi, y'don't mention what they turn into. Will you be sharing their forms at some point?
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  • From ANON - R on November 23, 2003
    This story is so awesome!! I absolutely love it! The plot is awesome, it's heartwarming, serious, fluffy, sexy, and it has a comical edge to it!! Keep up the great work!! I really can't wait to find out what's going to happen next. Every time I think one thing is going to happen you pull a switch and the opposite happens! It's truly a wonderful story! I can't wait for the next five chapters to be posted!! Thank you so much for sharing this great fic with us!!
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  • From ANON - emma on November 21, 2003
    this is so good that i have to review again
    as my last review was really bad

    the new one
    this fic is so so soo good and you don't know how much
    i'm looking forward to the next edition
    you mead my day when i finished this part
    and now i can't wate
    i want more!

    you are a great writer please keep going
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  • From ANON - nobody in particular on November 19, 2003
    I just wanna -look- at the reviews! ;_; But I'd review if I had read all the chapters yet. Kickarse story!
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  • From ANON - emma on November 18, 2003
    this is so good i can't wate to read the next ones
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  • From ANON - KMFDM on November 12, 2003
    Marvelous story! You've actually inspired me to review; no easy task I assure you. I don't even review my most favorite of stories, which by the way this is one of now. Unfortunately I can't remember all the encouraging/insightful thoughts the first five chapters inspired--always happens, mainly why I don't leave reviews--maybe I should start sitting down with a note pad every time I read.

    Only two irks here, the first so petty I wont even mention it, and the second isn't even for you or about the story, but a review (dood, semicolons and parenthesis don't serve the same purpose, and the latter generally aren't used in fiction).

    Anyway, just wanted to give you two thumbs up, five stars, and the obligatory bribe of sweetened naked characters in exchange for more chapters pronto, no matter their state of unbetadness!

    Oh! No! Wait! I remembered something! Two somethings! Ok, first of all, I really like the fact that you haven't designated one of them 'top' and one of them 'bottom' as many stories do. Usually those stories end up turning the 'bottom' into a girl--mentally anyway--and not just any girl but the kind you want to smack upside the head, which is the whole reason I read slash in the first place; I just don't like reading about female characters.

    The second thing is that I really like how their relationship so far is more mature than what you find in the majority of the Harry/Draco fics out there, and now I forget what I was going to say to elaborate on that...

    Ok, so to sum it up; good fic, more please.
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  • From ANON - Waywren Truesong on November 12, 2003
    Quite possibly the cutest thing I've ever -seen-. Absolutely adorable.
    Tho of course Harry -would- be the person who does something Utterly Impossible. He's good at that. ^^

    Capital story, tho you're a bit too fond of semicolons - nothing wrong with a parenthesis or four! But it's not an overly jarring error. I 't w't wait for more of this whenever you plan to give it, and I'm grateful that this isn'WIP.WIP. ^^
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