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Reviews for Remnants

By : BloodyLetter
  • From ANON - Draco_Fan on February 21, 2004
    Wow... This is really good! Update soon! I love it! And what does his master want with Hermione??!?!?!!?!?
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  • From ANON - em on February 07, 2004
    This is so weird! but i love this story heaps and cant wait for you to update. so hurry and start typing asap!
    can u plz email me when you do? thanks
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  • From ANON - mickey on February 07, 2004
    awesome story i loved it!!! i cant wait for more you are writing more arent you you have to oh now im scaring my self lol j/k neways can t wait for more BUH-BYE!!!!
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  • From ANON - Fiery Slut on February 04, 2004
    That was hot! But why did Draco use a condom when he could
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  • From ANON - Apollonia on February 04, 2004
    AWESOME!!!!!!! I thought it was great! I want to see them do it more often. LOL I'm so glad that you updated so soon!!!! I think it's sad that he can't come inmionmione without harming her, though. :(

    Anyway, loved it! Update soon!!!!!!! ;)
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  • From ANON - Remnants Reader on February 01, 2004
    This was soo sweet! I hope you update soon!
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  • From ANON - Hanna Delacour on January 14, 2004
    Great fic! I hope you have not abandoned it! Please update soon, and I promise I will be your most faithful reviewer! I really liked tnitinitiation ceremony. Draco's soft spot for Hermione is truly touching. Please continue...
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  • From ANON - Rose on January 07, 2004
    Please wright more soon PLEASE.
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  • From ANON - Cassie on December 31, 2003
    i really like thiory ory and i hope that u will get enough reviews to contunue soon!
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  • From ANON - Fiery Slut on December 28, 2003
    AARRRGH! Evil cliffy! Please update ASAP coz I wanna see Draco shag her brains out!
    His persistence is turning me on, big time!*licks lips*

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  • From ANON - LilyMarielle on December 27, 2003
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  • From ANON - Apollonia on December 27, 2003
    Yes!!!! You've updated! And Draco and Hermione are about to get their freak on!!!!!! Please continue!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Emaleth (The Author) on December 26, 2003
    I think I said something like... "Now here I am, a younger almost exact replica of my father..." I dont think I ever mentioned Draco looking like Voldemort. *shoulder shrug*

    Anyways, Thanks for the reviews everyone! Greatly appreciate it!!! ^_^
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  • From ArachneNonafel on December 26, 2003
    I have replied before and I do so now......this is a great fic and I enjoy it very much. I am unclear on one point first described him as becoming pale and looking much like Voldemort. Correct? Is he using a Glamour to disguise it then? I look for updates.
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  • From ANON - lisa on December 26, 2003
    OMG! Awesome story. I haven't seen this approach, but I love it! Please keep up the good work, I can't wait to see more!
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