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Reviews for Remnants

By : BloodyLetter
  • From ANON - SeaBlue on December 26, 2003
    Well written! I'm enjoying this very much, and look forward to more.
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  • From ANON - Apollonia on December 21, 2003
    Oh, God. That was so heartbreaking. When will Draco and Hermione make up? I don't like seeing couples (or potential couples in this case) stay mad at each other forever. They need to re-evaluate their emot and and actions. I can't wait to see them get together again, but under happier circumstances. :) It would be cool if Draco sent her little gifts and stuff, just ot remind her that he still cares about her even though they had a falling out of sorts. Please continue! It's too beautiful of a love story to leave us hanging! ;)
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  • From ANON - Fiery Slut on December 17, 2003
    *sniffs* Draco
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  • From ArachneNonafel on December 17, 2003
    It is such a great story! I cannot see that you really need a beta! Update soon though? Pleeeeeeze?
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  • From ANON - Dose on December 11, 2003
    Please when will the next chapter be up. I hope soon I love this story.
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  • From ANON - gokusgal on December 05, 2003
    MORE !!! MORE!!!! this is the first hp fic i'm readin and i just realized how MUCH i love dm/hg!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Fiery Slut on December 05, 2003
    I admire Draco
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  • From ANON - Draco_Fan on December 04, 2003
    GRR!! I really like this story and you're teasing me!!! update sooN!
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  • From ANON - JennyLynn on December 04, 2003
    I like! IVe always been a sucker for Draco as a death eater falling in love with Hermione stories. Update sooner this time! Cheers.
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  • From ANON - Talene on December 04, 2003
    Poor Draco! Everything goin so wrong for him. Breaks your heart really...Looking for more updates!
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  • From ANON - Fiery Slut on November 22, 2003
    This is f*cking amazing! I love the dark, edgy, and sexy feel to this fic. It
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  • From ANON - Yuna on November 22, 2003
    Poor Draco! I really hate Voldie now...
    Please update soon. I want more.

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  • From ANON - Draco_Fan on November 21, 2003
    Wow... this is an awesome story. It's SO original and very well written. The initiation was unique. I didn't like that girl Haley, or whatever her name was. She tainted my poor virgin Draco... Damn her! Update soon!
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