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Reviews for Do What You Have To Do

By : tny1111
  • From ANON - spaz141 on November 25, 2003
    I hope you are going to include muggle born wizards in this marriage law too. Poor Hermione when she finds out that time turner ruined her life. I was waiting for someone to bring Ron into this it makes more sense to me than him just sitting idlely by. Interested to see where you go with this. I have really enjoyed the different takes on this challenge.
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  • From ANON - Arsinoe on November 24, 2003
    This is actually a very original take on the challenge. It's interesting to think that the law could be used as you suggest: to drive the muggleborns out of the country. It's a very subtle idea. I like it! Write on!
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  • From ANON - GeekGoddess on November 24, 2003
    That is the first sinister take on the marriage law that I have read and I am interested to read what happens next. I just know that the time turner will come into play.....I can't wait to see what happens next.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on November 24, 2003
    I have read several other stories that have been written through this challenge & this is different than any I've read so far. I think you have a very good start & I will be watching for your next update, Deb >^..^
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  • From jennengle on November 24, 2003
    It's amazing how many different stories have come out of this challenge! I like how you've chosen to include the exploitation by the Death Eaters, I didn't see that coming at all. Very nicely done!
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  • From ANON - trinity on November 24, 2003
    very promising, please continue :)
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  • From ANON - Rilla on November 24, 2003
    What a great take on this challenge! I love the dark aspect to the law. I can very well see something like that happening (death eaters, prejudice, etc...). I'll be watching this story for updates!
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  • From ANON - Peeves on November 24, 2003
    This is very good! I am looking forward to updates. :)


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