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Reviews for Do What You Have To Do

By : tny1111
  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on June 06, 2004
    Chapter 16... I really do feel bad for both Hermione & Ron!!! They have a lot to deal with & to think about!!! I like how you wrote Ginny in this chapter, her trying to be the voice of reason & trying to keep things under control, WELL DONE!!!

    I do like how you wrote the part that Severus took Draco's wand & thought that all of his problems were solved.... if he only knew;-)

    I am looking forward to thetineting between Severus & Voldy, can't wait to see how that goes!!! Til chapter 17, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - droxy on May 27, 2004
    it is easier to review here on AFF.

    Wow what a kiss! Thank you thank you.

    I liked that AD was more realistic about the expectations of the wedding and he said some nice words.
    It does seem that magic tends to bring out certain feelings in our favorite pair.

    Fast pacing in this chapter, it was probably the kiss. ;>

    Looking forward to the next chapter to see SS' reaction to her being with Ron.

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  • From ANON - Steph on May 26, 2004
    This is a brilliantly touching story, please continue soon, i would like to know more about all this with Ron. Will she grow to love Severus? And what will Malfoy do now?
    Thanks, this is a great story so far
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  • From ANON - whitefaith on May 25, 2004
    i totally forgot about this fic, and i was going through my favourites and found it again only to discover three new chapters!
    you made my night
    the chapters themselveice,ice, i cant say i like ron, so im not unhappy hes had his heart broken
    they were all well written, its nice severus has a female friend who can talk some sense into him
    i await updates!
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on May 23, 2004
    5 chapters to catch up on, woosh a lot has happened. Poor Ron I think my heart broke for him. And that kiss, my good lord! Steamy and just a kiss at that.
    The fight with Lucius, terrifying (I knew she was dreaming the wedding in that chapter btw). Thanks, I enjoyed reading.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on May 22, 2004
    Chapter 15... My heart goes out to both Ron & Hermione!!! She did have his safety in mind & was trying to tell him, but the way he found out was hurtful to both of them!!!

    I really do like the way you worded the ceremony!!! This part.....

    "Severus and Hermione, I do not ask if you come into this union to land and cherish for all eternity -- for that would be a foolish request. But I do ask that you ln ton to your hearts, to care for each other during times of great need. Open your minds, to support each other with the difficult decisions that lie ahead. And share with each other your souls, to help guide you on the road to your future."

    was PERFECT!!!nsidnsidering the situation it made it so very realistic & believable!!! I also like the way that the physical bond from the magical ribbons made their kiss so very INTENSE!!! (BTW, the middle name for Severus suits him so very well!!!)

    I felt badly for Hermione when Severus came & took her from Ron, but I'm sure he had his reasons!!! I do hope that Ron & Hermione will be able to get to a point where they can talk & remain friends!!! Can't wait to see how things go from here on out!!! Til chapter 16, Deb >^..^<

    P.S., I plan on being along for the rest of the story, I HAVE to find out how it will all end!!! Things have been a bit chaotic so if I get behind I will catch up!!! *
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  • From ANON - elementaldeity on May 22, 2004
    That was a really int cha chapter, the kiss seemed to have a life of its own. I hope to see more soon.

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  • From ANON - droxy on May 18, 2004
    nice interim chapter to the wedding, but I am wondering what has happened to Ron.

    nasty gossip she heard...

    What makes this story special is HG has her illegal wand and has an alternative plan to dealing with the wedding. Glad to see you are getting support, writing fanfic is scary and can be difficult, especially this pairing.

    I figure once she does marry Snape she should get her old wand back?? or are spouses just chattel in the wizarding world. Explains why McGonagall never got married if that is the . LO. LOL.

    Liked the imagery and thought procs res regarding her mom's dress. Sentimental without being too sad. Glad you are keeping it simple and somewhat muggle.

    Can't wait till the wedding. While I am not sure where you are going to take this story, if you have them get romantic you will need to have them get to a point where they want to kiss each other. => =>

    A red rose to you

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  • From ANON - the_earth_guide on May 17, 2004
    Fabulous story! This is the very first Harry Potter fic I have read (LOTR fic junkie!) and I am quite pleased with your story. Unfortunately for me, I feel myself getting sucked into another 'verse. Seriously though, I don't know enough about HP to really comment on the particulars of the genre but in general your characterizations are good and the story telling engaging. Keep up the good work and update soon!

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  • From ANON - scifichick774 on May 15, 2004
    Geez, Pansy's a bitch.

    That sentiment aside, this was a really emotional chapter. Hermione looking back on all the things that should have been and could have been; I'm surprised that she didn't start balling outright.
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  • From ANON - Keshkreature on May 15, 2004
    I'm so glad you updated! Yay! = ) Many thanks to NegativeNine and Shiv for their kickstarts. So Hermionie is stuck having a rushed wedding with no friends or family, and she feels embarrassed about wanting her husband. Doesn't sound like it could get much worse unless Snape gets Voldemort as the second witness (However unrealistic, it would be really funny to see Snape get back at her like that for making him pick someone.) I can't wao seo see (well, read about) Snape's expression when he realizes Hermione really never did anything with Ron. And I'm already dreading her confrontation with Ron. It's just going to be so painful 'cause he really is a sweet guy. I wonder if he'll start throwing things, or maybe threaten Snape. Can't wait to find out. =) Good luck with your writting!
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  • From ANON - breastlady on May 11, 2004
    I am just starting chapter 5 and I think the pace of your story is going just fine. I'm on the edge of my seat wondering whether or not Hermione will go along with Dumbledor's plan or her own contingency plan. I'm afraid that if she doesn't do something and get out of there tonight, it will be possibly too late to put her plan into action or at the least even more difficult. She should trust no one at this point, I feel. The people who would most want to help her get away, don't have the means. For example Harry or Ginny. Harry could offer his invisibly cloak and maybe a few galleons, but I doubt he would let her go alone and his high profile presence would lessen her chances of success. But and a big but it is, we really eventually want to see Hermione and Severus together as a happy couple. Can she leave tonight then hook up with Severus latndernder other circumstances. I can't believe we will be so lucky as to win the court decision tomorrow. I'm shaking in my boots (cowboy term I believe). I would be terrified if I were Hermione. Good job, Littlebird!

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  • From ANON - droxy on May 11, 2004
    -can't wait for the wedding...nicely done
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  • From ANON - mother on May 10, 2004
    I can't wait to see how Ron reacts. I don't think it will be pretty. Personally I think Hermione would be better off with Snape. L I married the next to the youngest of a large family (6) with a Mollie type mother and it was like walking into a war zone. When you are used to your own company that is quite a shock. I am eally looking forward to the next chapter, and I still want to see under Fudges shirtsleeves.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on May 10, 2004
    Chapter 13... I am glad to see that Hermione wants to tell Ron herself!!! I'm sure it will be a tough conversation, but it shows that she has a lot of respect for him!!!

    I like how you added the bit of humor from Severus, "a woman who can readready in an hour? I'll never live to see that happen." Not only does the snide comment fit him, but it fit PERFECTLY into the story!!!

    Looking forward to the talk with Ron & the wedding!!! Til chapter 14, Deb >^..^
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