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Reviews for Do What You Have To Do

By : tny1111
  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on February 22, 2004
    Chapter 9... Well at least Hermione has a bit of time to work things out, but who knows what can happen in a few months time!!! Can't wait to see how things go!!! Til chapter 10, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - GeekGoddess on February 21, 2004
    That was a frustrating chapter...we all know that for her safety she has to marry Snape as soon as possible.....and yet like aany bride to be with cold feet...she delays...then again...i held off my fiancee for 3 years...LOL...oh well...enoying your writing and i am hoping for more regular updates.
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  • From ANON - Keshkreature on February 21, 2004
    Yay! Another yummy chapter! At least Dumbledore didn't INTEND to flaunt his manipulativeness in front of them. And I'm glad Snape is acknowedging Hermione's wishes, and that everyone else is listening to her. Not being listened to on matters that really affect you can be the MOST frustrating thing ever! Anyway, SO looking foreward to the next one! Keep up the great work!
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  • From ANON - nocturnus on February 17, 2004
    Re read it, aove ove it.
    Be sure to post update announce at WIKTT.
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  • From ANON - scifichick774 on February 13, 2004
    Wow. This dark and lovely. Your Lucius is very in character and I just adore every chapter you've written so far. More soon please.
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  • From ANON - evil_whimsey on January 28, 2004

    First off, I have a confession: I am horribly parsimonious when it comes to giving feedback. I tend to read in volume, going through dozens of stories at a sitting, before finding any I especially fancy. And I'm picky as hell.

    Anyway, I just had the happy experience of being absolutely compelled to give author feedback, and I have your authorship of this chapter to thank for it.

    Your characterization here is good. Really good. I'm not saying you've tackled Hermione, Snape, and Dumbledore like Rowling necessarily would, but given the premise of the story, you've built characters that stand up in an interesting, believable way. They are convincing and satisfying extentions from canon. I'm reading your Dumbledore right now as kinda Machiavellian, which is fascinating. Not something I would've thought of or done myself, but you sell him so well that I'm comfortable with it.

    The interior stuff for Snape is fantastic too; by this, I mean your treatment of his thoughts, the grainthe the man, how he's built inside. When he thinks about Causes, for instance:

    "Your cause, my cause, their cause, our cause -- between Voldemort and

    Dumbledore he had quite enough of useless causes.

    That's just first-rate. I love it. And then you go and top it with his recollection and opinion on Hermione's strategic skills--her pointless brewing of the Polyjuice Potion.

    I don't know if you feel the same way, but when she picked that tactic in the book, it frustrated the hell out of me. I couldn't help but wonder, What was she thinking, wasting a whole month like that when they needed--the reader needed--answers about the Chamber of Secrets ASAP? It struck me as an artificial stretching of the dramatic timeline (since the story arc does have to cover the whole school year), and a bad move on Rowling's part.

    The fact that you had Snape voicing dissatisfaction over Hermione's plan there--I found it brilliant. It went right to the heart of what I think fanfiction is really for, and what makes it (in my opinion) a legitimate literary genre.

    Great work so far. I'm gonna hush now, and finish reading your chapters.

    Oh, and if you see a bunch of HTML coding in here, where none should be, my apologies. The text size in the review window was making me blind, so I pasted from Notepad, where I do everything as HTML.


    evil whimsey

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  • From ANON - Kate McGuire on January 22, 2004
    This is the best Marriage Law story yet posted here. I am waiting breathlessly. Your Snape is wickedly delicious. Lucious is veretably vicious. Dumbledore is wonderfully duplicious. I can't wait to see how Snape has underestimated Hermioine when he finds out about her second wand. Somehow I suspect he will be on the business end of it.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on January 19, 2004
    Chapter 8.... I just can't get over how much Slbus takes for granted & uses the people that have so much trust in him:( I do want things to work out for Hermione & Severus, I'm glad that Severus realized that she is being used as much as he is!!! I am looking forward to your next update to see if Severus has words with Albus!!! Til then, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 19, 2004
    Hehe, lots of people say I'm funny. I just can never figure out if they're laughing with me or at me :P Anyhoo, great chappie. I howled at this line"No,"No, I believe I said that you came up with it just recently." The Headmaster paused and then added with some mirth, "I came up with it quite some time ago."
    That was too bloody good. Anyhoo, great work, and post more soon! *Offers cookies*

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  • From ANON - Droxy on January 19, 2004
    So Snape now has some empathy now.

    Thanks for posting.

    I am waiting for the wedding.
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  • From ANON - FriendlyQuark on January 19, 2004
    I know I haven't reviewed in a while, but I love this take on the Challenge. I love the fact that Hermione is as cool and calculating as Snape. May I point out though that Severus' Gryffindor comment was a litle silly seeing as how he was just out-manoeverd by a Gryffindor, aka Dumbledore? LOL, maybe he just hasn't thought about that yet, or doesn't WANT to think about that.
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  • From ANON - LaSilvia on January 11, 2004

    I've been told I've been a bad person because I stalk this site to sf yof you have updated but have not commented yet. :)

    I really am enjoying this story and hope the writing muses hover around you so you can quickly update even more.

    Thank you for providing me with something so great to read.

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  • From ANON - BakaChan on January 09, 2004
    Oie... more please... I hate getting to the end of these jsut to have a cliffie.....sigh... please update soon
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 08, 2004
    Awesome chapter. And that's not what I meant about the 18 thing. I thought that having it at 18 for the enforced marriages was perfect - before 18 you parents still have legal custidy over you and so the law can't do anything without permission. So it wasn't that - that was awesome. The Ministry probably couldn't do it before 18 anyway, unless they re-wrote family law or something . . . *brain implodes from thinking too much* But it was just the whole having to wait until they were 18 to talk about marriage and want to get married thing. Yes, 16 is the legal age, with permission, in the UK and Canada. But I agree with your prudence on the topic. Most people don't know actual legal ages and assume that it's 18 for everything. I was just curious (glad you did some research though :D) as to why you chose 18 as the age for Ron and Hermione. And your reasoning is perfectly fine.
    Sorry, but if curiosity killed the cat I should have died many times over by now . . .
    Kudos on the awesome story. I love that little ear thing Snape did, it made me giggle. But it was also utter genius. :D Keep going ya brilliant girl - we want more!

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  • From ANON - spaz141 on January 07, 2004
    Interesting. Thanks.
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