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Reviews for Do What You Have To Do

By : tny1111
  • From ANON - WizardingAngel on January 07, 2004
    I like this story....I wonder what will happen and if Dumbledore is going to win. please update soon.
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  • From ANON - ran on January 07, 2004
    Oh my God what a cliffhanger! I want to know what happens next :)
    I love your fic -- great writing! Thanks!
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on January 06, 2004
    Chapter 7...... You really did leave us hanging !!! !!! Malfoy is such a piece of work!!! How many people has he paid off? What's going to happen? Can't wait to find out!!! Til chapter 8, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - Estrilda on December 19, 2003
    Yes - raw sexual tension - that what we need - more, please?
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  • From ANON - NegativeNine on December 19, 2003
    ...Do you ever read those stories that stick in your head?

    You know, the ones where you're out in the real world, wandering up and down the canned goods aisle and comparing the relitive merits between canned corn and canned greenbeans (french cut maybe?) and then you suddenly wonder to yourself weather or not a particular fic has been updated? Then you find yourself trying to imagine where the author is going to take the story? And all thoughts of canned produce are forgotten?


    This is one of those stories.

    (Look! I'viewview number 50! How cool is that?)
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  • From ANON - lisac on December 17, 2003
    Wow, and did I mention wow. I totally understand why she can't accept Ron's proposal, it makes sense. She doesn't feel as though she belongs in this world, and I don't really blame her. After alat hat happened to her, all that she has been through, I know I would want to leave too. So keep up the good work, I can't wait to see what's next!
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 17, 2003
    Please please post more soon. *Begs* Although the part where Ron had to be 18 for marriage did kinda throw me f loo loop. I'm gussing you're american? Anyhoo, semantics, that doesn't matter. The story's super good and well written. Awesome job.

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  • From ANON - Meshou on December 13, 2003
    This is very good.

    Aside from pnal nal preferance issues ("Mione" *grits teeth*), and one instance of repitition (Ginny is Harry's girlfriend. She's refererred to as such a few times in one paragrah), and one POV change thonfuonfused me for a sec, I can't find anything wrong with it. While Ron x Hermione makes me go "squee," I did want a bit more exposition to _show_ it. Some interaction in a previous chapter, and a bit more dialogue would make it even more believeable. These are all very small issues, and took away little from the story.

    The portryal of Snape and Hermione's inner monologue is great. The situation is handled believeably, which would be diffacult. You can SPELL, God bless you.

    The characterisation of and interaction between Snape and Hermione is perfect, and (sweet lord above), IN CHARACTER. So often Snape and Hermione pairings are so warped, they're unrecognisable. If you pull it off as a relationship, and it looks like you can, I will forever laud and verneate you.

    it was an enjoyable read. You have made a fan. :)

    Upadate soon, Please? I want MORE!
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  • From ANON - ran on December 11, 2003
    Oh, no! You didn't let them ran away with Ron ::cries::
    It would have been so wonderful, brave and romantic! ::cries more::

    - from a devoted SS/HG shipper
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on December 11, 2003
    I'm okay with her not choosing Ron and I understand why, because you wrote it so beautifully. I was only on his side because you wrote him so well. I have one humble request, please don't not turn Ron into an obsessed, violent pratt out for revenge. Your non-prat Ron was so refreshing, it was such a nice change. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - Rilla on December 11, 2003
    I like the way you worked in her feelings for Ron. I think it would make sense, with Ron being a pureblood, that he would be a potential suitor and it also makes sense why she can't choose him. Can't wait to see how it unfolds.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on December 11, 2003
    Was it just me or did it sound like there was a bit of jelousy coming from Severus? I still feel bad for Ron, he really does mean well & I just know he will be so hurt over her choice!!! Hoping for more soon!!! Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - Sphira on December 07, 2003
    While I enjoyed this, I do want to point out that Hermione had just pushed Ron
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  • From ANON - Fish on December 06, 2003
    *eyelids sellotaped to forehead*
    *eyes stuck to screen*
    *coffee jar at ready*
    WHAT WHAT WHAT?!?!?!

    NEED... MORE!

    *sings insanely* Do what you have to dooooo...

    *hits self in face with wok*
    *dances around room clutching coffee mug*

    More soon!

    Am hooked!

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  • From ANON - genrou on December 06, 2003 what will she do now?
    wow ..of all the fics with this challenge yours is the most different with that whole ron aspect being so strong. and its by far one of the better ones of the challenge. much as i dont read rw/hg fics im kinda rooting for ron..though that isnt going to happen unfortunately..but hey snape is looking quite nift in this fic and so does whatever plans voldemort might have for them. please do write more soon. thanks.
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