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Reviews for Do What You Have To Do

By : tny1111
  • From ANON - Titania on December 05, 2003
    I just read this story and wanted to let you know that I am enjoying it very much. I like the approach you are taking with the challenge, and find it very refreshing. It's so much easier to do a PWP type of tale for these things, that to take the time and develop something deeper is remarkable. ( Not that I don't like PWP tales, love them actually.) I am looking forward to reading the next chapter and I hope you post it soon. (Don't feel any pressure to rush now! HURRY!! ~eek sorry)

    Now, I shall sign off and shamelessly exercise a bit of self promotion, I remain

    author of
    Travels with Severus; Severus does New Orleans posted on
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on December 05, 2003
    Now, I'm pulling for Ron (and it is very possibly my own fault *smile*). Ron was so sweet. I don't like Ron, how could I let you do this to me? You are a very skilled writer. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - ran on December 05, 2003
    This is good! This is so good, I am out of words. Please make them do something to break free? I know the challenge is for SS/HG, but would you make it RW/HG? Pwetty pwease? Have them run away and have those pseudo good and bad ppl choke on "their" corresponding "causes" and all that?
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  • From ANON - deblovesdragon on December 05, 2003
    That was sweet. See, you addressed the thing that I always thought about these marriage law stories... why doesn't Ron ask Hermione to marry him? I am VERY interested to see how you finish this.
    Unlike many on this site, I like Ron. I think he is sweet.

    Keep writing.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on December 05, 2003
    Chapter 5 is GREAT!!! Ron really showed what he mademade of here, so very touching!!! It finally has become obvious just how long he has really cared about her. I know that he is in for a lot of hurt, if she couldn't kiss him, how can she even consider marrying him? I know that she will be able to say that the law wouldn't allow it because of his age, but it will still hurt him!!! 1 Favor, find him someone soon that will heal his heart!!!

    Til your next update, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - Janis on December 01, 2003
    I'm enjoying this. A fiecerly indepdent Heromine whom the author doesn't twist into some sex-nut and a biting, cold, snarly Serveus. >:) If the possibility exists the two do become 'closer', it better be after a few chapters with SOME sort of bonding between the two.
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  • From ANON - Kiristeen on November 30, 2003
    Oooo! I'm so frustrated right along side Hermione!!! LOL (good chapter) Furious at how she's being manipulated, and hoping beyond hope that Hermione takes control, just like she planned. In otherwords, you sucked me in and made me feel. Can't wait to find out what else is going to happen.

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  • From ArachneNonafel on November 29, 2003
    This has been such a great story! I am hoping to read more soon though....(hinthinthint)
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  • From ANON - shiv5468 on November 29, 2003
    Hhhhmm continues to be interesting. Severus isn't really being very nice is he? I do hope he revises his opinion of Hermione upwards soon, presumably he will have to!! It's so refreshing to see such a dark tale as a result of challenge. I hope Hermione continues to be bitter about the whole business - she isnt getting a lot of support is she? And what will Ron and Harry?

    Just a couple of niggles - its rigours not riggers; and I am wondering just what Dumbledore would be able to do even if she did come and complain about a vigorous sex life (and why couldnt they heal the damage so there would be no traces post-obliviate?) bearing in mind the contents of chapter one where you established that no one was doing anything about murder rape and the use of unforgiveables. Why wouldnt Severus just put her under Imperius, for instance, to keep her quiet if he really were a Deatheater. I think that is something that needs drawint a t a bit. I can see what you are getting at about not blowing his cover as a deatheater with Dumbledore, but I don't think it is quite there yet.

    Look forward to reading the rest though.
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  • From ANON - jkrazed on November 29, 2003
    Not slow in the least. I really like the sarcastic 'a nice Death Eater' comment. I can picture the smirk on his face while saying it, not meaning himself of course. Great job. Keep it up!
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  • From ANON - saudie on November 29, 2003
    u write well....great plot....i cant wait for teh next chapter
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on November 29, 2003
    I like it, I REALLY like it!!! The whole bit about her being a virgin was FABULOUS!!! I really thought it was classic how she gave the final answer on the subject, in terms of unicorns... too good!!! Can't wait to see how the hearing goes, Sev with attitude, Hermione with even more attitude, Malfoy won't know what hit him;-) Til next chapter, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - KagomeRain on November 29, 2003
    Oh my goodness i love your fic it is awesome please update it is awesome with so many twists just remember it is okay if it goeses at this pace its fast enough a good pace but man ou left an evil cliff
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on November 29, 2003
    You're take on this challenge is intriguing and the fact that it involves only witches does make it more horrible. Oh and Bravo to not having Severus suddenly jump out of character, I thisthis being a slow process and thus making the whole thing plausible. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - Karena Elizabeth on November 29, 2003
    It's offical - I'm addicted. I hate it when I read the first four chapters of a story and realise I'm an idiot for hoping it would magicly sprout more chapters as I was reading. Grraagg It's late, and I am exhausted. Great story and I look forward to more!

    One question though - WHen will they snog?!?!
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