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Reviews for Do What You Have To Do

By : tny1111
  • From ANON - SandraM on November 29, 2003
    A story takes as long as it takes. They don't punch time clocks. If anyone gpushpushy, tell them to sod off!
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  • From Darkwriter on November 29, 2003
    Okay. I laughed my head off at this chapter. Damn this was funny! Don't know if that was your intentions or not but I couldn't help but laugh. This was good. I can't wait for the next chapter. I like this story. I love the virginity part thrown in. I can't wait to see these two after they get married. Poor Hermione has to go to the dungeons so she can play the dutiful wife. LMAO
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 28, 2003
    Awesome and great idea with the timeturner. Way to make things work for you! *kudos*
    Please post more soon, or I might cry. And you wouldn't want that, now would you. :P

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  • From ANON - Potions Mistress on November 27, 2003
    Awesome story so far. It seems to have great promise!! I hope you update a lot, It would make me happy!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Kiristeen on November 27, 2003
    Very well done! I absolutely adore your Hermione. She's doing what I *hope* I would do in her position. Can't wait to find out how this all turns out.

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  • From ANON - mother on November 27, 2003
    This is superb. I like the way it picks up on the downsides of such an idea. Hermione is an intelligent girl and also has lots of common sense, two things which don't always go together. She has picked up on the signs this time hasn't she. Just out of curiosity is there anyone else out there who would like to make a close investigation of Fudge's left forearm.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on November 26, 2003
    HOLY CRAP, she is PISSED!!! I can't believe that she broke her wand!!! What plans are Albus working on? What's going to happen now? Hoping for more SOON!!! Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - shiv5468 on November 26, 2003
    I like your take on the challenge. My only complaint is that it is similar to thery Iry I was going to write when I got round to it, and now I can't!!

    I agree with your take on it though. She wouldnt take the news very well at all.
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  • From ANON - Snape\'s Witch on November 26, 2003
    Very good story, however, it's the "Daily Prophet", not Profit.
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  • From ANON - Sukkumbus on November 26, 2003
    You have to post more soon!! This is just amazing. I'm totally hooked.
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  • From ANON - Arsinoe on November 26, 2003
    Intriguing! I'm so glad you have ioneione using her wits for her own benefits, rather than always just being Harry's extra brain. Her planning is brilliant. I love the idea of the unregistered wand. I can well imagine how burned-out she is with the magical world. As long as she has the papers saying she has the educational qualifications, there is no reason she couldn't do well in a number of muggle fields--especially in the liberal arts! And as for any scum who tracks her--death to him!

    In fact, if she's out of the jurisdiction of the British Ministry of Magic, any attacks on her would be illegal anyway. I can't believe other wizarding jurisdictions would help them enforce such an obscene law. In fact, I rather expehat hat Britain's wizarding community is now regarded somewhat as an "outlaw state!"
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  • From ANON - Stratyllis on November 26, 2003
    The name Kaitlyn is Celtic/Gaelic for Pure

    Actually Kaitlyn is the Irish form of Cateline, the old French form of Katherine. The meaning of the name Katherine is disputed. Some think torture, some pure, others think it is derived from the Goddess Hecate's name.

    Other than your misinformation, your story is good. I love the stories this challenge has produced. They are all great. Includeing yours. Keep up the good writing!
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  • From ANON - deblovesdragon on November 26, 2003
    I really appreciate your fics angle of the injustice and seriousness of the marriage law. It would not be a light matter. I look forward to seeing where you are going with this. Write more soon.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on November 25, 2003
    Sounds like Hermione to be planning everything out lihis!his!!! She really seems to have a good bit worked out already. Will be watching for your next update*
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  • From ANON - Rilla on November 25, 2003
    Fascinating. This is a great, self-reliant Hermione. I love it.
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