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Reviews for The Ties that Lead to Trust

By : GoldenFeather
  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on December 21, 2003
    Chapter 9......... This was WONDERFUL!!! I really do like how you are having him open up to her!!! They wanted to get to know each other & I think they are making fabulous progress!!! The 1st kiss was so very touching!!! For these 2 I think that the reading together was almost as romantic as the 1st kiss!!! I like how you ended this, leaves it open enough to go a couple of different ways!!! Can't wait to see what happens during the night & the next morning!!! Deb >^..^
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  • From GoldenFeather on December 21, 2003
    The past three chapters have been really difficult to write. I hope that I'm not dancing too far out of character, at least not without development. If you notice them flopping back and forth like a fish out of water, well... that's kinda what I figured two fish out of their comfortable waters would do. I've tried as best I can to put myself into the situation. Anyone with questions about Severus' experience... I really don't think that Death Eaters are kinky. I don't think they have group orgies with muggleborns before they kill them. I suppose it is a possibility, but I can't see old Tom being into that... Lucius perhaps...

    I'm glad that some people are enjoying this story.'s 's shifted from an essay procrastination tool, to a holiday project. I get so excited when I come online and there are reviews waiting for me... It's a great feeling. I hope everyone out there is having a great holiday season, no matter which holiday you are celebrating.

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  • From ANON - nesscafe on December 20, 2003
    That was a good chapter! I thought it was really funny how Hermione told Lucius it was a cramps potion she was after! LOL! It's so true that men get uncomfortable about women's periods and cramps! It's a sure fire way to make them leave the room or drop a subject! Hehe! On a more y noy note I also loved the part where Snape and Hermione had a drink of butterbeer and poured it out for Ron and those lost in the war. That was so beautiful! I think that this story is moving at just the right pace. I'm glad that you aren't rushing the love part. I look forward to your next update!
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  • From ANON - Tanya on December 20, 2003
    Great chapter! I loved the little ceremony thing and I love that she let Severus join her in it! I am soo glad that she is letting it go and can move on now! It is so ironic how guys can handleod, od, gore, and guts, yet when it comes to periods and blood they get so uncomfortable! LoL... I hope you update soon!
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  • From ANON - weyrbronzedragon on December 20, 2003
    Oh. My. I loooooooooooove this story, get up the ninth chapter soon! I am now addicted to your story, i like your descriptions. this is a rockin' story.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on December 20, 2003
    Chapter 8......... Another WONDERFUL chapter!!! I do so LOVE how Hermione shot Lucius down, couldn't have happened to a bigger piece of slime!!!

    I am really curious to see how you write her visit in London as well as telling her parents!!! Will you be having her visit the burrow now that she has decided to move on in her life?

    I think you gave this chapter a very nice ending & I look forward to the next update!!! Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - Hawklaw on December 19, 2003
    This is a very enjoyable story, and you ha una unique perspective on the Marriage Law. Really looking forward to seeing where this goes.
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  • From ANON - MlleGigi on December 19, 2003
    I very much like this story, especially the most recent chapter. Being a Snape fan, it's intriguing for me to see how JKR's gradually giving us glimpses into Severus's life as time goes on -- I was glad to see him be eraterated to some degree in OotP. This latest installment on your story is perhaps one of the best and most plausible descriptions I've read so far as to why Severus turned to the Dark Side. Even if Severus's father had not been very well-known in his community, abused children often feel isolated from other children as well as other adults because they don't think anyone will understand. After all, if your own parents aren't on your side...who is? JKR certainly made it obvious that there at least was verbal abuse in Severus's childhood, and there's noson son to believe that there wasn't other forms there as well. On some level, Severus clearly thought (as do many children of abusive homes) that there was something fundamentally flawed about him -- being a Death Eater may have been a form of self-punishment as well as a means of rejecting and wounding the people who rejected and wounded him. An excellent job...
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on December 19, 2003
    OH, that was a good chapter! I love when people try to explain Snape's past! I love how Hermione was facinated by his Dark Mark (very in character) and how she was so comforting to him. I couldn't help sniffling a little is was so sad and yet beautiful at the end. I can't wait for the next update!
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  • From ANON - WendyNat on December 19, 2003
    Wonderful chapter - I like the pace you're taking with their relationship, especially like the one week period they have to get to know each other - it's definitely forcing them to open up earlier than they would have normally... Update soon!
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  • From ArachneNonafel on December 19, 2003
    So sad. You know...I like to leave notes for the author to let them know I enjoyed their work but I often get fussed at either in a subtle or not so subtle way that my comments saying thing like ".....enjoying greatly Please continue..." Well, I *DO* like this one very story Later
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on December 19, 2003
    Chapter 7..... I think this has to be my favorite chapter so far, AMAZING JOB!!! I was reading through tears, feeling just a bit of the pain that a person that went through all of that must feel!!! They both have so much pain, to different extents, but a great deal of it none the less!!! I very much like the fact that you are having them bond on an emotional level while they are learning about each other on a personal level!!! I am looking forward to the progression of their relationship as I predict you will handle it with thought & care!!! Til chapter 8, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on December 18, 2003
    Oh, he's courting her, how cute is that. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - -E- on December 18, 2003
    Hi GFeather, If I haven't reviewed this before, I wanted you to know -- I'm really liking this story. There is the 'nemesis': the Marriage Law that affects everyone in SS and HG's world. SS showins 's 'peer' personality (opposed to his snarky professor) and HG matured yet still inexperienced is a delight--it is a 'gentle' romance that is refreshing and enjoyable. The LM wanting HG for his son & wanting revenge on SS are making this a story of depth that is a true gem. I look forward to & check for updates often.
    Affectionately, -E-
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  • From ANON - PotionsMistressM on December 18, 2003
    WoW! What an excellent story! I am so happy I managed to stumble over it, and I can't wait for . M. Most of these Marriage Law stories, while entertaining, are very unbelievable, but the way you have it progressing is very real- very slowly but surely! I am really, really enjoying your story, and I hope the vows they took were a foreshadowing of great things to come! Update soon, please!
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