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Reviews for The Ties that Lead to Trust

By : GoldenFeather
  • From ANON - Bambu on April 26, 2004
    Well the rape makes perfect sense in terms of escallating what she's fighting against. It was vicious and understandable, given the standard Draco Malfoy response to things. I imagine the next chapter will be terribly difficult. Thank heavens for such magical things as pensieves, and other things. I can't believe the horrible boils on her face -- talk about adding insult to injury.
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  • From ANON - azulkan2 on April 25, 2004
    Oh crap, well at least they have Draco. More very soon please. To gut-wrenching to leave like this for long.
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  • From ANON - buttercup on April 25, 2004
    Wow. That was a powerful chapter. I imagine that was very difficult to write. You did an excellent job. I've got more thoughn thn this, but I'll send them to you in an email. Very well done.
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  • From ANON - midnight tiger on April 25, 2004
    ::sigh:: well written, emotional, so very sad, and such a great twist in the story. you've done a wonderful job with this chapter, and it made me cry terribly. thanks for posting hun, i always love a good update.
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  • From ANON - heartnut on April 25, 2004
    Quit apologizing- you know you love to do this to us. Har har. This was yet another excellent chapter that we've waited AGES to read. The details are great, and you have a real flair for the dramatic. I was relly squicky when I read that LM entered the room with DM, but was quite surprised that the curse backfired on DM as well. Good plot point. Hey, update again tomorrow!
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on April 25, 2004
    Why did this have to happen? *sniff* it takes years to recover from rape. Scarey and very sad. uhhh, thanks for the update.
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on April 25, 2004
    Why did this have to happen? *sniff* it takes years to recover from rape. Scarey and very sad. uhhh, thanks for the update.
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  • From ANON - Nocturnus on April 25, 2004
    Even if this is a welitteitten chapter, I'm a little disapoint by the turns of the events. It was like "No, not another rape fic", I trust a lot your writting skills, so I was waiting for something more complex. But let wait the next chapter and see where are you heading.
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  • From ANON - GFeather on April 25, 2004
    It's been alluded to and ve ave a great deal to say about the most recent chapter, though I won't say it all here as there is more story to come. No, I am not myself a rape victim. I have know several people who were and helped them deal with it, but I am most grateful not to be among them. I have, however, been physically assaulted and emotionally abused at some periods in my life, but never from home. I had an excellent childhood and am proud to say so. My experience with abuse is something that took me a great deal of time to come to terms with and I feel I am a stronger person because of it, but the atioation I put myself in the aftermath probably made things worse rather than help me deal with the issues I faced. I want to explore some of the 'what ifs' of other approaches, though some of what you will read in upcoming chapters reflects things I did, but I'm not in any way being autobiographical. I think the rape in this story is very different in many ways from the ones I encountered with people I know. To start, Hermione has a loving and stable relationship and I think that is very significant. She also has guarenteed identification of her attacker which makes justice somewhat simpler to attain. I have very strong feelings about Ginny and Rosemerta in this chapter, but I'm trying not to skew my POV. Perhaps I will write another fic to deal with them just as I am starting to go through the chapters and add a Severus POV (which you can read on L&LS). I promise you, the Malfoys will get their comeuppence. There is also some really interesting (at least to me) back story which will come out soon so watch ahead for that. I really hope to keep the emotions and reactions in this and the next few chapters genuine because they play on such sensative issues. I would hate for anyone to think that the rape is simply a plot device. It isn't. This chapter, in some form or other, has been part of my story plan since the beginning. Incidently, so has George's girlfriend, but that is a whole other story. I think I have waxed on enough so I will end this here. k yok you to everyone who is reading and even more to everyone who is reviewing. You will get a more personalized thanks later, but for now know I am very appreciative of your comments.
    Most Sincerely,
    Da Feather
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  • From ANON - DemonicAngel on April 25, 2004
    Excellent chapter, you nailed Hermione's emotions fact a bit to perfect. I am glad that Draco is suffering from the same blisters as she is, he definatly deserves to have them where he does. I am anxiously waiting to see how you have Hermione recover from this, I really hope that it is as realistic as this chapter was.

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  • From ANON - Sarah on April 25, 2004
    *Sighs* Poor Hermione. Severus is impressive, though. I notice he takes her to her own Head Girl rooms (with the hippogriff painting) giving her privacy, and then tells her he loves her. Good for Severus! I'm sure the vengeance against Malfoys will come after he tends to his wife. Hmmm...
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  • From ANON - ancientgirl on April 25, 2004
    God poor Hermone! I hope they can get her face back to normal, after all she wasn't a willing participant and was raped so she should not be expected to pay the price for infedelity. Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - mchellin78 on April 25, 2004 heart hurts so much for hermione...and i'm shocked that severus isn't hell bent on killing both the malfoys...i so hope they get what's coming to them and that hermione won't shut herself in...wonderful chapter, just so heart breaking...please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Michelle on April 24, 2004
    OMG! What a cliffhanger!! Please write soon!
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  • From slygriff21 on April 23, 2004
    Awsome chapter! I can't wait to find out who hexed Hermione! Please update again soon.

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