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Reviews for Family Business

By : Joga
  • From ANON - RikuNghts on January 10, 2004
    Wow you update fast! That's great! And I can't wait to see what happens next! Please update soon! ^_^
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  • From ANON - SADIE on January 10, 2004
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on January 09, 2004
    Chapters 8-11....... I am so glad that you updated this story!!! If Draco only knew half of what he thinks he knows he would be begging Hermione to forgive him!!! I hope that slap will jog his brain enough to see past his thoughts & seek out the truth!!! Hoping for more soon, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - SADIE on January 09, 2004
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  • From ANON - RikuNghts on January 09, 2004
    Can't wait for more! Man, Draco shouldn't jump to conclusions like that! I feel bad for both of them. Hope everything gets better. ^_^
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  • From ANON - Mel on January 09, 2004
    OUCH. Poor Draco... And 'Mione, you do have to admit, the evidence *IS* all on his side... Damn girl, can't she any anything right???
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  • From ANON - Mel on January 08, 2004
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! DRACO!! DON'T GO THERE!! DON'T!!! 'MIONE!! TELL HIM THE TRUTH!!! HE NEEDS TO HEAR IT!! LUCIS!!! Behave... Behave... Wait- what's with Pansy? I like the plot so far - and the discriptions are... are... heaven. I throw myself at your feet, begging for another chapter.
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  • From ANON - lildove on January 07, 2004
    I am fully enjoying this story, although the grammar and such is a little disjointed. Nothing a beta couldn't take care of. If you need one, I'd be more than willing to help.

    I can't wait to see where the story is going and I hope you update soon!
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  • From ANON - RikuNghts on January 06, 2004
    Omg! Such a good story! I love it. I hope you continue soon. ^_^ Poor Draco. I hope he finds out who Hermione really is, and doesn't get angry with her for what happened with his father. Excellent job so far!
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  • From ANON - Kiristeen on January 06, 2004
    Ooooooops! I'm thinking (hoping) that Draco misinterpreted that little scene. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to find out.

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  • From ANON - jeaanette on December 21, 2003
    that was a lovely story...please continue
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  • From ANON - Happy Jade on December 20, 2003
    It's called a beta. Get one. You need it desperately. Your concept is interesting, but I got tired of pretending to understand what you were trying to say! Proofread please - your readers shouldn't be scratching their heads trying to read!
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  • From WriterLady1031 on December 20, 2003
    Interesting story you have here. It's good, but I only have one complaint: It seems as if the story is moving a little bit too fast. When I say this I mean that the character development is not exactly occurring and the scenery of each chapter is jumping from one place to another too quickly. That's a little bit confusing and it kind of leaves out some detail that otherwise would have been there. Other than that, everything is fine. I didn't see any errors, maybe my eye wasn't catching them, but if there were, just go back and run a grammar and spellcheck over your chapters. You're doing a good job, so keep writing.

    Ciao ^_^
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  • From ANON - Brian on December 18, 2003
    like the story, but you need to update faster, that was an evil cliffy you left. ~mock pouting~
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on December 14, 2003
    This is different & am curious as to where it will go? Will be watching for chapter 8, Deb >^..^
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