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Reviews for Silence on Silk

By : Cupiditatis
  • From ANON - fraser on May 14, 2005
    i love your stories!!! i would ahve reveiwed before but i just now found them
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  • From SFPANTHER on April 28, 2005
    That was awesome just one thing.. What happened to the little girl.. was she ever found???????You just cant leave her out there with all the wolves

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  • From ANON - onduril on March 26, 2005
    Hey, nice ending, I liked it.
    But there`s one thing I`d like to know. What happened to the little girl. Is she lost, have they found her, what happened to her?
    You don`t have to write another sequel I`m just asking.

    I don`t really think I
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  • From ANON - AnjelRocker (not logged in) on March 08, 2005
    Well holy shit... long time no review. I liked it alot... it was really good. Continue writing. :)
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  • From ANON - onduril on March 07, 2005
    Nope, definitely no teasing in this chapter. And you brought Fred and Angie to a nice ending, especially with the letter.

    I really liked this chapter, it was sad yes, but it made the ending so much better.

    Can`t wait for the last chapters. What happens to Ginny? Will the children get back safely, with their memories intact?
    Find out, in the next chapter of Silence on Silk

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  • From ANON - onduril on February 28, 2005
    I don`t really hate my birthday, but I`m not getting holiday after my least that the current state of things.

    you`re quite a tease...I can`t wait for the next chapter....hopp, hopp....

    nice chappie again...evil cliffies inside
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  • From ANON - onduril on February 20, 2005
    Ok, then here is your birthday review....Happy birthday to you...*sing*

    Ok it`s early but just so I don`t forget. My birthday is next month...I already hate it....

    Whatever, nice chappie...seemx there`s is some action coming back and that they are on the way to find the hideout...can`t wait for the ending to happen....write faster....*shovesplotbunniestowardscupiditatis* come on....

    hope you had a nice weekend...mine was ok...
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  • From ANON - onduril on February 13, 2005
    Ok, I think about the obvious ending of Ginny getting caught and the three kids getting home, and I sincerely hope that Fred, George and Angie can sort out their differences and that Fred can be happy again....
    I hope that James gets somehow arrested...but I believe that everybody wants that...

    And although this chappie was short i really liked it. I was reading and`s nobody helping Angie...are they blind....

    i hope you liked the movie....I
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  • From ANON - cat on February 12, 2005
    This story is coming along well and Im impressed with all the new twists, I'm looking forward to reading more.
    keep up the good work and update soon!

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  • From ANON - onduril on February 07, 2005

    You`re a tease, I Want to know the end of the story..OK..I can already think of it, but maybe you got some twist in it...

    I particularly like the end of the chapter with he going to talk to Angie or not.....*bitesfingernails*

    And tell you what, I was thinking at work today...mmh...maybe she`ll update...hopefully.
    So imagine when I came back home and started the PC i got this mail...I was chapter...

    and as always at the end, awesome chapter and keep it up

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  • From ANON - onduril on January 30, 2005
    No, I
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  • From ANON - onduril on January 21, 2005
    nice chappie again, and this time it actually worked with the change of scenes *gg* Can`t wait to see the next one.
    Maybe you`d like to read my story too, okay, it`s hg/ss, but it`s not bad either, it`s on

    Whatever...keep writing and don`t think too much about school I made my Wirtschaftsabi too, and I got a 3,1 an my finals. in englisch, economics, working on pc with ms office and can make it...*tschaka*

    *gg* keep it up
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  • From ANON - onduril on November 25, 2004
    Hey, it`s me again. Your story is really getting better and better.
    Th only thing you should change is *change of scene*. Leave it out and just make some signs like this: *~*~. That would b better and would not interrupt the story.
    But keep it up.
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  • From ANON - Tmea on November 01, 2004
    I think this is an wonderful fic.Evil Ginny is scary!Please continue..What will happen to the two kids..?!...
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  • From ANON - cat on October 25, 2004
    I'm sooooo glad that you updated, this story is too promising to quit, I love your ideas, and no problem by the way, it must be stressful to think no-one is reading your stories after you have worked your ass off 2 produce them. I only wish that I had the imagination and the motivation to try writing one myself lol. Oodles of draco/hermionednesdness, I love it!
    If you need a beta I would be happy to help, English is a bloody horrible language to master if it's not your first language, I noticed a few mistakes that can interupt the flow of the story but nothing drastic that is too confusing, I have never done it before but have a lot of experi in in essay writing etc... so if u need a beta just e mail me at the addy above.
    The yahoo group I mentioned is called draco_hermione (sleeping with the enemy). The link is if you wanna check it out. I am only a lurker in there n have been 4 the past year hal half but if you love smut you defo wanna ask raffy for the link of her smut vault, which she has put you in lol so you gotta b good. This group is draco and hermione only so go check it out its excellent! Another excellent group is the quiet ones which is dedicated to the trio draco/hermione/blaise but also has a lot of draco/hermione there too, the queen of smut innel set up I think and has some excellent authors, and is also full of smut gallore so it's worth checking out too, the link is
    keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to the next chapter
    cat xxx
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