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Reviews for Silence on Silk

By : Cupiditatis
  • From ANON - Hogwartsstollaway on October 23, 2004
    First off I would like to say thank you for the email letting me know that you had updated. Wow you have FINALLY updated! I had a really nice review written up and then my dork self accidently hit the wrong button and it deleted it all. Now I cant remember what I had written and dont want to write it all over again. So I will try to remember the main parts of what I wrote cause it is late here and I want to hurry and get this posted cause I totally understand how you authors thrive on your reviews. It lets you know that people are enjoying what you are writing and that you are doing an awesome job. I cant think of anything not positive to say and if I had to pick one all that I would sy is that I wish your chapters were longer :o) but I am a greedy reader and always want more lol. I am really freaked for poor Fee I sure hope that that phsyco freak Ginny does NOT get her hands on her. I can't picture Ginny getting into the Malfoy Manor anyway. You know that between Draco and Hermione that that place is well guarded and protected. But still then again they are going on an outing and she could attempt it then while they are visiting Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. But no she will not I refuse to except it lol. And then poor Angalina I soooo hope that she can save her and that when George comes to get her to have lunch with her he's e's what is going on and she has no choice but to tel him and that he tells Fred who in turn tell Hermione and Draco. And thne between all of them they get her away from him and protect her and then she and Fred get together and make a happy family with more little mischieve makers running around. Yes I know all that sounds a little far fetched but hey a girl can dream cant she lol. Well that's about all I ca remember. I promice when you update again the next time I will have a better review. So get to writing and hope we dont have to waite this long next time for your next update. I will be waiting impatiently and greedily for your next update.

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  • From ANON - Adrienne on October 20, 2004
    Please hurry and finish this story. I don't know why no one has replied. This story is great. And so was the SoS.
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  • From ANON - Hogwartsstollaway on September 16, 2004
    Hi, I have only just found your stories. And I positively love them. I am only sorry that everyone seemed to start replying to your stories. I am extremely addicted to Harry Potter fanfiction especially more so when they are written with Draco and Hermione as a couple. I have about ten fanfic authors that I read religiously and never miss an update of their's. And I always get emails from them thanking me for my reviews to their stories. So I for one understand how much you guy's rely on our reviews. Not only are they your rock that give you the courage to continue but some of us that review also inspire you and somethmes with our assumptions and guesses we also give you something to work with, maybe a new idea or a turn in your plot. What ever small or big it may be I know that our reviews touch you some how. But I guess since I am addicted to these stories maybe I appreciate them more so than other's. If you are not posting this story anymore I was wondering if maybe if you have written anymore to this one if maybe you could email me. I hate to have come this far with it and not to be able to have some sort of conclusion. I am going crazy now wanting to know if Ginny is going to kidnap Fee or Nat the same way she has kidnapped Mai. I want to know if Fred is going to be the one to save Angalina from James and she will be the one to a mother for Fred's Ashleen(sp?). I want to know about those dreams or visions that Nat has been having. I have so many unanswered questions and hope that maybe you will have it in your heart to restart this story of your. My email is please drop me an owl and let me know where things stand with this story. I would be forever grateful.

    Thank You So Very Much,
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  • From ANON - steph on July 03, 2004
    i havent been reviewing, but i love your story. please coue wue writing silence on silk or i will track you down :) o look forward to reading the rest of this story.
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  • From ANON - Little One on June 30, 2004

    I read "Skin on Skin" on and was very happy to find it here also.
    I like the sequel but I was a little disappointed that it took you so long to post new chapters!
    But I like them and hope that you will continue here!!

    Much greetings,

    Little one
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  • From ANON - cat on June 28, 2004
    Hi, this story is excellent and trust me people are reading it, I know this because the yahoo group I have joined e mails everyone every time your story is updated. It may seem disheartening to think that people are not reading a story which u have worked your ass off 4, but the people that read it are probably just like me who just dunno what to say or how 2 write a review, but which do check 4 updates everyday (ur in my bookmarks lol). I think skin on skin is one of the best creations out there and everyone is following this story too because they know to expect an equally excellent fic. People may be waiting fror the story to kick in more or are maybe thinking u only have to review 2 try n help improve the story (which this fic does not need) or maybe ur readers r people like me who just dunno what to put in a review but either way trust me ur story is definately getting read and is a hit in the HP fandom. just keep up with the yummy draco n u defo got my vote lol, in fact the only thing i can say to maybe help u is there dont seem 2 b enough draco n hermione goodness, i understand that ur trying 2 tie the story in but a bit more draco hermione goodness, in fact a lot o draco goodness is defo a bonus, keep writing, this is a good story n update soooooooooonnnn xxx
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  • From ANON - . on June 28, 2004

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  • From DemonicAngel on June 28, 2004
    Although I like your story....I can't stand it when someone sits and complains about not getting reviews. Be happy you have so many cause you could very well be in the boat I'm in with my story. Take what you get and be happy that there are hits showing you have readers because if there weren't hits then people wouldn't be enjoying it. Usually I stop reading stories where authors go around complaining and begging for reviews.
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  • From ANON - onduril on June 23, 2004
    Hey, I don`t really know what to write. Only that I think your stories are brilli I l I like DM/HG and SS/HG and you write the first one really good. It would be nice if you could email me, when you update.
    And: Deutschland muss gewinnen, auch wenn sie arrogante A... sind. Muss los, schau mir nachher das Spiel bei ner Freundin an.
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 31, 2004
    writers block or something?!?!?! update!!!
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  • From ANON - alan on January 10, 2004
    oh my fucking shit! i didn't check your stories in such a long time and one day (today...) i decided to check if you wrote anymore and you did! hai... anyways,,, The sequal to Skin on Skin is coming out great. But don't keep us all in suspense about what coming on next b/c i don't think we can wait that long. :P Well update soon! see ya
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  • From ANON - anamaria on January 10, 2004
    i want you to update secrets of the past! i miss it... :\
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  • From ANON - jessica on January 08, 2004
    YaY!!! updated again!
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  • From ANON - kaitlin on January 07, 2004
    yay! finally! woo! its just as good as the last one! keep it going! w00t!
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  • From ANON - GEmory on January 05, 2004
    I liked it. Thanks for doing a sequel.
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