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Reviews for Killing Cupid

By : Seva
  • From ANON - XxphenixX on February 01, 2004
    All slushy romance aside, the smut is the good stuff. I'll refrain from whining about your slow update, if you keep your little promise for the next chapter... and I want it soon. ::glares:: Seriously, though, Snape is so sexy. And the whole "This is your last chance" thing made him even sexier, not that I've got too much against a bit of slight non-con now and then. ::looks around suspiciously:: Anyway, love the chapter, can't wait for more, will now resume watching the Queer Eye marathon. Is it just me or does Jai look like a 12 year old?
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  • From ANON - Talene on February 01, 2004
    OMG!! More....gotta have MORE! hehe You write some hot stuff girl! More?? Pleeeeeeze?
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  • From ANON - deblovesdragon on January 25, 2004
    Chapter 6 was very sweet. I loved how they broke down with laughter together. I also wonder what Severus's big plan is.

    I can't wait til chaper 8 when Severus fulfills some of Hermione's fantasies. It should be hot!!

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  • From ANON - XxphoenixX on January 25, 2004
    Hehe, here comes the beloved classroom scene. I quite like the description of Hermione's... ummm... outfit? It really made me think of one of those anime school girls... don't ask. DAMN THE CLIFFIE! Have a nice day.
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  • From ANON - Jo on January 25, 2004
    Hey ho. me again. no, not dissappeared off the face of the earth. mearly been quarentined in room as only have cold, but of course, being me, i'll probably die from it. lol. you somehow managed to get chapter 7 up b4 id even been able 2 get 2 a comp and review ch6! bah! (not that i mind) firstly -chappie six - i loved this one even more than usual, as u well know by now, i am a particular fan of all writings mushyand/or romantic. Chapter seven - hmm.. im thinking that im gonna have to get me one of those outfits! wooo... actually, sounds like something id wear! woo! am rather partial to the stockings and garter (though they are terribly uncomfortable for the legged ones! lol). am looking forward to future postings my darling! keep em coming! Ta ta xxxxx
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on January 25, 2004
    This sure is a strange ride, ks.ks.
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  • From ANON - Fish on January 25, 2004
    *observes cunning plan scurring abour with tail nailed to backside*
    you know... it really does look like a weasel...
    hmmmm... wonder what it'd need to look like a llama...
    *chases evil plot with nail-gun*

    keep going! it's great! WOOHOO! *prances around to Muse*

    Origin of Symmetry is a GREAT album! Do you have Absolution?

    Fish - listening to HIM and Muse
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  • From ANON - Hawklaw on January 25, 2004
    Still a great story -- and I love them dissolving into laughter after confessing their love. It seems a natural reaction to the release of long-held feelings. I would never desert a story for throwing in a little old-fashioned soppy romanticism in the middle of great smut -- I like my lemons with a bit of fluffy meranige!
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on January 25, 2004
    Thanks for the update.
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  • From ANON - XxphoenixX on January 24, 2004
    Okay, the lack of smut in this chapter, although in a way disappointing (you did warn us, didn't you?), has returned me to a more coherent state. I like the detatched tone of this chapter... although the slightly romantic feel and the crying Hermione weren't quite as amusing as the rest of your tale. I'm not too familiar with the challenge guidelines myself, and although I do love your story, I am beginning to wonder how exactly you plan on following whatever the challenge was, as there has been very little to do with Valentine's Day or "Killing Cupid" so far. Not to say that I don't live this story. I do! I do, I tell you. It's fantasmic. Fantastic. Orgasmic. See? Orgastic sounded weird, so I prefer fantasmic. It's a new word I invented that seems to describe this fic (I won't lie, it can describe many others as well, but this fic in particular). So, continue updating your fantasmic story... but be careful with the plot. And don't get too mushy on me, darling.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on January 24, 2004
    Chapter 6... This is BEAUTIFUL!!! I am a hopeful (not hopeless!!!) romantic & this chapter just touched my heart!!! To know that someone shares the pure love that your heart holds is the most wonderful gift one could receive!!!

    I am very much looking forward to seeing what plan Severus has brewing in that fabulously devious mind of his!!! Til chapter 7, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - Kat Delacour on January 24, 2004
    more!! More!!! MORE!!!!

    Unfortunately I don't seem able to grasp the English language well enough to give you a fitting review ... but sod it, that's the intention of such a delightful tale!! Well done, I look forward to reading .
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on January 24, 2004
    Valentine's Day? What Valentine's Day? Who cares about plot! Just keep writing the smut! Damn your good! Would I be greedy in asking for more please?!
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  • From Lizski on January 20, 2004
    I love your sense of humor, and your writing style - it's really refreshing. And did I mention that I love this story? This is wonderful! I look forward to updates on this! (Ah, smut. Good, wonderful smut!)
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  • From ANON - Fish on January 20, 2004
    I now have this hilarious image of Hermione suddenly whipping out a ruler and measuring Severus' *ahem* 'manhood'
    Great fic, am loving it!
    Only sorry I never reviewed before now!

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