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Reviews for Killing Cupid

By : Seva
  • From ANON - Jo on January 20, 2004
    Hmm... i might just do a bad review now so you'll have to send that vampire over (wooo!)... so here it is... *ahem* That was... err... rude and... bad... NO! I CAN"T DO IT! To insult the random spectator's work is simply wrong! ANOTHER fab chapter, sweetie, as per usual :) Glad to see that the Professor got what he deserved. Now, where's that S+M u were talking bout...? Looking forward to the next installment, as always. Till next time xxxx
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on January 20, 2004
    This is a work of lemon art...that's all I can say. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - Snapeaholic on January 19, 2004
    Ooooooooohhhhhhh, I wish I was Hermione!!!!! Love it, love it, love it!
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on January 19, 2004
    Chapter 5...... Glad to see that our dear professor got a bit of relief;-) I am looking forward to more, including the mutual pleasure they will feel when they finally share each other!!! Can'tt fot for more!!! Til chapter 6, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - XxphoenixX on January 19, 2004
    ::muffled laughter::
    ::throaty moan::
    ::various other noises, many indescribable and possibly inhuman::
    I laughed; I cried; I wanted to steal Hermione's very existance in order to frolic - ha! frolic! - with Severus.
    I don't know what's gotten into me, woman. I'm not usually this much of a Snape fan but your writing makes me want to shacklm tom to something or other... actually, I'd rather him do that shackling. Are you sure this is your first fic? I honestly don't mind the detour from the Valentine's plot... ;)
    I can't believe Harry and Ron gave her a blow job tutorial. That is just hilarious. And what did you mean by just in case? Oh gods, do I want to know. Yes! I do! I do! Can your explanation involve diagrams and other photographic aids? Please?
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  • From ANON - Hawklaw on January 19, 2004
    And another great chapter! If you write oral sex that well, I'm really looking forward to the main event!
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  • From ANON - deblovesdragon on January 19, 2004
    That just hit the spot. A little oral sex for Severus always brightens my day.

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  • From ANON - Snapeaholic on January 19, 2004
    Good Lord, woman! Don't leave us in suspense! UPDATE SOON!!!!
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  • From ANON - Heather on January 19, 2004
    Christ on a bike!! LOL! Funny stuff! I can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - Titania on January 15, 2004
    Damn it all! When is the next to be posted???
    Let me just say that I like your writing style, it's very well done and I don't see any huge errors with the spelling etc.

    Very erotic my dear. I am looking forward to the rest.

    Author of Fucking with Snape and Walls
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  • From ANON - Jo on January 14, 2004
    Hello darling! Well...! What can one say about such a spectacular chapter? Am neither disgusted nor appauled, you'll be glad to hear. Rather enjoyed it actually *sniggers*... Ahem... And no, the thought of you dancing around insanely to the likes of Iggy Pop did not make me fall off my chair, greatly amused, *muffles uncontrollable laughter*. Till next time, dearest. Ciao! xxx
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on January 13, 2004
    HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL!!! Lucky wench! I wanna be Hermione! What a chapter! What a man! Great writing! I'm sweating and need a cold shower now thank you very much! *looks around suspiously and whispers* More please! :cD
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  • From ANON - Hawklaw on January 13, 2004
    Ahhh...lemony goodness! Thank you so much -- made my (otherwise absymal) day to see an update on this story.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on January 13, 2004
    Chapter 4...... VERY NICE bit of relief for Hermione, lucky lady!!! I am sure that you will be allowing Severus some relief as well!!! I just love how men think they are in control;-) Can't wait to see Severus get his release & relief at the ha(or (or whatever) of Hermione & then maybe some joint comfort!!! Til chapter 5, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - deblovesdragon on January 13, 2004
    This is your first fic??? It is awesome!
    Great lemons by the way. Nummy!

    I LOVE the Ramones! (Great, now I have Ramones tunes in my head.)

    Write more soon please.
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