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Reviews for Killing Cupid

By : Seva
  • From ANON - XxphoenixX on January 13, 2004
    ::squeal:: ahhh! That was positively frabjous! I can't believe it. I'm going even more insane than I was before... if that's possible. Sev is so sexy. Especially when he's domineering. ::sigh:: I really gotta get back to my work but I can't think straight... and it's all you're bloody fault! Not that I mind, darling. ;)
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  • From ANON - GeekGoddess on January 12, 2004
    whoa....that was an interesting development.....tare are both lusting after each other, both so alone....and yet still not shagging like bunnies.....LOL....pleasdatedate soon....this is good.
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  • From slygriff21 on January 11, 2004
    Great story so far. Please update again soon. I can't wait to find out what happens next.

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  • From ANON - Jo on January 11, 2004
    Another stunning chapter darling! If walking around school @ night meant that there would be anything near the slightest chance for one to ahem... 'bump' into a certian potions master, then I'd never sleep! Can't wait to see where u r taking this (although, i do have some ideas - im using my mind-reading skills here!). (BTW - personal note here, just feel astho it needs 2b said, thanku for supporting me when i haven't been too well, i know it hasn't been easy 4 u n lisa 2 cope with 'stressed' Jo) xxxx
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on January 11, 2004
    Chapter 3..... Well, well, I am just too curious to see what chapter 4 has in store for these 2!!! I think a n a n a nice opening for them to be able to see their attractions, talk & to be able to get together*
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  • From Deblovesdragon on January 11, 2004
    Oooooooh! This is fun!
    What's next? How do they formulate a plan? Do they discuss their mutual hatred of St. Valentine's Day first?
    I can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - LittleBird on January 11, 2004
    Severus leading her down to the dungeon? I don't care if he thinks it's out of charactor or not -- I can't wait till they get there!!
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on January 11, 2004
    Oh to be Hermione, colliding into Snape, and engulfed in those ever flowing black robes! Lucky wench! Hehe! You are quite welcome for the reviews. I love what you've doo fao far! Can't wait to see how Snape takes care of poor confused and horny Hermione. Write on, sister! Write on!
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  • From ANON - XxphoenixX on January 11, 2004
    ::giggles excessively:: Awww, they're so cute. Well, the situation actually isn't that cute, come to think of it, and I doubt one would describe either Severus or Hermione as "cute" but it just seems cute, doesn't it? Or maybe I'm just as insane as my friends keep telling me. Either way, I love this fic, partly becuase of my adoration for a good SS/HG fic and partly because I, too, am astonishingly anti-Valentine's. Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Aoibheann on January 11, 2004
    Excellent. I'm glad to find a kindred spirit who also uses the term "Christ on a bike". For that alone I would read anything you read :)

    Seriously, I am enjoying this and am looking forward to reading the thrd chapter that I've yet to click on.
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  • From ANON - Zephyr on January 11, 2004
    You should be flogged with a wet noodle for that cliffy.. Geesh.. You had better update soon!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Hawklaw on January 11, 2004
    Great story! I'm enjoying the hell out of it, and looking forward to updates!!
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  • From ANON - jkrazed on January 11, 2004
    I suppose we're in for some angst now. He doesn't make a habit of taking young women, students no less, to his quarters... which means he won't be 'taking' her next chapter as well... right? Oh, please let me be wrong about this.
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  • From ANON - shiv5468 on January 11, 2004
    I hope his intentions are strictly dishonourable.
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  • From tny1111 on January 09, 2004
    This is fantastic!! Can't wait to see them get together!!
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