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Reviews for Killing Cupid

By : Seva
  • From ANON - nesscafe on January 08, 2004
    "Christ on a bike
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  • From ANON - Zephyr on January 08, 2004
    Again Seva you have cracked me up...

    "Christ on a bike .... Its's Snape."

    LOVE IT!!! Please update soon!!!
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  • From ANON - Jo on January 08, 2004
    Hi again. love the new chapter! Thanx for the personal note, always appreciated ;-)
    Love the 8 points to a perfect man, it's like you read my mind... strange that lol
    can't wait for the next installment
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  • From ANON - shiv5468 on January 08, 2004
    Oh I did like that chapter, particularly the list and how it moved through all the desirable attributes of a man to end up at - Snape!

    I'm glad to hear he'll be happy soon.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on January 08, 2004
    Chapters 1 & 2....... I really do like this so far & am looking forward to where you will take these 2!!!
    Til chapter 3, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - jkrazed on January 08, 2004
    There are more than a few things I love about this so far. I read the challenge, nice to see someone require the realism that most of us (including myself) leave out of our stories with our perfect bodies, confident labidos... At any rate, regardless of that, this is very well written, wity, and just fan-bloody-tastic. Can't wait for more!!!!
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  • From ANON - shiv5468 on January 07, 2004
    I liked the look of that challenge, and I must say I like the start to this. Poor little severus - just makes you want to hug him, doesnt it?

    Nice start and I'll look forward to some updates.
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on January 07, 2004
    You can see me but I'm clapping and whistling! Act 1 was fantastic! Excellant start! Not too short and not too long. Better then how my first ficgoingoing, by far! I didn't see too many errors. Nothing that was worse then my own unbetaed chapters and yours is much longer! ;c) I can't wait for your next chapter!

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  • From ANON - Zephyr on January 07, 2004
    "Without a shadow of a doubt, he could describe Valentines day in exactly the same manner as his appraisal of his appearance, both were fucking hideous."

    Awesome Line... Wow!!!!

    I love it. I can't wait to see where you atake this!!
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  • From ANON - Joanna Cuttell on January 07, 2004
    Love to see more. Not sure about the title tho...
    Severus... yummy.
    Hermione... not quite so yummy.
    C u on Monday.
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