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Reviews for Killing Cupid

By : Seva
  • From BlackAsuka on July 13, 2007
    I love the story, but I can't get to or .com! i keep getting on of those sites that searches for random crap... Please help!
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  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on June 30, 2007
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From ANON - Megan Consoer on June 20, 2006
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From ANON - Moi on February 03, 2005
    One of the most entertaining pieces I've read recently. I did laugh out loud over the near zipper accident. And your prose is tasty enough that I wanted to read it aloud to someone. Unfortunately, it's one in the morning, and the only likely candidate is sound asleep. So I shall enjoy in silence. What's next? Oh yes, Advanced Potions first period, and Hermione in her birthday suit, miles from Gryffindor tower....Hmmmm. At least Severus is near his quarters. Will Neville come up with twelve after all? Will Albus? Will Minerva hex his bahoogies off for turning her prize student into a boink-bunny?
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  • From ANON - acidic green on May 26, 2004
    heh, i loved it! you're a great writer! i think that one of -if not the best- HG/SS fic i've read yet!
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  • From ANON - Delana on March 04, 2004
    MORE, MORE, MORE. I want you to sit right down in front of your computer, or PDA or paper and pencil and continue writing! Plllleeeaaaaassssseeeeee????????
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  • From ANON - XxphenixX on February 17, 2004
    You really took that more smut thing to heart, didn't you? Not that I mind... in fact I quite liked it. I love the idea of a Sev POV, and I'm sure a Hermione one will be interesting all. ll. The clone, I'm sorry to say, will not be good enough. I will consent to nothing short of the original. But anyway, the last part where they said those random things (i.e. pathetic declarations of love/lust) seemed too much like pseudo-marriage vows. But I guess I'm too anti-mushy stuff, aren't I? And although I do love the smut, you can only get so much of it before you gotta have a little bit more plot. I want to know what's going on outside of their little sex world! But have no doubt, I still love the story and command you to update immediatley... or I'll steal your Sevvie...
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  • From ANON - Kat on February 17, 2004
    I don't hate it, dear ... I love all well-written Snape-Smut. I'm just tere ate at writing reviews because I generally think "That was fun!! Mwuahahahah!". It's not a very good critique, therefore not much help to you. However ... That was fun!! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!
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  • From ANON - deblovesdragon on February 16, 2004
    Great chapter. Last chapter was great too. I can always wait for the smut. Delayed gratification.

    Before Valentines Day? He did that before valentines? Would you like us to throw a collective hex at him? Would be happy to do that. (grins)

    Cheers dearie.
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  • From tristar3149 on February 16, 2004
    that was anopther awsome sceen so primal and very well written once again.............. keep up the great work and I will read more
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on February 16, 2004
    I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better!!!

    Chapter 11... You did one hell of a good job here!!! This chapter really made Severus & Hermione e hue human in their relationship!!! Many people find that there best sex is after a fight or arguement becauseis sis so very extreme & allows them to forgive without having to find too many words to do it!!!

    I can't wait to see what happens during that next class as well as where you take them after!!! Til chapter 12, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on February 16, 2004
    Ah, satisfaction! YUM!!! Nothing like a mindless shag on the floor to make up for the interuption in the last chapter. Forgiven! I like this story! Can't help it, good smut is hard to find and you have a gift! I wouldn't take the lack of reviews to hits personal. Some folks just don't bother to review. They like to read the good stuff, but don't want to call attention to themselves. Your work is excellant! I wouldn't say it if I didn't think so. I don't read what I don't like. I avoid it like the plague! ;c) I love this story though. I don't really care how much plot if any you put in it as the smut is working just fine. Go w/ your muse wherever she takes you. If this is meant to have a plot it will flow into it, if it isn't then don't be disappointed. SometimWP'WP's come from good ideas that just don't work into the story and sometimes long stories come from one shot smut fics. You just gotta go w/ the flow.

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  • From ANON - Jo on February 16, 2004
    Ah, i return! I kept my nose through 8 days of -36 degrees. bloody miracle! enjoyed the last chapter tremendously, as always! Am in joyous mood as have jst returned from shopping with a great pair of boots! Woo! gotta go so will c u soon! get that nxt chappie up b4 i explode from antici...................pation! Xxxxxxxxx
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  • From ANON - WizardingAngel on February 16, 2004
    thas aas a wonderfull two chaps ( that I caught up with ) the scees aws awsome and almost so near to real life............... Got Neville right on the head of his reaction to Snape It was funny in a way. like allways keep up the excelent work.
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  • From ANON - deblovesdragon on February 15, 2004
    Well, all things considering, that could have been worse for Severus and Hermione. Neville could have actually walked in on them. Other than that, it was a promising morning turned tot.

    You ex is a total wanker! Did you have the flu? Is that why you were throwing up for a week? And then he broke up with you?!?! What a jack-ass! Remember, chocolate and girlfriends always cure a trampled upon heart. You are also welcome to bitch to me. Your friendly neighborhood smut kitten. (grins)
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