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Reviews for The Coven

By : Deblovesdragon
  • From ANON - Yavonna Han on April 29, 2004
    I read your story and like thy yoy your going about it, unique. Its been awile since you posted. I really cant wait for your next chapter. Any idea when that will be? I am a bid Harry/Ginny fan and hope thats where your going there is a whole lot of them on this site. I also hope it will show each of them and how they turn out and not just Hermione.
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  • From ANON - Beatrice on April 16, 2004
    Beg, beg, beg! Pleaase don't drop it!!!
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  • From ANON - Beatrice on April 13, 2004
    Please write more!
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  • From ANON - Dame Niamh on April 10, 2004
    Good on you! I've always wondered why JKR didn't write a single word about The Craft, although her witches and wizards employ spells, hexes and brew potions. The Craft was not always thought of as "women's magic - " even in mediaeval times, men who worked spells were hung or burned as often as women! Covens seem to have been exclusively female in the past, although I do know of a few that have male members today.
    I'm so glad you brought the Hufflepuff girls in; they have been sadly neglected in fanfic. I was going to remind you about "Americanisms" like "Okay" and Hermione's referring to her mother as "mom" instead of "mum" but I think someone's already reminded you. I had to laugh, though, at "Holy shit!" I think that's international.

    Blessed be!
    Dame Niamh
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  • From ANON - Learic on April 05, 2004
    AAHHH!! You need to write more!!!!! I want to read about the ritual!! Ooooh Snape!!! MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE NNNNOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Eric2 on April 01, 2004
    this is a good story you should continue with it
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  • From ANON - Kelly on April 01, 2004
    Well a very interesting will be interesting to see where it goes. Please continue soon.
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on April 01, 2004
    God, I wish you could update more! I love this story so much and let me tell ya, I read a lot of fics, so that's saying something! You have to have more! I can't wait to see what happens when Dumbledore talks to the wizards! That should be something interesting!
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  • From ANON - scifichick774 on April 01, 2004
    Wow. I can't believe I've missed so much. First of all...*evil cackle*...Love the possibility that Hermione's dreams aren't just dreams. Or at least not dreams of her own making. ;) And how great is it that Dumbledore approved her plan? Not that I doubted he would, but still. :) More soon please.
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  • From ANON - robin on April 01, 2004
    pleeeees write more. this is varry interesting.
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  • From ANON - buttercup on April 01, 2004
    At last! More of The Coven! I like the way you are building up to the ritual sex. Can't wait to see who's going to end up with Dumbledore. I guess we'll find out if he really is the most powerful wizard in the world. And what's up with Snape? Is he using his Legilimancy for recreational purposes? Can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - hope on April 01, 2004
    So glad to see another chapter to this! Its one of my fav. WIP that I despaired of ever being continued. Don't get me wrong, I'll wait forever for an update as long as I know you're still working on it!
    Was Hermione's dream all the doing of her own subconscious or did Snape through a little of his influence in there? :D
    I'm always glad when someone takes on the prospect of protraying 'women's magic' in a positive light in fanfiction. It will be very interesting when you get to the ritual workings of the coven.
    Anyway thanks for writing and I will wait patiently for an update!

    Blessed Be!
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  • From ANON - rubberduck on April 01, 2004
    well we certainly know who hermione wants as her 'partner' eh. not too subtle there. could it be he's using occulmency on her to get into her mind? questions for the ages. that was a very funny chapter. i really liked how hermione thought of her coven sisters by making the hangover remedies. it really shows that she's so smart and kind. i wonder who you will pair rodney, er i mean neville with. any of the three remaining girls wobe ibe interesting, i'mi'm going to vote for luna. that would be funny. i wonder how your coven would react to kamal. he is rather gruff sometimes. hehe. anyway, get back to your writing. i can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - moony_reader on March 25, 2004
    Ahhhh! Continue, continue! I want to find out what happens with Snape!
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  • From ANON - J on March 03, 2004
    I really like this so far. It's very different...and that is definitely a good thing! I wonder what Snape is going to do with a drunk I cannot wait for more!

    J :)
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