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Reviews for The Coven

By : Deblovesdragon
  • From ANON - amsev on March 03, 2004
    Woo, I like this story so far. I can't wait to see where it goes! Do you have an update list where you send out notices when you update?
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  • From ANON - Slashgoddess on March 03, 2004
    wow... update soon! *Grins* can't wait for more. I'm wiccan but I totally love this story. It's a brilliant idea and I don't know why I never thought of it! *grins* It's very realistic
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  • From ANON - WizardingAngel on March 03, 2004
    wow an awsome chappie and the girl talk was excellent and the plan to it is still great and as always keep up with the excelellnet work.
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on March 02, 2004
    Oops! "Orry Ocifer pa wight looked pink ta me. Hicup!" Hehe! Will Snape know she's been drinking the night away? Will he care? You're an evil woman leaving the story where you have! MORE! MORE! MORE! Please!
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  • From ANON - buttercup on March 02, 2004
    This is building up to something big. I'll give you credit, for your first smut fic, yoe jue jumped in with both feet. 5 pairings! I can't wait. Excellent chapter.
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  • From ANON - mother on March 02, 2004
    Wow, this is great. It is very original and it is refreshing to read something that is not based aroung a theme, good as those are. Keep it up.
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  • From ANON - Chalice on March 02, 2004
    Really excellent story!

    I love ritual just lends such an aura of Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Susan on March 02, 2004
    Thank you so much for the update! I love this sisterhood. I am really looking forward to seeing what this ritual entails. Only one question: Why didn't they include Ernie in the list? I have no problem with it, was just curious. I am glad there are only 5 to eliminate....hopefully it will get us to kickin' lemons faster! LOL. Take your time and update when you can :-)
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  • From ANON - rubberduck on March 02, 2004
    cool chapter. i really like how you're developing the characters. that was an interesting selection of wizards. i figured there would be more students involved, but the inclusion of neville was a surprise. that's a very interesting choice. well, i suspect two pairings. i'm eager to learn who the other three girls get. it should be fun. now, i just hope my computer stays alive long enough for me to read the rest of your story.
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  • From WriterLady1031 on March 02, 2004
    I absolutely love this story! I wanted to be in the room when Hermione and Ginny were looking in that book. And Luna is really cool--I've always wondered what she would be like as they all got older, so it was really interesting to read how you portrayed her. I'll definitely be back for more of this one!

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  • From ANON - nesscafe on February 23, 2004
    Cool chapter! I missed it this weekend! Anyways, I think everything is progressing nicely! I was a bit disappointed that Padma, Parvati, and Lavender bailed, but that's cool. At least Hermione has Luna and Ginny and the Hufflepuff girls! This is going to be such a great story! I can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Carrie on February 23, 2004
    i'm luvin this story, please keep it coming:)
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  • From philodoxfianna on February 23, 2004
    Good start... I'd like to see where you take this... please email me when you update! *grins*Mmmmm... Wicked Sev... *licks lips unconsiously* I love him.... mmmm... *grins* I like him a lot... with a multitude of people... *grins*
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  • From buttercup on February 22, 2004
    Hmm. I can see where this is moving right along to something really interesting. I am VERY interested to read the next chapter. I wonder who the lucky wizards will be?
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  • From Kait on February 22, 2004
    dear dear dear DEAR deb. GREAT chapter! Uh oh.....I foresee boils in the Gryffindor common room tonight! Hey, I really like the way you write. And I'll look forward to the next chapter on my return! Blessed Be, Kait x
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