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Reviews for The Coven

By : Deblovesdragon
  • From ANON - Susan on February 22, 2004
    Great chapter! I am really impatient to see how they pick the men. Update soon. I have loved this story since you first posted it and am anxious to see where you take the plot :-)

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  • From ANON - jkrazed on February 22, 2004
    Good chapter. Explains a lot. And Ron is gettin' him some. Good for him. Keep it up!!
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  • From ANON - lauraanne on February 01, 2004
    Not bad for a first try.

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  • From ANON - LovesThePotionBoy on January 31, 2004
    Oh my....oh, MY. Some wonderful Sex Magick on the cards? I can see where you could be going with this....and I like it.....

    More please!

    I use this site for translations from English into Latin -
    It's free and I've found it really helpful when writing Mirrors and Puzzles.

    Billion BLessings....Kait x
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  • From ANON - LovesThePotionBoy on January 31, 2004
    Hey I'm only on chapter 2....but I had to submit a review anyway, this is GREAT stuff.....I do so love the Ancient Ways and am looking forward to reading more. Blessed Be, Kait x
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  • From ANON - scifichick774 on January 29, 2004
    Wow! Amazing beginning! Really looking forward to more of this.
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  • From ANON - pywacket on January 29, 2004
    Loving this fic!!! Keep writing--can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on January 29, 2004
    Ooo! I like this story! I don't think I've read a coven story before! This should be fun! I can't wait for chapter 5 when they all find out why they are there! Update soon! Great story!
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  • From ANON - sinj on January 29, 2004
    Cool concept. I forsee lots of fun up ahead! Can't wait 'til you get the next chapter up.

    Maybe you could use abbreviations a bit more, you know like I'll, I'd instead of I will and I would / had, especially when the characters are speaking, it makes the flow better. And also, the phrase 'yanking my chain' is a bit out of place given that the characters are British, 'taking the mickey' or 'having me on' might be more realistic - but that's just my opinion. Just a bit of constructive constructive criticism (and really it's only tiny little things). Love the story, hope you update soon!
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  • From ANON - rubberduck on January 29, 2004
    you have a great grasp of hermione. i'm jealous. i would like a great grasp of hermione too. hehe. um, anyway, stick to the subject. that was a great chapter. i really like how comical and fun this is. it was especially hilarious when hermione asked the boys if they wanted to study and then turned to ginny and crossed her eyes. priceless. and i'm glad there will be more girls in the coven. it would be kind of small with only two. i can't wait for more. keep it coming.
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  • From ANON - ancientgirl on January 29, 2004
    Great chapter. But I have a feeling I think I know what the important ingredient for that powerful spell is and I think I may have guessed what they will have to do in a month. I can't wait to see what happens next.
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  • From ANON - Lucifera on January 29, 2004
    Oh, this is good, this is interesting, this is funny, ...

    And the possibilities!

    I'd just love the opportunity to right jump into the story and acquire a copy of the magical abilities of one Lucius Malfoy ...


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  • From ANON - mele on January 29, 2004
    i love the plot! great idea and oooooooo this could lead to some great pairings... does somebody do dumbledore? aloha, mele
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  • From ANON - robin on January 29, 2004
    This is turning into quite a ingenious little fic. it makes me wonder if snape is one of the most powerful wizards at the school(that is not over 100 or under 3 feetl) wl) what are the other pairs going to be? boys or men? Off campus or on? Any wolves?

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  • From ANON - Zephyr on January 29, 2004
    Another great chapter I loved the part with Snape telling Hermione about his favorite page in the Kama Sutra... Short list indeed.. smile.. I can't wait for your next update!!!..

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