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Reviews for The Coven

By : Deblovesdragon
  • From ANON - Catriana on January 29, 2004
    Wow, I really like the direction your taking this fic. I'm wiccan and I think your doing a fine job with it, and the fact that your willing to research the craft is awesome. ok fok forward to future updates.

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  • From Padraigin on January 29, 2004
    I'm not worried about your sensitivity, Deb, write your story the way you want to write it! I'm enjoying it very much!
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  • From ANON - buttercup on January 29, 2004
    Love your Snape. I mean it, I really love your Snape. I'm not even much of a Snape fan, and I love the way you write Snape. I guess it's pretty clear by now what my favorite part of the chapter was! :-) Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - jenbachand on January 20, 2004
    I love this story. Great story line. Love it that Ginny has noticed Snape noticing Hermione. Can't wait to see where this is going. Is Ginny going to seduce Harry, or are there already feelings there for them too? Anxiously awaiting updates.

    Jen :)
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  • From ANON - rubberduck on January 20, 2004
    well look who is getting into the writing game. and it's starting off very well. i like the idea of the story and it's pretty cool about the spell and all, but i'm curious about who else might be in the coven. you should add a few more witches. they don't have to be major players but a few more people could spice up your story. i have just the tiniest problem with your dialogue. it might be just me but i think that most people, even fictional ones, would use contractions, such as using i'm instead of i am. the dialogue sounds a bit stilted otherwise. can't wait for the next chapter. i'm very curious as to how you will handle the seductions. hehe.
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  • From ANON - Friendlyquark on January 20, 2004
    um, are they stealing the powers of these wizards? By duplicate does that mean increasing their own power at the expense of the other? I don't think that's what you meant, but I wasn't positive. I figured the gift for a gift meant that it was a benign spell. Anyway, looking forward to finding out where you go with this. I am really enjoying this.
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  • From buttercup on January 19, 2004
    This is getting more and more interesting. I like the way you are doing your research to enrich the s wit with details. Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - XxphoenixX on January 19, 2004
    Interesting, very interesting. I like the idea of covens, and the feeling of uselessness from Hermione and Ginny is very authentic. Now comes the interesting part... whomever will they give their virginities to? Oh, the suspense!
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  • From ANON - Ladnnonnnon on January 19, 2004
    Interesting little twist there about the coven. So, where are we going with this? Does this mean they need to have sex with lots of men, or do they find their soul mates, bond with them and use the power from the bonding for the coven?

    Hmmm...I look forward to reading more,
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  • From ANON - LadyBrannon on January 19, 2004
    This is really coming together well. Great job! I have another chapter to read! LOL!
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  • From ANON - LadyBrannon on January 19, 2004
    This is a neat idea you have here. I'm going to read the next two chapters and see how it transpires.
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  • From ANON - Zephyr on January 19, 2004
    I am enjoying this story... I am looking forward to the next chapter! Update soon please!
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  • From Padraigin on January 19, 2004
    No disrespect taken at all. Even better timing would be Beltane, but it's too far away for your story. Deb, every tradition is a little different as far as what it takes in and what it uses. I'm not a practitioner of wicca - I'm a hereditary Green Witch. Our traditions vary slightly to greatly from Gardnerian Wicca. Keep doing what you're doing and remember, fiction is often thinly veiled truths follwoing the author's agenda.
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  • From ANON - buttercup on January 15, 2004
    Hmmm. The plot thickens. I can't wait to see what our girl is up to here. I like the way you write Hermione. You really goo good job capturing her youthful enthusiasm. Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Arwen Rayne on January 15, 2004
    Woww!!!! A plot and good grammar. What's this world coming to?
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