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Reviews for The Coven

By : Deblovesdragon
  • From Avosa on October 24, 2007
    This story is so awesome! i wish i could believe you were going to write more! it's an awesome idea. It was so funny when Dumbledore noted that he was on the list of partners. lol. If you do ever decide to write more please let me know by email! thanks i would really appreciate it.
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  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on July 02, 2007
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on February 28, 2007
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From ANON - belladonnacordial on January 02, 2006
    I am so happy that I found this story! What a wonderful tale you weave! I love the ideas of forming a coven and your magical copy spell. I do think it might be an interesting and twisty complication if Hermione DIDN'T draw Snape's name but am happy to leave the details completely up to you, dear. You are certainly doing a great job so far. You write magnificently by the way. Your prose makes for joyful reading. I might even consider holding my breath for an update, if only I could refrain from all this gushing about how much I have enjoyed your work. Brava!
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  • From ANON - Suzanne on May 23, 2005
    Wonderful story so far, I hope you write more soon! I hope Severus and Hermione get together soon, and I am very much looking forward to reading about the five wizards chosen and the spell they all participate in very soon I hope!
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  • From ANON - drea on October 18, 2004
    eek! this is SOOO great of a story! keep writing, please
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  • From ANON - laura anne on September 12, 2004
    Well done! I am enjoying this story quite a lot.
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  • From ANON - jessbla on February 03, 1920
    Great work Deb, I really like the way you work the plot well thought out.
    Told you I'd get to reading it,
    Keep up the great work
    Look for to next chappie
    Luv jess
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  • From ANON - Jess on August 28, 2004
    Wow! I had no idea this was going to be HG/SS! Lol! I'm a diehard D/Hr shipper and now, D/Hr/B! (Thanks to Inell!)

    But I'm completely sucked into your plot, now! Lol! I love the plot! I can't wait to read what you do next! The way you write the characters is how I see them when JKR's not looking! Great work so far! (*Must mark this one to check for updates!*)
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  • From ANON - alatariel aldarion on August 18, 2004
    This is fantastic! What a great, great story! Can't wait for you to update!
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  • From ANON - rubberduck on August 15, 2004
    woohoo, finally a chapter for your story. i was almost afraid it wasn't coming back. i loved how the characters got along. i think i say this a bit too much, but it's how i feel. the interaction between the characters are what i love about these fics. i like to see the lesser used people shine in fanfics. your susan is obviously a strong and fierce witch and she needs to protect her 'family'. that's awesome. i can see why you love that character so much. you've set the stage for hermione/snape and harry/ginny, i'm just wondering who you will put the other three with. can't wait to find out.
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  • From ANON - scifichick774 on August 15, 2004
    Yay! I've been waiting for an update on this forever and it was definitely worth the wait. Nicely done.
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  • From ANON - Larimar on August 15, 2004
    I am so glad you updated! I thought you gave up on this! Yeah! Keep going! I loved their first celebration together. Good to have you back!
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  • From ANON - Andrian on June 27, 2004
    Well there is one positive thing about noadinading this before...I got to read it all in one sitting. I love it! It is unique and with a touch of humor. I cannot wait for the next part. Please LJ me when you have it up as is horrible for finding updates.

    Well done. Look forward to more.

    Andrian and the lovely werewolf
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  • From ANON - dryade on May 09, 2004
    i love it. it gets better and better. do update soon. such a sweet story. i can hardly wait....
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