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Reviews for Ivory and Ebony

By : PersonalInferno
  • From lightinmyeyes80 on May 04, 2008
    this was very good, and i hate to nitpick but i found one flaw in your story.
    In actuality, black is the absence of all color, while white is the presence of all color.
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  • From ANON - faleeple on May 09, 2004

    ummmm... are the dragon and fox yu yu hakusho, kurama & hiei? probably not, i was just reading it and it's on my mind. meh
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  • From ANON - Lily on February 16, 2004
    *bounces up and down in her seat* i know who it is, i know it is!! Its Youko Kurama and Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho!Am I right, I'm I right. Sry, I'm a little hyper right now! hehehe...
    This was a very good. I love the way you used the words to create a whole new depth to their characters. It was very meaningful! I look forward to seeing more great things from you!

    Much love and luck!

    Lily, the Psyko Vampirate
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  • From ANON - Saddo with too much time on February 14, 2004
    Just a friendly note to say that you got the colour thing the wrong way round. Black is the absense of colour and white is all the colours combined. Hence the reason you can refract light into a rainbow of all the colours if you shine it through a prism. Anyway, good luck with getting your computer working.
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