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Reviews for For all Joy wants Eternity

By : katzenhai
  • From ANON - Shade on December 10, 2005
    Keep up! We are with you. Late update is million times better than no update at all; besdies, patience is virtue, so it doesn't hurt to exrecise it. Personally, I can give you all chances you need, and your story too.
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  • From ANON - Anubis on October 01, 2005
    This is truly a work of art. This last chapter (24)! You captured the feelings of both Severus and Remus so well...I'm actually at a loss as what I should write, the words are refusing to be written to express the somber feeling that is tingling through me. I am looking forward to the last installment of this fic, even though this was my first night reading it and am actually proud that I have managed to get through the entire thing in one night.

    I hope that you do plan to do more work after completing this piece as I would love to read more of your work. As an author myself, I am envious of your talent and look forward to being envious in the future.

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  • From ANON - aah on June 22, 2005
    aw :)
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  • From ANON - Joey on June 22, 2005
    Only a moment more of your time, if you please - will the question of Lucius' survival be answered in the final chapter? Please let it be so!
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  • From ANON - Joey on June 22, 2005
    This uncommon story, dare I give it that too common name, is disturbingly and heartwrenchingly beautiful. This writing had me up past 4 am trying to stay awake and read more. This writing had me in tears. It made my heart hurt. I don't really know whether to love it or hate it, only that it astounded me and I wait wide-eyed for the final chapter. I commend your choice of quote, also, although I am familiar with neither the opera nor the movie from which you gleaned the words; from what I gather in the libretto, it was the perfect selection. The riddle itself, a lovely definition of that last of Pandora's demons and the opera an example of how the simplest action can cause the most far-reaching effect - from the Arizona Opera: Learn: Opera Synopsis, "As they exchange stories, Timur describes Liu's care and affection and Calaf asks her why she has voluntarily shared such suffering. Liu answers, 'It is because one day, in the palace, you smiled at me.'" In the end, she kills herself to protect Calaf, as well, I'm sure, you know. You are a brilliant writer, although as constructive criticism, there were more than a few spelling/grammatical errors and typos (likely caused more by the medium than the author). Overall, I can only thank and applaud you, and wait for your book to come out.
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  • From ANON - Athena Keating-Thomas on April 16, 2005
    I'm so glad to see that your fic is still being updated; I just finished catching up. Your brand of angst is wonderfully done; just looking forward to the H/C now. ;)
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  • From ANON - Oya on April 02, 2005
    Haha, it looked odd, with Sev creeping nearer to Harry to share his wand with him. Only Sev, Harry, Wormtail, Voldy and Macnair was present in the room?

    It really tore at my heart when Sev still felt so down, after the battle. But ah well, you quickly amended that with Remus waiting for him. I'm also glad that at least Sev didn't forget about the poor Slytherin children! And darn that stupid Moody.

    Oh, by the way, is this the last chapter? Or is there another? Great work!
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  • From ANON - Oya on April 02, 2005
    I'm so glad that Minerva spoke up for Sev. And Lucius! That was unexpected. It really touched me.

    Your writing is quite good. Its detailed, and is able to portray what the characters are feeling exactly.
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  • From ANON - Oya on April 01, 2005
    Ho, I was able to chance upon this fanfic while seeing someone's fanart. *cough I'm such a perv cough*. Anyway, really great fic so far! It breaks my heart that Sev is still being tortured, and that Albus didn't really trust him in the beginning chapters. But I'm really glad that Remus is there for him now, though I'm sure its really painful since he can't touch Remus.

    I shall have to stop at this chapter, and continue again next day. Its already 3.30 in the morning! Anyway, great fic!
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  • From ANON - Hannah on January 26, 2005
    Hi, I love this story and I have been reading it for might not want to know how long. Just to check, this isn't the end right? If it is, please tell me so I stop coming back and feeling kinda stupid. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - @_@ on August 22, 2004
    Ahhh!!! Write more! That was too exciting and intense!
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  • From ANON - Vertigo on July 23, 2004
    Thank you for the latest chapter. It s lis like you and Severus managed to pull something off at the end. The irony of it is that it appears Voldie's minions could have taken care of Voldie's Harry problem as easily as capturing him. One wonders who (like Remus) might have been with Harry when he was captured and what happened to them. Also, what were Albus and various others doing? Anything to do with that fortunately timed interruption?

    I guess it's obvious I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter. Just how is Severus going to fare after being tied to the evil guy with not just the Dark Mark but a much stronger bond as well?

    I guess we'll never know just what Voldemort planned when he said, "... you will learn within the next hours, that betrayal is among the most painful things that one can experience." Just as well for the health of certain characters, I'm sure.

    Good luck with that thesis! ^_^
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  • From ANON - west dean on July 01, 2004
    This is currently my no. 1 Snape angst fic ever! But ....I can't work out how you are going to resolve this without leaving dead bodies everywhere?
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  • From ANON - uris on June 10, 2004
    You are evil making us wait so long for an update. Powerful story.
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  • From ANON - Vertigo on June 10, 2004
    I've really enjoyed this fic. Thank you. But you've done it now. I don't know how everyone is going to get out of this. Or even if they are. *sigh*
    And just when Severus and Remus ... *pout* Anything nice in Severus' life lasts about 2 seconds. Lucius' actions toward Sev were very interesting. I guess even he has a heart.
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