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Reviews for Rescuing the Hero

By : bluehearts
  • From gossipgirl84 on September 22, 2012
    For future reference it's Gryffindor.
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  • From gossipgirl84 on September 22, 2012
    This story was just awful, awful. The rape was so unnecessary. The spelling was awful. If I had been in Harry's position, I would have made Ron unable to get aroused, you know like cutting off his happy place on this body. Also, do you know nothing about raped victims? they would be too disturbed and traumatized to have sex even if it's with the person they love. So yeah, this story sucked.
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  • From ANON - rach on January 05, 2007
    omg....that had me crying. u r a good writer! :D. go you! HI FIVE! *offers hand*. haha. anyway. that was well written. u had me crying so many times in that story, espcially the part where draco finds out harry still alive. *sob*. congrats!

    xx rach xx
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 05, 2006
    awwwwwwwwwwwwwww that was so sweet omg i loved it so much
    it was amazing
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  • From ANON - evalhanne on July 27, 2006
    I loved it! I'm glad I stumbled across this one again!
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  • From ANON - truckerz on June 12, 2005
    Wow! Awesome story!! And you brought back Sirius. Yaaaay!!!! And look at all my exclamation points!!! :o)

    Seriously, though? Wonderful job there. One of the better H/D stories I've read, and sadly, I've read quite a bit (I guess that's what happens when I'm lazy and bored). Kudos and congratulations and thanks and all that. :o) Bravo.
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  • From ANON - Demeterisis on February 09, 2005
    best story EVER! "draco and harry should of shag more though ^^"
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  • From ANON - "Leech" on August 22, 2004
    Ok, I only have one thing in this chapter that bugged me a little. I think that it was just a little too conveniant that the journal also said how to use the chant. Don't you thik that Harry would remember without the help of the book? I like how the answer was in the journal though.
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  • From blarginghomingdevices on March 04, 2004
    AWWWWWWW I love you for making them love each other...*cries* It was so beautiful...*not really crying, but smiling really big* So wonderfully fluffy and sweet and...awwwwwww
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  • From ANON - Keikokin on March 03, 2004
    awwwwwwwwww that is so cute! Draco gots mad when he didnt' get his way awwww btw I loved the entire long fic. I hope you have another one on the back burner.
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  • From ANON - MidnightMoon on March 03, 2004
    Ah, that was such a sweet ending. Aw, too bad it had to end. But you did a good job on it! I hope you will write more fanfics soon. ^_^
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  • From on March 01, 2004
    Lucius did WHAT to Draco's face?!?! He must die now. Harry must kill Voldermont, and then Lucius. Lucius must suffer a long, slow and terribly painful death. They never should have left Harry's home after Dumbledoor told them not to. Cho is to blame for them being captured, and she holds partial blame for what Lucius did to Draco's face. She must suffer, too. She doesn't have to die, just suffer. (I'm just ranting again, don't mind me.) Please keep going, and update again soon.
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  • From on February 29, 2004
    KEEP GOING PLEASE!!!! Thank you for giving Harry back to Draco. Thank you for explainning about Professor Snape. Thank you for giving Draco and job. Thank you for explainnign about Lupin. In fact THANK YOU in general.
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  • From ANON - Keikokin on February 29, 2004
    O thank u for bringing Harry back and the shag athon I needed that!
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  • From on February 29, 2004
    So Ron is dead. Dang, I actually feel bad. So who is it that grabbed Harry? Is it Professor Snape? Or is it Lucius? He could be a double agent, too. Or did Draco, Sirius and Lupin break in to the Manor to get Harry's body? Please, update again soon.
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