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Reviews for Watching Her

By : Seva
  • From AppleFiend on December 10, 2009
    Awesome story! I'm a sucker for the dark, obsessive ones.
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  • From ANON - Megan Consoer on June 21, 2006
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From SataiDelenn on December 20, 2005
    Oh gods,

    I am in tears. I know that kind of pain. I've never quite reached the point of doing anything about it, but I do know that kind of soul-wrenching pain. My heart goes out to him. And he's not even real.
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  • From ANON - olivia on November 24, 2005
    awww, that was sooo sad. i really enjoyed reading it, it was really intense. upadte real soon.
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  • From ANON - tamarack1pines on May 21, 2004
    Sequel please!(crying jaggedly) I hate unhappy endings...
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  • From ANON - tamarack1pines on May 21, 2004
    Sequel please!(crying jaggedly) I hate unhappy endings...
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  • From ANON - zenia on May 17, 2004
    You say "two chapter - one shot"... but this needs to be so much more.
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  • From on May 15, 2004
    I liked it. Were they involved in the past? How did Severus' obsession begin? Updates please.
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on May 15, 2004
    I don't know what to say...very sad. Thanks.
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  • From TeaRoses on May 15, 2004
    This is truly great work, one of those stories that makes me sit back and say "Oh forget it, I could never write like this." And I'm torn between agreeing with those who want to see it continue (as I'd love to see more of it, happy ending or no) and respecting your evident wish to leave it as a complete work (which it does work well as). It's up to you of course. And "The type of love that has four walls, growing ever closer." is a line of brilliance. Writing from Snape's POV is gutsy and worked so so well here.
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  • From ANON - hopelsydreaming on May 14, 2004
    Oooo....I was hooked as soon as I began reading...I hope that you don't stop after *just* two chapters...
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on May 14, 2004
    Chapter 2... I am typing through tears so please know that your hope has been realized, what you have written in this chapter has most definitely been written well enough to be affecting!!! HOLY MY, this is so very sad & you have done an AMAZING job with your words!!!

    May I share with you what I hope?!? I hope for more!!! It is my hope that the screaming & sobbing that he hears is Hermione, there in time to save not only his life, but his entire being!!!

    I do so wish that you will go on with this & I am sure that you can tell I am wishing for a hopeful continuation!!! I do know that not all stories have a happy ending, but being the hopeful romantic that I am I can't help but wish for one here, he deserves happiness to end his pain!!!

    Just in case that you can't tell how much I am impressed by your work..... Throall all of the hurt & pain, the difficult subject matter, you have written ONE HELL of a BRILLIANT piece of work here!!! Still hoping for you to turn this into a multi-chaptered masterpiece, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - Azazello on May 14, 2004
    So what do you think? Perhaps we will find out how Severus came to be so obsessed? Review, tell me if this is good, bad or mediocre. Is it pretentious drivel? Is it beautifully twisted? Or just a steaming pile of shite?

    It's more than good, it is very good indeed. Complex feelings put in beautifully simple but lucid and well used language - it's a relief to see someone using simple yet strong expression. That, to me, is the opposite of pretention - pretention merely shows off, and irritates this particular reader. Your story so far has a good deal of power and raw emotion. I'd enjoy reading more.

    And most definitely NOT steaming pile of shite, and if anyone says so, please allow me to thump them on your behalf.

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  • From ANON - Lana Manckir on April 11, 2004
    Your writing is beautiful! I love Severus and this is exactly as I imagine his mind to work, you've done a wonderful portray of him! Are there going to be more chapters? I hope so!
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  • From ANON - Kat on March 02, 2004
    Actually, I'm reminded of Humbert's longing for Lolita rather than anything Shakespearean. Very interesting, very poetic ... Although I've never been one for SS/HG. Even though I knew it was coming, seeing her name was a "damn it!" moment for me.
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