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Reviews for Breeding Lilacs out of Dead Land.

By : mbassan
  • From ANON - deblovesdragon on March 25, 2004

    HoneyDuke's as Severus's sancuary was interesting. Anna Vector's feelings for Severus was profound. Even the insight of Dumbledore not having the patience and observation skills that occurred with age was facinating. That he still did not have these skills at the age of 80 wrillrilliant.

    So can Severus change? Or does he believe that his fate is sealed. That he will become his father and that he has no control over it?

    I can't wait to read more!
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  • From on March 25, 2004
    I have only one word to say, and that is... wow. Just, wow. There's so much crap HP fanfiction out there these days that sometimes you really have to dig to find the diamonds in the manure pile.

    I think I found one. This fic, the depth and accuracy of Snape's characterization, the realism in your setting, is all utterly stunning.

    I'm not a Hermione/Snape shipper by any means, by the by. But the sensitivity with which you handled a subject all too often cheapened by the plethora of noncon/rapefic on the web amazes me. Aubrey is precious in the way a precocious child often is: disconcerting, discerning and still very much the innocent. Hermione's jaded cynicism is both tragic and inevitable, considering her own experiences. Someone made mention of her being a bit too well-adjusted. I'm not so certain I agree with that; rape victims respond to their experience in very different ways, and you seem to have made sure to keep that in mind. She will hardly be the same person she was beforehand, but I can't see her reduced to an angsty mess the way so many fanfictions portray. Reactions to specific situations depend largely on the personality of the individual, I've found.

    Kudos. Thank you for sharing this with everyone.

    (Also, I'm unendingly amused by the literary allusions you peppered throughout your chapters. XD)
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  • From ANON - CAH on March 25, 2004
    Great chapter and a good insight to Severus - get rid of Anna - he never should have taken up with her in the first place and I hope she is now out of the picture!! I'm enjoying this story very much.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on March 25, 2004
    Chapter 13... I am so very impressed by how you describe things, for example, what is going through rusrus' mind!!! The man has so much hurt, pain, frustration & anger that it's no wonder he loathes himself so much!!! I do hope that a time will come that he can see who he is & that he is not his father!!!

    I like the fact that Anna came to check on him & the conversation with Albus was enlightening!!! I am glad that she cares about him enough to know her limits in his life!!!

    I am curious to see if Severus will ponder on Albus' words about Hermione & wonder just how he will react to her & Aubrey when they are alone again?!? Even in the state he is in he knows that there is something in Hermione that he wants & perhaps needs, even if it is only her warmth for now!!! He may not see her as helping him find his path to comfort or becoming comfortable with himself yet, but he senses something in her that makes him want her to be there with him!!!

    As always I will be looking forward to your next update!!! Til chapter 14, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - excessivelyperky on March 24, 2004
    Well, having that happen to Snape is the only thing that would keep _me_ from tearing him a new one if he did that to my daughter. A good thing that Hermione went to go do so--it's clear that Dumbledore probably should have checked on him earlier. (Ok, I belong to the Evil! or at least Neglectful!Dumbledore school). Anyway, for all my rambling, this was a really good chapter.
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  • From ANON - loup garou on March 24, 2004
    This is the sort of story that makes wading through the slush pile of fanfic worthwhile.

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  • From ANON - Nocturnus on March 24, 2004
    Oh, I need to add something more. How would he react when he regain his composture?. He could be internally overwhelmed (Such a big word for a non native. Spelling?), but I bet he will be a bastard with her.
    I hate people, except hubbie, see me crying, I almost feel awfully ashamed afterward.
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  • From ANON - nocturnus on March 24, 2004
    Wow. She beats Molly Weasly in conforting habilit
    I could "see" Aubrey's pain, Hermione's rage and Severus crisis.
    Good Work!
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  • From ANON - Denali on March 24, 2004
    Wow. Just wow. I finally got around to reading this fantastic story... its great. Really. I love you characterizatioin of Snape, boy is he a bastard! But... there IS something else there... he's been acting for so long, playing a role... and I imagine the facade he's created has blurred with the *real* Snape... and I love how Hermione looses control... its what my mom calls "Mama Bear Syndrome" the You-Hurt-My-Child-You-Suffer-The-Consequences mothering thing. Aubrey is a great character... I know some have been saying she's a bit unbelieveable (i.e. verbose) for an 8 year old, but seriously, she isn't. I've taught gifted children and 8 year olds can sound like her... if you're writing her with a high IQ then it fits. Great, great work, can't wait to see how this plays out!!
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on March 24, 2004
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  • From ANON - IrishRavenX on March 23, 2004
    *Sobs* *Recovers enough to beg for more story* Looks like Snape has become something a bit more than a pet project...Looking forward to more, as usual.
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  • From ANON - deblovesdragon on March 23, 2004
    I haven't reviewed your work as of yet, so here goes.
    The reason for my fear of reviewing is my inability to articulate just how very good this fic is. There are so many layers to this, I don't know where to start. Severus is a broken, incomplete man. Hermione is a struggling, imcomplete woman. Is the idea that together, they can be complete? Audrey is a very interesting character too. I would personally like to see more of her if possible.
    Please continue this soon. It is starkly beautiful.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on March 23, 2004
    Chapter 12... Another AMAZING chapter! am am hoping that this is the beginning of a new understanding between Severus & Hermione!!! I do believe that both of them have just found out more about the other than they ever thought exsisted!!! She now knows that he is ill & has suffered at the hands of the Death Eaters & he knows that she has the ability to comfort the man he feels is unworthy!!! I do hope that this will open the door for them to at least have a fresh start & I hope that he will want to have Hermione & his daughter in his life!!! Til chapter 13, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - AJS on March 23, 2004
    Oh. Fantastic.
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  • From ANON - excessivelyperky on March 22, 2004
    Scary. But sometimes the hardest chapters are the best. You might want to read _Mirror Dance_ by Lois McMaster Bujold--it, too, goes into the dark places. (bows)
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