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Reviews for Breeding Lilacs out of Dead Land.

By : mbassan
  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on April 14, 2004
    Just a note to let you know that I am just very behind & am going to be reading the last 3 chapters when I get a block of tim sit sit down & finish the story!!! Now that I know that it is finished I want to be able to read the rest in one sitting & just haven't been able to get enough time:( Hoping to get the time to finish it in the next few days!!! Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 14, 2004
    In relation to the A/N at the beginning of the chapter, if you are such an atheist, then why on Earth were you celebrating Passover?! Kind of contradicts yourself there..
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  • From ANON - jonelin on April 14, 2004
    i've been following this story since it began. a very bittersweet ending. you aery ery insightful in your resolution of the two. thank you for a lovely story!
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 14, 2004
    Right, so apparently I've been cut off...

    To continue: I liked the "Jewishness", though I'm a bit biased, being Jewish myself...the parallel drawn between the Nazis and the Death Eaters is an obvious and logical one. I would like to say that not all Ashkenazic Jews use the distorted Hebrew (the letter "saf" does not exist and I find it very difficult to pray with people who say "Yisgdal. at at least not in America. I can't speak for European Jews, but all the Eastern European Jews I know use the "saf." (Granted, that refers to about twenty people.)

    You write extremely well for someone who speaks English as a second language. You have better grammar than most people who speak English as a first language (I've found that to be the case usually), and your knowledge of poetry is amazing. I've always liked the idea of Snape being a literature nut, and your portrayal of him as quoting verses frequently is something I very much enjoyed.

    I also find it interesting that you're somewhat attached to the traditions of the Jewish people yet so astranged from the Jewish God. I'm sure in questioning God's role in the Holocaust you received the answer, "We cannot understand God," and I'm sure it was just as unsatisfactory for you as it was for me. But I've found that no matter how much you ignore God, he(she? it?) never stops talking to you.

    Happy end of Passover, great job on the story, and please keep writing. I look forward to reading more of your work.

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  • From ANON - Anon on April 14, 2004
    I very much enjoyed your story--in truth I actually read the entire thing through today, mostly because I find reading stories that way helps me to not confuse them with other on-going stories.

    The people who tell you that writing about difficult issues is wrong/bad/otherwise awful--I envy them, because their lives are clearly filled with the bubble-gum stuff most people's lives lack. Let them live in their bubbles of illusion and keep writing. Reality is reality, without room for wishful subjectiveness.

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  • From ANON - Amanda on April 14, 2004
    just wanted to say, this is a wonderfull story, it brings back a lot of memories
    a MUST read, I say..
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on April 14, 2004
    Well, I don't care what other people say. I loved this story. It was definately a dark tale. I don't know how accurate that some of the stuff was, but you know what. It's fiction and so you can make anything true in fiction. Your writing is wonderful. It's better then wonderful! You're gifted that's for sure! I hope you continue writing HG/SS fics. I will certainly look for more of your work!
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  • From ANON - Meggory on April 13, 2004
    I can honestly say this is one of the best Hermione/Snape stories I have ever read. It was brutal and ugly, and surprisingly beautiful ames.mes. As to the argument that these people would never act in such a manner, I say: who knows why anyone does anything? Besides, to be blunt, these are fictional characters and we must treat them as such. We may give them realistic qualities and actions, but ultimately we as authors decide what they will do and say. I believe this story accomplished both; Snape and Hermione seemed very real, but any "unrealistic" action happened because of the limits of fiction, authorship, and language (and possibly even the limits of our understanding of human nature...sociology and psychology are theories only and never produced exact imitative results every time).

    Please don't ever stop writing controversial matter. It makes life so much more interesting.
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  • From ANON - Candace on April 13, 2004
    Fabulous. Purely Fabulous.
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  • From ANON - Hermiones on April 13, 2004
    Wow, I wasn't expecting such an abrupt turn. That was unexpe. I . I thought this was a post-war story, not set during the war with Voldermort?
    A very, extream story in the dramatics though. It's nice that dispite the last dark chapters, you pulled out a happy-ending.

    Great story. Much darker than I thought it would be, but I enjoyed it. :)
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  • From ANON - Kat on April 13, 2004
    Just wanted to put in a quick note to say how much I have truly enjoyed reading BLooDL. It hasn't been easy reading, and certainly hasn't been comfortable reading in places, *but* I have enjoyed it all immensely.

    I also live in what used to be a war zone, where people took machine guns to school buses full of children not so very long ago. Just because it isn't comfortable reading doesn't make it unnecessary - if anything it makes it more necessary.

    Thank you
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  • From ANON - deblovesdragon on April 13, 2004
    I really enjoyed this story. I am a little sad to see it over.
    Please write something else in the future. If you so wish.
    It's been quite a ride. Thanks for saving me a seat.
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on April 13, 2004
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  • From ANON - Linna on April 13, 2004
    whee! you are awesome hunny..keep up the good work and take a look at my fictionj:-) Dancing with the Moon by bedfordshire
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  • From ANON - Areola on April 12, 2004

    Saying that a character I wrote is doomed for a life of wailing (instead of finding a politer way to express your opinion), blaming me in discrimination towards other religions, all of which I highly respect, for their own merits as well as merely for the notion that each and every one of us has the right to hold to his own belief, can hardly be considered constructive criticism. If that is your idea of constructive criticism, then sorry, I have never asked for this kind of criticism.

    You say that as a story, you don't have much positive to say about BLooDL. I haven't read you saying even one thing positive about BL (not that you might think it has any), though this is hardly the reason I'm raising this issue:

    Taking into consideration that you don't enjoy BL whatsoever, and that you find it such a lousy story, why do you even bother reading it? I hardly mind that you choose to waste your time reading a story that you're bound to despise, seeing you had decided to hate it depending on the premise alone. That is utterly your problem. But wasting my time as well, reading your supposedly constructive criticism, is no more than parasitism. You're a clever woman, Joan. Go spend ytimetime in a more productive manner than pestering me.
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