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Reviews for Breeding Lilacs out of Dead Land.

By : mbassan
  • From ANON - Denali on April 07, 2004
    "Before reading the next installation of BLooDL, I'd like to recommend you this nice little parody one of my more enthusiastic flamers wrote, called: "Mowing Weeds". Yay! I'm a celebrity!"

    No. No you're not. I have read this muddled piece of something and to be honest, you know so very little about much of what you write. Did I miss something? Are you a trained therapist? You actually had the balls to write something about the proper way to handle a person who has committed terrible acts. You are WRONG. How do I know? Only because of a degree in counseling social work and being a licensed psychotherapist. Learn before you write. And don't ask for criticism if you're not willing to accept it and move on. Not everyone will like your work. That's life.
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  • From ANON - ellisonian on April 07, 2004
    I thought that I could read this, as I have read many with similar themes... and you do have interesting titles for chapters. I am deeply offended by the idea of Hermione getting romantically involved with someone who has raped her thou As As a survivor, I can tell you that it is completely unbelievable and unrealistic and ruins the entire story. She isn't someone who had a romantic relationship with him before- which may have been abusive- there is no ground work for a relationship to exist after the attack. A child, who in this story is also very Mary-Sue, isn't a way to create romance or love. Not good enough.

    I hope you never need find out the way such an event affects your life personally, but you do need a swift reality check unless you are trying to promote the idea that rape is in some way beneficial.
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  • From ANON - AureliaFlint on April 07, 2004
    I have been reading this story for some time now and I think I am ready to review. You seewasnwasn't sure I liked this story. But this story hooked me. It is well writtten and a few typos are not the end of the world unless this is your honors thesis. I really enjoy the litery references. Poetry isn't my favorite genre but the quotes are apt and well used. This story reminds me of a movie I once saw called Damaged with Jeremy Irons. Hermione and Severus are to me damaged people as is Harry to a degree. Ron is not, that is why Hermione cannot be with him. I think that's why I read this story. The characters are real and the story doesn't have a moral. It's like life. Sometimes if you live your life in a morally socially responsible way, it will still screw you over. Severus's personal connection to an abusive father and having a Holocust survivor for a mother have taught him not to expect much from life. I wonder how you are going to end this story.
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on April 07, 2004
    I should have smelled a kidnapping. Yikes! I'm a little freaked. thanks.
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  • From ANON - deblovesdragon on April 06, 2004
    Another good chapter. I see the homestretch of the story in sight with the kidnappings. Poor Molly. Poor Ginny and Aubrey. Severus, Hermione and Harry would be truly broken people if they were to die. I liked Severus's reactions to Aubrey's kidnapping. The catatonia (sp) Severus experienced was interesting. The depths of feeling for the girl are being realized now. Now all they need is a concrete plan. Hermione needs to let her inner lioness out now (to fight for her child). If only she was proficient with her magic again.
    Write more soon please. I always enjoy it.
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  • From ANON - Angie on April 06, 2004
    Truth be told I kept seeing updates of this fic on a Yahoo group I belong to. I thought by the title it was some impossibly romantic dribble and didn't even bother to look a. Th. The groups have made such a stink of it that I decided to see for myself. Your writing I must say is very good. I'm torn with the premise that Hermione would willing have sex with Severus even if he's a changed individual. Your story is so well written that I have been sucked into it whether I agree with the premise or not. I also don't like the idea of exposing the child to such a father. Praise should be given to you however for the spunk you have shown by updating such a controversial story. I feel that even though a lot of us don't like the theme of this fic, it should NOT be removed from the site just because of that reason. Freedom is an important part of this country and it should remain so.
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on April 06, 2004
    Well, they always say that you know you've hit it big when people start spoofing you. I guess that makes you infamous. ;c)

    I knew something was up! The last chapter was way too fluffy... Er well, fluffy for this story. Please don't let Ginny and Aubrey die! That would be just awful! This fic is dark enough! Have Shacklbolt kick the bucket. He's expendable! They were gonna do him in anyways!
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  • From on April 06, 2004
    Ie the this story very much. It seems to have stripped away all the pretenses that most hg/ss fanfics have. It makes it more real. This fic is very deep. To have Hermione respect a spy/professor Severus. Then to go back into time and get raped be a 20 something death eater Severus. Back to present day a present day Severus where she gets physically intimate. Is quite a challange to write. You have pulled it off well.

    I do hope you continue with what you orginally have instead of what you might change because people are giving you a hard time.
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  • From ANON - loup garou on April 06, 2004
    I am finding this story fascinating , fiction and art in general are not required to be moral but to be true and I find this story very true. Neither character are the people they were at the time of the r. In. In fact , right or wrong, Hermione seems to be basing everything she can on this hope , it's very human of her . Might not be smart but it's human.

    It also seems to me to be a story about not being a victim of circumstances but choosing to wrest some degree of control over the things that have hurt us. In making her rapist her lover Herm is is putting him under her control. In Snape's moment of utter demoralization he sees he has become his abusive rapist of a father , in becoming lovingly ( as much as he is able at least) involved with Hermione and Aubrey he strives to be something more.

    When Hermione left the UK she was denying what had happened to her by leaving her entire life behind. Even in returning she denies the truth to her daughter , willfully molding Snape into a bearable father for her child . Is all of this , or indeed any of it ,the best course ? I think that's a question for readers to surmise. I think the real duty of the writer is to write the question well . After all , shouldn't art move us to ask questions rather than repeating comfortable truths?

    As the child of a holocaust survivor , Snape's position on Easter is familiar to me , although I would say the wizards we are exposed to canonically are only Christian in the broad cultural sense , and then only the Muggleborn.

    looking forward to reading the rest of the story
    Loup Garou

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  • From ANON - hope on April 06, 2004
    The fact that I am still reading this story says something unhealthy about me I'm sure. I think your Hermione is seriously disturbed. I was 'squicked', for lack of a better word, by the hg/ss sex.
    Too many things about this story bother me, and that is my right. I had hoped at the beginning that you would take things in a more believable direction and it hasn't happened for me. I kept hoping for more explanation for the characters actions and reasoning within the story and it has not been forthcoming. I do not think I can continue to read this wiithout driving myself crazy.
    I am a WIKTT member and have read all the controversy and I must say I agree with many of the detractors of this story. I think in many places it is unclear. I think any woman who goes back to her rapist to form a supposed romatic relationship is in need of psychological help. While that would not be a bad thing in a story I don't think you've shown us why Hermione would do that. Firgiving him is a damn site different from entering into a relationship with thim. You have not shown us that he regrets what he did or that he's not going to to it again. In fact you've shown us that he's verbally abusive of kids. You give no justification for why Hermione would subject her daughter to Snape.

    I kept waiting for it all to be explained. It wasn't to my satisfaction.

    ANd when it turned into a 'romance' it turned my stomach.

    I will not even get into the fact that I find Snape's reasoning about where blane lies for the Holocaust... He's a fictional character and you may have some reason for him to be blaming all Chirstianity for it. (In my humble opinion the blame lies with Hitler, the Nazits and their collaborators, and it was motivated by many more things than just religion) For the record, I am neither Jewish nor Christian.

    Keep writing, I think you have talent. Keep working on it.
    But you have lost my as a reader for this story.

    Blessed Be!
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  • From on April 06, 2004
    I have to say this:

    Denali 2004-03-24 id # 169397 who reviewour our fic is not the person with the registered name Denali. Just so you know.
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  • From ANON - Shan on April 05, 2004
    I love your story and the frequency that you update! Please keep up the good work! I just love the complexities of the characters.
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  • From ANON - Amoureux De Sang on April 05, 2004
    As always, i love your writing. and even if some have noticed errors, i am sad to say that i was too much into the story to notice:)
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  • From ANON - Kate Mcguire on April 05, 2004
    "____________________________________________." If you saw "Shakespeare In Love", then remember the moment after the actors complete the first showing of "Romeo and Juliet" where the audience sat in stunned silence struck to the heart. I r thr this to you. What spelling errors? How can anyone even notice them for the power of the story?
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  • From ANON - Mercurial on April 05, 2004
    I've just realized what this entire story reminds me of. It makes me think of a particular song, "stripped" by Rammstein. Whenever I read the poems you give your interpretation of Snape to recite or use, I always think of this line:

    "Let me see you stripped down to the bone."

    It's captivating. Thank you - for the epiphany, for the story, for all of it.

    ~ Jenna.
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