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Reviews for Breeding Lilacs out of Dead Land.

By : mbassan
  • From ANON - chibidaima on April 01, 2004
    fantastic chapter!!!!! I loved it..
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on April 01, 2004
    I forgot to mention how much I loved breakfast w/ Aubrey! I don't see why other people are having a problem w/ her intellegence. She's already mentioned that she has a photographic memory. She's a child prodegy. I love how you've created her. She's the little genius that we all figure a child between Snape and Hermione would be. I loved how Snape gave her the little "life lesson"! How cute was that! And Hermione is SO kidding herself if she thinks Aubrey isn't a little Slytherin snake! That child is such a Slytherin! Way to pass on those genes! GO SNAPE!
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on April 01, 2004
    HOLY SMOKES! If that little exchange between Rudolphus and Snape means what I think it means my own face paled! You can't leave it there! You have to update! What's Snape going to do?
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on April 01, 2004
    Chapter 20... I am glad to see that Anna has chosen to seperate herself from Severus!!! She can see things changing that he is too close to or refuses to acknowledge!!!

    Breakfast with Aubrey was interesting;-) She's got a point, can't blame her for trying!!! I think it's a good thing that she iightight as I think she can offer Severus a bit of a challenge!!! I also like that she does know a good bit about him & told him that his mark doesn't matter!!! I think she has given him a chance to look at the situation involving Kingsley from a different perspective!!!

    I am looking forward to seeing the continuing changes involving Severus, Hermione & Aubrey!!! Til chapter 21, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on April 01, 2004
    Two chapters for me. The meeting and reasoning of war was intense. I'm actually glad Anna is wise enough to concentrate on her marriage, whatever her reasoning. The interaction with Severus and Aubrey was brilliant, it does amaze ow yow you have develope Aubrey into this blend of Severus' and Hermione's personalities. It makes her a plausible character IMO. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - Missa on April 01, 2004
    In short people are ignorant and when ignorant people cannot find something wrong with something they forcefully try to make something wrong with it. I am glad to see that you are not discouraged by these less than open-minded people. The thing a lot of people forgs ths that it's not their story to control and they are nothing but an outsider ment to watch the world you have created and if they find it satisfactory then post little snid-bits of their opinion here. When those "less-than-open-minded" people start to force their viscious opinions on aspiring writers like you then discouragement and doun onn one's writing settles in. I am very glad to see that this is not the case when it comes to you, and I am going to assume a role here and hopefully get this right when I speak for those who are enjoying your story. You are great, keep going, this story is awesome. Please, continue and don't let those who simply are trying to cause problems win. You are a great writer, your ideas are wonderful, and the depth and detail put into the characters emotions and actions have probably encouraged a lot of people. I know at the very least you have encouraged me. I think that's all I wanted to say! ^_^
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on April 01, 2004
    I have just read your A/N and feel compelled to respond before I carry on to the chapter. For me stories are all about plausibility, if an author can convey to me that "this" could happen under these circumstances then I buy. I love to read well written stories within just about any "ship." I guess that in my personal life I have had to forgive to survive. I think that you presented Hermione's rational very convincingly and I have never thought to question her forgiveness. As I have be councelled, you need to forgive (basically for your own sake, not necessarily the person(s) you forgforgiving) but you do not have to forget. That is how I feel your Hermione has dealt with the trauma of what happened to her. IMO her act of forgiveness enables her to look past the rape and see Snape as a whole person, who needs help - this you wrote beautifully.

    I generally don't read other reviews, because I want my opinions to be my own. I love this story, the tone and quality of this a Harry Potter fan fic is at a very high level. I feel sad for you that the critism for this story is so harsh that you had to defend yourself. You have taken on a very tough subject - rape is not easy to read nor I assume write - there are many Hermione/Severus rape stories out there. This plotline is not new, however, del delivery of this story idea is thoughtful and original.

    Simple put, you have this readers support - thanks for writing.
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  • From ANON - elementaldeity on April 01, 2004
    I enjoy your story. I understand the need to forgive, and do not doubt the fact that some people can and will under certian situations. In most instances you forgive them for yourself, in order to move forward with your life, and holding a grudge only causes you to hurt yourself further. Or out of spite. I see that. Thank you for explaining to other readers who have no idea.

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  • From ANON - hope on April 01, 2004

    I've been reading this story since it was fist posted but I have been delinquent in reviewing, mostly because I have been left speechless by this story. Reading this story is both anticipated and dreaded by me.
    First, I'd like to say that for English notng yng your first language you certainly have a wonderful command of it and a wonderful ability to ce ime imagery with it. I should be so lucky to be so fluent in a language not native to me!
    I am a member of WIKTT so I have silently been reading the discussions concerning this story. I think you have done an excellent job creating Snape's character and giving us background on him to let us understand what has made him as he is. I think that perhaps you have not explained in such detail Hermione's character nor the reasons she chooses to do the things she does. As much time and care doesn't seen to have been taken to make her believable. That is not to say she is not a valid character, don't misunderstand me. You just don't seem to have developed her as much as Snape.
    This story follows me around all day. I wouldn't even say I enjoy. I don't like or admire the characters or their actions, I can't sympathize with their feelings, But I find their portrayal compelling all the same. It is not a story I would ever write, and is not typical of what I read yet I am now invested in the characters as you have drawn them and wish to know what happens to them.So much has been said about how rape and its aftermath are depicted.... I do not find it hard to believe Hermione would forgive him. The stretch of imagination for me is that she would willingly come back and wish to begin a relationship with him. I have a very intelligent precocious eight year old daughter myself and I would not for the world put her in the path of Severus Snape as you have drawn him, no matter if he was her biological daughter or not.
    My daughter and I have our own issues with abuse and it perhaps biases my reading of this story, but it has not stopped me from reading it objectively and as fiction.
    In the end you have created something different than much of the rest of the HG/SS fancition. Different is good even if its such a difficult different. You are a storyteller, and a good one and I look forward to anything else you choose to write in future.

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  • From ANON - SilverScaleSerpent on April 01, 2004
    Nice chap. Very depthful. I read the authors note at the begining. What on earth have people been saying? Anyhow, sorry that I don't usually review, I'm lazy, but I love this fic. It's brilliant. And since I've spent more time in my life reading than anything else, including sleeping, I think I can tell. It's amazing. Keep it up!
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  • From ANON - amsev on April 01, 2004
    What a frighteningly beautiful story. I can see where some would express concern over what "healthy" people would say or do in a situation like this. I would posit that *none* of of the characters are "healthy" at this point -- they are involved in a covert war, where one would simply take one day at at time, one emotional contact at a time. Extreme circumstances bring out the best and the worst in people. I love this story. It is so grul aul and grace-filled in its twists and turns, even the darker parts resolve into something more light-filled. Will it be light-filled at the end? I don't know. That is up to you, the author. And I have every confidence that even if the ending is dark, it will be justified in some way, your writing wouldn't allow it to be any other way!
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  • From ANON - Amoureux on April 01, 2004
    oh my goodness. no words can describe the emotions and feelings this story has stirred in me. pe.. e.. please continue. strangley.. i find myself in hermione's shoes and she reacts how i would most of the time.

    saying so cause i was raped, pregnant and choose to be a single mother. all at the age of 17, also knowing my attacker, i had to choose to forgive him for my child's sake. and much more.. it just screams like you wrote it to touch all those in that position. thank you. thank you so much. this story made me cry so often for so many reasons.. and finally.. strangely.. for the first time.. i cried because i saw myself, i cried for myself. and that felt so good.. so right. thank you.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on March 31, 2004
    Chapter 18
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  • From ANON - KDarkMaiden on March 31, 2004
    I read your authors notey thing at the begining and i must say i am glad you are gong to continue posting despite what toehrs said about "sane people" and such. This is an EXCELLENT fic. It is different then most fics i've read, and im not sure if its just your style of writing or whatever, but there is some sort of addictive drug hidden within your words. Its not a very happy story, but not dark in the typical sense, which might be why i find it so interseting. In fact, its probably something that i might have stopped reading a while back, had someone else written it a different way. And yet, i find myself coming back here and checking everyday for updates. Its semi depressing in the way that i cant get enough of.

    Anyway, im rambling, but what im trying to say, i think is that i love it and what ever other people say i think your characters are sane and the situations realistic, unlike many fics i've read.

    If you stop updating, i will have to kill someone!

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  • From ANON - zephiey on March 31, 2004
    I am enjoying this story immensely. You've taken a difficult subject and written about it in a believable manner by showing how the characters respond to it and each other. Thank you.

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