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Reviews for Breeding Lilacs out of Dead Land.

By : mbassan
  • From FrancineHibiscus on October 22, 2017

    I decided to start reading all the Snape/Hermione stories on this site, oldest first.  What a remarkable story this is!  So deeply felt, so real, and so hopeful.  Thank you!

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  • From BRNCTYPrincess on July 21, 2009
    This is an utterly amazing story. I loved everything about it. I'm glad that I lived in HU for a year that I understood everything. I also adore literature and you did Snape very well. Great job. Thanks so much!
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  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on August 10, 2008
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From kittyperry on August 08, 2008
    Dear writer,
    Thank you for sharing the most wonderfully moving story I've read on fan fiction in some time. I found myself crying along with the literature you used, and the Nazi references. The Jewish understanding of Snape was totally realistic and I am extremely grateful for being able to see your vision. You have a gift, and I am sincerely pleased you shared it with us readers.
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  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on August 19, 2007
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From Spicyeggplant on July 22, 2007
    I just read through your whole story in one sitting, and wanted to make sure that I paid the piper by leaving a few words. It was a compelling and exhausting read with intense and complex characters. Writing as you did seemed to me to show a lot of trust in people, so thank you.

    From what I can gather, you and I have very different backgrounds, and different opinions and experiences in regards to religion, but what interests me is that your story shows I think that we place a similar value on how transforming and powerful forgiveness can be. Fanfiction is not a place I typically look for moving considerations on morality or religion, so thank you for that as well.

    One final note. The relationship between Dumbledore and Severus was beautiful and had me a little teary.

    Take care and keep writing.
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  • From vonHardenberg on June 24, 2007
    "Schwarze Milch der Fr
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  • From vonHardenberg on June 22, 2007
    e.e. cummings
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  • From ANON - takemeaway on January 08, 2007
    This was one of the most poignant and beautiful stories I have ever read. Even outside of Fanfiction. Yes, there were some grammatical errors, but as you stated, English is not your first language, and your attempt surpasses that of many authors who do speak English as their first language. I hope you continue to write. You really have a gift.
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 06, 2007
    Beautifully and evocatively written! Thank you.
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  • From ANON - Nightmare on January 06, 2007
    Thanks for finishing this, but you should be aware of something. Awhile back this site was corrupted, and it showed itself by blending words together. Your story has these little errors all through it, and you might want to fix them. Reading it from the beginning, only the last few chapters didn't have them.

    Thanks for writing this, and I hope you write more.
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  • From ANON - MissBliss on January 06, 2007
    I'm only to chapter 18 in your story and admittedly, it's sort of been odd. I apparently didn't pay attention to any angsty warning. I don't do well with too much angst. But even though what I was reading wasn't the fantasy I wanted, it was so fucking accurate and canon, to me. The characters are exactly as I think they should be written. I was sort of icked out by the pairing of Snape with Vector, but it fit so well with the story you're weaving, and I don't plan to go to sleep till I've finished the entire story. You're an excellent writer, regardless of the rest of the chapters. I love the way you weave a story. It's fucking brilliant, actually. Pay no mind to the nay sayers and absolutely do not stop writing. This is a fantastic read, and quite inspiring.
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  • From ANON - Wiccan on November 11, 2006
    Well...I think you use the words 'lemony', 'lactic' and 'milky' too often. Aside from that...this was a masterfully and brilliantly written story. Your subtle and witty manipulation of the English language, at some times, left me breathless. Perhaps a little over-blown or contrived once or twice, but mostly supurb. Your 'Plato' technique of providing both sides of an argument had me involved and enthralled. Your insight into philosophy, psychology and theology was intriguing and thought provoking. I didn't read your A/N's took me away from the story...but I got the impression that some people didn't like where you were going on certain thigs. I, personally, thought you gave a well-rounded and knowldegable over-sight into may belief systems and treated them all with dignity and respect. I have been a voyeur on this site, but this story forced me to tell you how much I enjoyed it. Thank you.
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  • From ANON - Shay on August 21, 2006
    It's rare to find a truly moving story revolving around Snape and Granger that is true to form, believable and *breathtaking*, but somehow, you've not only managed to weave such a tale, but surpassed any and all conceivable expectations.

    This story was deep, gut-wrenching at times, beautiful, sad, horrific and sweet. It made me both love and hate some characters, their actions, their thoughts or words. It made me *think*. I also identify with the view of Voldemort and the Death Eaters in correlation with Hitler (Y'mach sh'mo v'zichro l'ad) and his Nazi thugs. The Holocaust is a painful subject to a great many people. Thankfully, none of our known family was affected, but my grandparents and their immediate families were safely in America long before WW2. Regardless, it still hurts. And while I know that Voldemort and the DE's being likened to the Nazis is not a new concept, you spun it so that it stood out - brilliantly portrayed.

    You must have researched greatly, or at the very least thought long, deeply and hard about the subject matter, and it shows. You braved many complex issues, dissecting and sorting through the layers in each personality, dealing with feelings and emotions behind and as a by-product of acts committed, working through guilt, shame, pain and the steps towards redemption and acceptance and forgiveness - of self and of others. The end result of what I'm sure was a lot of hard work: you created a truly masterful piece.

    I don't imagine you wrote just to write, as some authors tend to do, and you certainly didn't make light of heavy matters. This story shows passion for a subject that so many of us find difficult and yet others often dismiss, sadly. It was a pleasure (though at times painful) to see you meet such challenging material head-on, and pull it off almost flawlessly. [Almost only in regards to some minor spelling errors that irked me a bit - but then, I'm in beta-mode today, so it's to be expected!]

    Your story was told boldly, beautifully and was all at once enlightening, educational and captivating. It had a wonderful balance; none too soft nor too harsh. Just what I think was realistic and thought provoking - something I value greatly in my reading material.

    And not only did I find this piece phenomenal, but many of your Author's Notes were expansive, didactic and stimulating. I can only commend you and say that you're an inspiration - if only I could achieve half of the same ends with one of my own stories someday, I'd be satisfied.

    Thank you for sharing your creativity, intelligence and knowledge and bringing the story to life in a way that makes me certain I'll not forget this story for a long time to come.

    Best of luck in the future,
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  • From ANON - Charlotte on July 28, 2006
    I LOVE this story, which I didnt think I would, but gave it a chance anyway.

    But thats beside the point. I just wanted to let you know that Im going to borrow a quote from your story for my livejournal. I collect quotes, and this one is just amazing! I hope you dont mind. in "Quotes I currently love"
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