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Reviews for The Seduction Game

By : Grill
  • From ANON - June on November 08, 2004
    Ch 26 - EEKS!!! Severus came so close to getting Obliviated by Karkaroff; he should've had quicker reflexes. Severus should've been quietly using Legilimency to read Hermione's mind, but at least he found the piece of Lucius' robe. I just hope this isn't a trap to lure Severus into going to Lucius and getting zapped like Ginny did. You ARE going to take care of Ginny, aren't you? And you're going to update again soon? Please??
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  • From ANON - Kati on November 01, 2004
    I'm up to chap 4 now...and I have to say: interesting plotline, fine written! ;) Have to read on .....
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  • From ANON - Kill Bill on October 30, 2004; you must update. If you don't, I think I'm going to die here on the spot.

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  • From ANON - Kill Bill on October 22, 2004
    Great story, I hope you keep tingting with Mr. Malfoy getting a littlt hoth Hth Hermione.
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  • From ANON - eve/roarke on October 22, 2004
    I am having a wonderful afternoon, why , because you updated, I really love this story and I find it facinating
    having Lucius lurking in the background.

    The shower scene was so hot and not just the water, jealous of Hermione? You bet!!!!!

    update sooner rather than later.

    five stars because its that good.
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  • From ANON - jeannette on October 22, 2004
    i love it can't wait for more
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  • From ANON - June on October 22, 2004
    Ch 24 - very nice! I'm glad she doesn't force him to tell her all the details about his past. But I am concerned that she's not taking the threat of Lucius seriously. I hope they figure out that "someone" must be helping Lucius; between them and Draco, they should be able to identify Karkaroff. At least, if the authoress is merciful?
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  • From ANON - jessica on October 21, 2004
    great!love the malfoy portryal.more!
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  • From ANON - Kill Bill on October 19, 2004
    Wow, that was a great story; I hop you update soon that is.

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  • From ANON - Anon on October 19, 2004
    Wow, that was a great story; I hop you update soon that is.

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  • From ANON - Katie on October 17, 2004
    Graaaaaaaaaa more updates I demand them! :-)

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  • From ANON - jeannette on October 17, 2004
    can't wait to read your next chapter
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  • From ANON - maggie on October 17, 2004
    And you're going to leave it there?!
    can't wait until an update.
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  • From ANON - Katie on October 17, 2004
    I'm still reading it! hop hoping Lucius and Hermione have another encounter...

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  • From ANON - Jewel on October 16, 2004
    *franticasearsearching for the 'next chapter' button* where is it?!!! grrr....
    update soon, before i drive myself than i already am ^_^
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