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Reviews for The Seduction Game

By : Grill
  • From ANON - ancientgirl on October 16, 2004
    Thanks for updating. So, Hermione wants a dominating Severus? I really can't wait for that! I'm also incredibly intrigued about this whole Lucius thing. What is he u?
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  • From ANON - June on October 16, 2004
    Ch 23 - sweet chapter! So glad she followed her instincts and came to Hogwarts. I just hope she doesn't forget to tell him Draco's news on Sunday. (Lucius isn't going to show up on Sunday, is he?)
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  • From ANON - weiwei muimui on October 13, 2004
    ahhhhh i love all ur chapteressssssss ur so creative.. how did u come up with the storyline? eeeeek its 12 17 rite now!! iv been readin for ages!!! plz plz plz continue, if its not a hassle u can email me to sai uv updated it!! thnQQQQQQQQQ!!

    ur stori rockKkz

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  • From ANON - T.Harris on October 11, 2004
    Going really well. Love the story! Not sure when it was posted or if you're still writing it--but read the whole thing. Terrific Hermoine/Snape stuff!

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  • From ANON - AJ on September 25, 2004
    I loved this chapter. The undressing of Hermione was wonderful.
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  • From ANON - June on September 24, 2004
    Ch 21 - yikes, I sure hope Severus and Hermione don't miss seeing the article!!! Igor sure isn't too bright in this story.
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  • From ANON - Karen on September 24, 2004
    AMAZING story. I just love it. Keep it coming!
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  • From ANON - Kyzmette on September 21, 2004
    I just got around to reading this story, and I have to say I'm greatly looking forward to seeing it finished. I love the characterizations and the little twists it's taking. You're quite talented.
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  • From ANON - queenp on September 20, 2004
    I've been following this on Ashwinder, and just popped over here for a bit. I saw that you have more chapters here and just wanted to let you know that I love this story. PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! keep writing. I love this story. I anxiously await new chapters....
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  • From ANON - Katherine Rose on September 19, 2004
    Yes...I'm readying this fic! I love Draco's response... Please continue!!!
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  • From ANON - June W on September 19, 2004
    Ch 20 - AAAUGH, CLIFFHANGER!!!! So Lucius found Igor and now Igor has found him. Stupid Igor, he should've just sent Lucius flowers anc chocolates; Lucius would've been happy enough. VERY glad that Draco told Severus and Hermione immediately. Why don't they just tell Draco that his father attacked Hermione? It wouldn't surprise Draco, and would help him understand why Lucius' escape concerns her as well as Severus. Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Rachel on September 19, 2004
    Fabulous! I'm not much of a Harry Potter fanatic, but I am thoroughly enjoying this fic! Please continue writing. I adore the Snape/Hermoine dynamic.
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  • From ANON - June W on September 14, 2004
    Ch 19 - YAY, they're together again! Umm, you'll have Draco warn them that Lucius might be after theNo mNo more kidnapping Hermione by Lucius, right? Sigh.... please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Dragon on September 14, 2004
    I LOVE this fic... L-O-V-E... you have to finich it... yess... absolutley...
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  • From ANON - Emery on September 14, 2004
    i'm reading your story. obviously. I like where you're going with it, and i rather do anticipate reading this to fruitation. However, I'm firmly against holding a story ransom for comments, so I refuse to comment on principle.

    ;) j/k please keep writing

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