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Reviews for The Seduction Game

By : Grill
  • From WriterLady1031 on September 10, 2004
    Hey, I liked chapters 17 and 18--they were good. I liked the tension that arose when they, the medical board, began to argue as to what to do with Lucius. I've seen similar situations before; a patient with full mental capacity who is able to care for themselves, but with no recolection of who they are is often the center of a huge medical debate in regards to who is responsible. You did a great job with that and it was interesting to see it played out. I also liked the letters going back and forth between Draco and the doctor--it was funny, but sad at the same time. Great job illuminating the dilemma of the child-abusive parent relationship.

    who,who, you're a very good writer. You're just doing a fantastic job with this story and I hope to read more soon. ^_^

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  • From ANON - Ash on September 10, 2004
    I'm loving your story!!!! That was a really good way for Severus to deal with Lucius. I can't wait to see what Lucius is up to.
    Please post more soon :)
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  • From ANON - ICCU on September 10, 2004
    Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please

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  • From ANON - June W on September 10, 2004
    CH 18 - I'm still reading, I'm still reading! I don't know about anybody else; perhaps the start of the new school year is tying up some folks. Not me. I like the chapter and the "letters" approach. I just hope it doesn't take long to catch (and kill) Lucius; ewww..... Are you going to tell us who Draco's boyfriend is? PLEASE FINISH THE STORY!!!!!
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  • From ANON - ancientgirl on September 10, 2004
    Hey, great chapter. I loved Draco's letters and can totally understand why he doesn't care. I'm sorry to hear that you want to stop writing it due to what seems to be little interest. I have to say I'm quite disappointed. I have read so many good stories that have never been finished use use the writer feels they aren't getting feedback. While I can understand how you feel I would think you are writing to express your creativity, not just to get reviews. Yes, reviews are nice. It lets you know people are reading your efforts and feeds the creative ego, but to stop writing because you aren't getting feedback is being unfair to those who still are interested in your story. Yes, I admit I'm being selfish but can you blame me? Here I've invested time (albeit not as much time as you have writing it) reading this story and then I find one day its been abandoned?

    I have probably a good 100 or so stories in my computer, all of them wonderful, and at least half of them are stories that have been abandoned by the author. I have not deleted them in the miniscule hope that one day I will go to the site I found the story on and see an update. You also have to realize some people don't like to leave feedback, they just don't, I mean you can't make someone leave feedback even though they read the story.

    Please for those of us who are reading this whether its two or two hundred, finish this. You write very well, and this is a wonderful story, if you already have an ending planned in you rhead then just end it. So maybe you planned on another 10 more chap the then write another two or three more and tie things up, but don't just give up on it.

    This turned into a much longer little speech than I wanted, but you have to also understand the readers side of things too. Its hard to wait days and sometimes several weeks for an update to a story from some writers. If the story is good we wait and jump on every chapter we get. But then to find out one day after several weeks and maybe months of following a story that you had grown so fond of has just been left by the wayside, is just a complete let down.

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  • From ANON - VilkusGirl on September 01, 2004
    Love it, please do add more!
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  • From roxursoxoff on August 27, 2004
    Brilliant Story. I really enjoyed the Ending of Chapter sixteen where Lucius Said he had Unfinished Biz with Snape. I really hope that Nothing Terrible Happens to Snape tho. Great job and Update soon
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  • From ANON - notsosaintly on August 24, 2004
    You know, I truly love this story. I started reading it a while back and lost track only through frustration in accessing the aff site. Then--all of a sudden it popped up on Ashwinder. It took me a whole day to find out where I saw it last because I knew there had to be more, seeing as how I remembered what came next. :) Didn't want to take away the suspense for all your readers there so I decided to review here instead. I am most certainly interested in seeing more. -TT
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  • From ANON - ancientgirl on August 24, 2004
    Oh wow, that was certainly worth the wait! Great chapter. I'm so glad you were finally able to update this incredible story.

    But I think I'm going to have to read some of the back chapters, I'm confused. Didn't Severus do a total Obliviate on Lucius? I hope he at least isn't the same Lucius he was before. Maybe it was more like a personality improvement.
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . . on July 15, 2004
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  • From ANON - ancientgirl on July 08, 2004
    Loved the McGonnagal Flitwick reaction. I'm thinking that Lucius' memory wipe out could be a very good thing. Maybe Dumbledore can turn him around. Please update soon. I can't wait for thest two to finally get it on.
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  • From ANON - NightQueen on July 08, 2004
    WOW!! That was very well written!! The tension and excitement between Severus and Hermione was tangible!! The anticipation is Killing me!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
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  • From ANON - Deb >^..^< . on June 29, 2004
    CHAPTER FOURTEEN: IN THE WAKE... I do like the fact that you are leading in to their sharing each other & didn't just let them jump into things!!! I am looking forward to seeing just how good Severus makes her 1st experience!!! PLEAS email me when you post your next story!!! Til chapter 15, Deb >^..^
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  • From ANON - sharkdiver on June 23, 2004
    can't wait for more!! Lucius' punishment was great ;) can't wait for Sevvie and Hemione to get it on!!!
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  • From ANON - June on June 19, 2004
    I *love* what you did to Lucius!!! Exactly what he deserved. Please don't let Severus get caught. Looking forward to your last chapter and epilogue.
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